The census is coming up soon. Originally it was nothing more than a count, that the people would be represented with the proper number of representatives. However over the years it has evolved into more sensitive areas involving personal questions. Questions involving employment, gun ownership, racial status, sexual status, ect, ect. Places where the government clearly has no role, or business. In response to this growing infringement, we actually have a Lady take a stand.
Washington Times:
Rep. Michele Bachmann is a thought criminal
The Iran front.
US Senators vow help for Iran dissidents
"We take the side of the Iranian people to have human rights, to have the freedom that we deem universal," Quoth McCain....I find this incredibly amusing. Does anyone remember that time when McCain sang "bomb Iran" to the tune of that beach boys song...then later said he was proud of that? I think our good Senators plan to bomb Iran into Freedom. In some kind of twisted mind this makes perfect sence. Good thing we know that blowing people into vulture sized edible chunks... helps them.
The Fed...dun...dun..dunn
The Treasury auctions did go off without much fan fair this past week. The verdict...The Federal (Private) Reserve is eating the heart out of our Government. So, remember that the Fed is actually trying to get control over nearly every facet of business in our nation? Up to and including a hotdog stand in Barstow? Well Bernanke has had to face some tough questions...
Bernanke Grilling May Weaken Case for Expanded Powers
What is kind of scary, is that during these so called "grillings" Bernanke dropped a veiled threat on our heads for trying to get them Audited. Listen carefully:
If we do get them audited will it be the end of the world?
The Implosion
Bank Failure Friday claimed 5 more victems, we are now at 45 total failures this year. More to better believe it.
Five Banks Are Seized, Raising U.S. Failures This Year to 45
Currently the "experts" estimate that around 6.7 million folks are un-employed. This number is higher and will continue to grow, the system is broken.
Yahoo Finance:
New jobless claims rise unexpectedly to 627K
Why do they say unexpectedly? Its nuts! like this a surprise to some one.
China's central bank calls for super-sovereign currency
It is only a matter of time before China pulls out of our little game. Soon. This will come down us hard.
Welcome to Hell...I'm so glad its come to this, aren't you?
I hope you feel more informed. Keep preparing.
Better is the poor that walketh in his integrity, than he that is perverse in his lips, and is a fool.
With Love,
Joshua F.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Monday, June 22, 2009
The Fed is going for a power grab. The nature of this grab is control. The Federal (Private) reserve is attempting to subvert individual freedom.
Washington Post:
Federal Reserve to gain power under plan
Who will regulate the regulators?
Quote, "If all the bank loans were paid, no one could have a bank deposit, and there would not be a dollar of coin or currency in circulation. This is a staggering thought. We are completely dependent on the commercial Banks. Someone has to borrow every dollar we have in circulation, cash or credit. If the Banks create ample synthetic money we are prosperous; if not, we starve. We are absolutely without a permanent money system. When one gets a complete grasp of the picture, the tragic absurdity of our hopeless position is almost incredible, but there it is. IT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT SUBJECT intelligent persons can investigate and reflect upon. It is so important that our present civilization may collapse unless it becomes widely understood and the defects remedied very soon."
~~~Robert H. Hemphill, Credit Manager of the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Georgia
Judge Nepolitano breaking it down.
The Implosion continues:
Business Week:
Calif. jobless rate climbs to record 11.5 percent
1 in 9 are now officially un-employed. We both know this number is a conservative estimate.
This logically follows....
Wall Street Journal:
Numbers On Welfare See Sharp Increase
More folks have to go on to the doll just to live. As USA today let us know last week, about 1 in 6 dollars in circulation today are coming from the doll.
Who wants a government job?!?! Thats where we are going. Soon a great number of people will be working for the government. Otherwise there will be no alternative but poverty. Poverty or Freedom? If we aren't careful soon we will wake up in a state that is against everything that was American...and the dream will have never been even a dream.
CNN Money:
40 banks failures in 2009
This is like a game of dominoes, every bank that fails further de-stabilizes the system. I have no idea when this will hit critical mass. The consolidation continues.
Gains Pains:
China’s Got a New Currency…
China is snapping up resources like there is no tomorrow literally. Resources will be the new currency, if they aren't all ready.
Market Skeptics:
USDA Deliberately Misleading Investors To Hide Looming Food Shortage
This check is in the mail. I am anxious to see if COMEX will be able to fulfill its soybean contracts in the near term. If it cannot that may prove to be the little shove needed.
Be safe out there. Really enjoy the ones you love, this time thing seems to go by far to quickly.
There is a generation, whose teeth are as swords, and their jaw teeth as knives, to devour the poor from off the earth, and the needy from among men.
With Love,
Joshua F.
The Fed is going for a power grab. The nature of this grab is control. The Federal (Private) reserve is attempting to subvert individual freedom.
Washington Post:
Federal Reserve to gain power under plan
Who will regulate the regulators?
Quote, "If all the bank loans were paid, no one could have a bank deposit, and there would not be a dollar of coin or currency in circulation. This is a staggering thought. We are completely dependent on the commercial Banks. Someone has to borrow every dollar we have in circulation, cash or credit. If the Banks create ample synthetic money we are prosperous; if not, we starve. We are absolutely without a permanent money system. When one gets a complete grasp of the picture, the tragic absurdity of our hopeless position is almost incredible, but there it is. IT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT SUBJECT intelligent persons can investigate and reflect upon. It is so important that our present civilization may collapse unless it becomes widely understood and the defects remedied very soon."
~~~Robert H. Hemphill, Credit Manager of the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Georgia
Judge Nepolitano breaking it down.
The Implosion continues:
Business Week:
Calif. jobless rate climbs to record 11.5 percent
1 in 9 are now officially un-employed. We both know this number is a conservative estimate.
This logically follows....
Wall Street Journal:
Numbers On Welfare See Sharp Increase
More folks have to go on to the doll just to live. As USA today let us know last week, about 1 in 6 dollars in circulation today are coming from the doll.
Who wants a government job?!?! Thats where we are going. Soon a great number of people will be working for the government. Otherwise there will be no alternative but poverty. Poverty or Freedom? If we aren't careful soon we will wake up in a state that is against everything that was American...and the dream will have never been even a dream.
CNN Money:
40 banks failures in 2009
This is like a game of dominoes, every bank that fails further de-stabilizes the system. I have no idea when this will hit critical mass. The consolidation continues.
Gains Pains:
China’s Got a New Currency…
China is snapping up resources like there is no tomorrow literally. Resources will be the new currency, if they aren't all ready.
Market Skeptics:
USDA Deliberately Misleading Investors To Hide Looming Food Shortage
This check is in the mail. I am anxious to see if COMEX will be able to fulfill its soybean contracts in the near term. If it cannot that may prove to be the little shove needed.
Be safe out there. Really enjoy the ones you love, this time thing seems to go by far to quickly.
There is a generation, whose teeth are as swords, and their jaw teeth as knives, to devour the poor from off the earth, and the needy from among men.
With Love,
Joshua F.
Friday, June 19, 2009
The bond issue
California to miss budget deadline, "meltdown" nears
The state of California is broke as a joke and not half as funny. Commissar Schwarzenegger went to the Federal government for a bailout. Though it was rejected...Reason? If the Treasury bails out California, it will have to bailout other states. 41 States are facing "budget shortfalls" aka no money.
Obama To California: Drop Dead
So our government will bail-out banks, but not states...How neat.
Bonds, lots of Bonds.
Suitcase With $134 Billion Puts Dollar on Edge
This is the most fascinating scandal yet. Two Japanese nationals were caught going from Italy to Switzerland, with 134 Billion Dollars in US bonds...If the bonds are real and not counterfeit, then that makes these two, the US's 4th Largest creditor after China, Russia, and Japan. They were trying to get into the freeport of Chiassco. The Freeports in Switzerland are legal no-man's land. They are places filled with exotic art, gold, ancient artifact, weapon, and drug traders. All transactions occur via a third party, they are veritable treasure troves.
Sooo. If the Bonds are real, then it looks like Japan was trying to dump its bond holdings privately. If the Bonds are fake, then some one has got some nuts. Both cases are bad for the dollar. 1. Huge amounts of counterfeit notes floating around could prove disastrous. 2. Anyone dumping that amount in US bonds, would shake the bond market to its core.
Either way this is an interesting development.
Market Watch:
Traders prep for $104 billion in auctions next week
Remember, we have to sell around 200billion bucks in bonds every month to finance our 2 trillion buckeroo deficit.. The Fed has continued to buy treasuries, because they have to. If these auctions don't go off well we will be in trouble fast. Since March the Fed has bought around 170billion in bonds from the treasury. That means, that the FED created around 170billion to buy US debt. The collateral on these bonds is you, me and any children we may or may not have.
The Fed has bought nearly $170 billion Treasurys since it kicked off the buying program in late March
Lets be realistic, how long can they keep this up? They can keep printing the money....right? Right into oblivion. Weird eh? The implications are fearful to contemplate.
Interesting side notes:
Wall Street Journal:
Google Invests $2.6 Million in Genetics Company
USA Today:
Drugs found in drinking water
Icelandic Demolition man. They were going to take his home, sooo he decided he'd have the last laugh. That and Icelandic sounds neat, its really close to old norse. An interesting side-note, modern Norwegians can't read and understand their ancient chronicles without a dictionary, (like us trying to read middle english) but Icelanders have no problem. They were isolated linguistically that long ago. Fascinating eh?
The heart knoweth his own bitterness; and a stranger doth not intermeddle with his joy.
With Love,
Joshua F.
California to miss budget deadline, "meltdown" nears
The state of California is broke as a joke and not half as funny. Commissar Schwarzenegger went to the Federal government for a bailout. Though it was rejected...Reason? If the Treasury bails out California, it will have to bailout other states. 41 States are facing "budget shortfalls" aka no money.
Obama To California: Drop Dead
So our government will bail-out banks, but not states...How neat.
Bonds, lots of Bonds.
Suitcase With $134 Billion Puts Dollar on Edge
This is the most fascinating scandal yet. Two Japanese nationals were caught going from Italy to Switzerland, with 134 Billion Dollars in US bonds...If the bonds are real and not counterfeit, then that makes these two, the US's 4th Largest creditor after China, Russia, and Japan. They were trying to get into the freeport of Chiassco. The Freeports in Switzerland are legal no-man's land. They are places filled with exotic art, gold, ancient artifact, weapon, and drug traders. All transactions occur via a third party, they are veritable treasure troves.
Sooo. If the Bonds are real, then it looks like Japan was trying to dump its bond holdings privately. If the Bonds are fake, then some one has got some nuts. Both cases are bad for the dollar. 1. Huge amounts of counterfeit notes floating around could prove disastrous. 2. Anyone dumping that amount in US bonds, would shake the bond market to its core.
Either way this is an interesting development.
Market Watch:
Traders prep for $104 billion in auctions next week
Remember, we have to sell around 200billion bucks in bonds every month to finance our 2 trillion buckeroo deficit.. The Fed has continued to buy treasuries, because they have to. If these auctions don't go off well we will be in trouble fast. Since March the Fed has bought around 170billion in bonds from the treasury. That means, that the FED created around 170billion to buy US debt. The collateral on these bonds is you, me and any children we may or may not have.
The Fed has bought nearly $170 billion Treasurys since it kicked off the buying program in late March
Lets be realistic, how long can they keep this up? They can keep printing the money....right? Right into oblivion. Weird eh? The implications are fearful to contemplate.
Interesting side notes:
Wall Street Journal:
Google Invests $2.6 Million in Genetics Company
USA Today:
Drugs found in drinking water
Icelandic Demolition man. They were going to take his home, sooo he decided he'd have the last laugh. That and Icelandic sounds neat, its really close to old norse. An interesting side-note, modern Norwegians can't read and understand their ancient chronicles without a dictionary, (like us trying to read middle english) but Icelanders have no problem. They were isolated linguistically that long ago. Fascinating eh?
The heart knoweth his own bitterness; and a stranger doth not intermeddle with his joy.
With Love,
Joshua F.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
News, I wish it was the good ship lolly-pop.
Indicators of the Onslaught:
U.S. Foreclosure Filings Top 300,000 as Bank Seizures Loom
This a big wonderful country, the crash is slow and painful. I recommend Kenny Roger's music.
Americans' wealth drops $1.3 trillion
Thats right 1,300,000,000,000
Investor's Business Daily:
$1,000,000,000,000 In 8 Months
Quote, "Congress was considering legislation that would authorize the debt ceiling of the U.S. to exceed $1 trillion for the first time in history. "
Its very strange how this is unfolding you and I both learn more everyday. Remember the Baltic Dry Index plunge? This is still in play, its just taken longer to wind down than I ever thought. Shortages are coming.
Market Skeptics:
California Leads Nation to Bond Default Abyss
Good News!
HR 1207 is heading for the Floor!
Breaking News: Ron Paul’s HR1207 Gets House Majority Co-sponsorship
Heaven's to Betsey! The Fed is actually hiring lobbyists to fight this.
Wall Street Journal:
Fed to Hire Lobbyist as Overhaul Push Looms
I'm sure this won't stop here, these crooks are vicious. I feel that they'll do what ever it takes to keep control and secrecy over our money supply. Its like the ring of power, literally.
The Pandemic:
They called level 6. We knew this was going to happen eventually. This scale is specifically used to adjust our fear level.
The implications of level 6 are what we need to be wary of.
Readying Americans for Dangerous, Mandatory Vaccinations
The people of the world have eyes on the US, specifically us its citizens. We are the vanguard for what is left of the free people of the World. However far we fall, however much control and tyranny we accept, they know it will be their lot as well. Freedom, real Freedom is our responsibility to the world and to those yet to come.
That which hath been is now; and that which is to be hath already been; and God requireth that which is past.
With Love,
Joshua F.
Indicators of the Onslaught:
U.S. Foreclosure Filings Top 300,000 as Bank Seizures Loom
This a big wonderful country, the crash is slow and painful. I recommend Kenny Roger's music.
Americans' wealth drops $1.3 trillion
Thats right 1,300,000,000,000
Investor's Business Daily:
$1,000,000,000,000 In 8 Months
Quote, "Congress was considering legislation that would authorize the debt ceiling of the U.S. to exceed $1 trillion for the first time in history. "
Its very strange how this is unfolding you and I both learn more everyday. Remember the Baltic Dry Index plunge? This is still in play, its just taken longer to wind down than I ever thought. Shortages are coming.
Market Skeptics:
California Leads Nation to Bond Default Abyss
Good News!
HR 1207 is heading for the Floor!
Breaking News: Ron Paul’s HR1207 Gets House Majority Co-sponsorship
Heaven's to Betsey! The Fed is actually hiring lobbyists to fight this.
Wall Street Journal:
Fed to Hire Lobbyist as Overhaul Push Looms
I'm sure this won't stop here, these crooks are vicious. I feel that they'll do what ever it takes to keep control and secrecy over our money supply. Its like the ring of power, literally.
The Pandemic:
They called level 6. We knew this was going to happen eventually. This scale is specifically used to adjust our fear level.
The implications of level 6 are what we need to be wary of.
Readying Americans for Dangerous, Mandatory Vaccinations
The people of the world have eyes on the US, specifically us its citizens. We are the vanguard for what is left of the free people of the World. However far we fall, however much control and tyranny we accept, they know it will be their lot as well. Freedom, real Freedom is our responsibility to the world and to those yet to come.
That which hath been is now; and that which is to be hath already been; and God requireth that which is past.
With Love,
Joshua F.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
What are they doing??
Hello Folks,
There is more at work here than market manipulation over at Comex. Since becoming aware of the bond market, and really looking into that. I have concluded that this mess is soo massive, I'm not sure that anyone can contemplate its full implications.
See, we fiance our debt by selling bonds. A 2 trillion dollar deficit means that 2 trillion dollars worth of bonds have to be sold. This works out to around 200 billion or so a MONTH. They can't sell all of this debt. Soo, the Fed has been buying these bonds, and they will have to buy more and more and more. If the Fed didn't everything would collapse. Interest rates will come up, they have to. So we are in the weird spot of being damned both ways.
Market Skeptics:
THE HORROR, Bond traders are white with terror
Fed’s Dollar Lie Called Out by Germany
We have no idea what these people are doing with OUR Future. This Madness! Everything is not ok, and what is happening will change our lives forever.
This must be stopped immediately. I hate to be pessimistic but, its probably too late. House Resolution 1207 is crucial to finding out what is happening, if this doesn't get passed and passed soon we may never find out. I am pleased to announce it has 190 co-sponsors, if we can get 212 co-sponsors, then the sucker is passed!
HR 1207
The assault on the middle class continues:
USA today:
Bankruptcy filings rise to 6,000 a day
Loss Of Second Amendment
Closer Than You Think
^We can't let what happened to the British people happen to us.
Meltdown 101: Unemployment by the numbers
Quote, "How can the unemployment rate increase so sharply even as monthly job losses drop by half?"
Good question.
Just creepy things:
Network World:
US shells out $10M for unmanned aircraft that can perch like a bird
National Level Exercise 2009
Be safe out there. I think we have 2 or 3 months. We are really at the mercy of a few jerks, so there is no telling really. You know what to do =). I'll keep you appraised.
Hast thou found honey? eat so much as is sufficient for thee, lest thou be filled therewith, and vomit it.
With Love,
Joshua F.
There is more at work here than market manipulation over at Comex. Since becoming aware of the bond market, and really looking into that. I have concluded that this mess is soo massive, I'm not sure that anyone can contemplate its full implications.
See, we fiance our debt by selling bonds. A 2 trillion dollar deficit means that 2 trillion dollars worth of bonds have to be sold. This works out to around 200 billion or so a MONTH. They can't sell all of this debt. Soo, the Fed has been buying these bonds, and they will have to buy more and more and more. If the Fed didn't everything would collapse. Interest rates will come up, they have to. So we are in the weird spot of being damned both ways.
Market Skeptics:
THE HORROR, Bond traders are white with terror
Fed’s Dollar Lie Called Out by Germany
We have no idea what these people are doing with OUR Future. This Madness! Everything is not ok, and what is happening will change our lives forever.
This must be stopped immediately. I hate to be pessimistic but, its probably too late. House Resolution 1207 is crucial to finding out what is happening, if this doesn't get passed and passed soon we may never find out. I am pleased to announce it has 190 co-sponsors, if we can get 212 co-sponsors, then the sucker is passed!
HR 1207
The assault on the middle class continues:
USA today:
Bankruptcy filings rise to 6,000 a day
Loss Of Second Amendment
Closer Than You Think
^We can't let what happened to the British people happen to us.
Meltdown 101: Unemployment by the numbers
Quote, "How can the unemployment rate increase so sharply even as monthly job losses drop by half?"
Good question.
Just creepy things:
Network World:
US shells out $10M for unmanned aircraft that can perch like a bird
National Level Exercise 2009
Be safe out there. I think we have 2 or 3 months. We are really at the mercy of a few jerks, so there is no telling really. You know what to do =). I'll keep you appraised.
Hast thou found honey? eat so much as is sufficient for thee, lest thou be filled therewith, and vomit it.
With Love,
Joshua F.
Friday, June 5, 2009
Interest in interest
News of Note:
The Dollar demise:
The Australian:
Malaysia, China consider ending use of dollar for trade
They certainly will. The strange sense of denial surrounding the dollar as an invincible reserve currency is just sad.
U.S. dollar 'seriously overvalued'
Quote, "China has again begun to ride the dollar down,"
We don't make anything anymore. Our real economy is crippled. The whole flipping thing is a lie.
USA Today:
1 of every 6 dollars of Americans' income is government check or voucher
This is ludicrous. Can you smell socialism yet?
Market Watch:
Consumer debt plunges by $15.7 billion in April
Less credit? Oh my! Debt is credit. Credit is debt. We need debt. We need you to be in debt.
Bank Failure Friday:
The List
We are now up to 37 just this year.
FDIC gives up on Silverton Bank
Silverton Bank was one of the few "banker's banks" in the country. The Fdic couldn't find a buyer, so now it will cease to be... This is a sign, and a very very bad one.
Quote, "Altogether, Silverton conducted business with about 1,400 community banks in 44 states."
The writing is on the wall.
The State of Alabama is failing. It has begun in the county of Alabama.
Alabama County Set to Halt Services, Shut Buildings Over Budget
Free Republic:
41 US States Face Bankruptcy In 2009
During the last great depression States were not going bankrupt. We don't have much time. It really won't take much to kill this illusion that everything is fine. Once we go over the edge, there won't be any coming back.
This little video goes along way in explaining the bond market. It is the very back-bone of "the market". It sheds light on the last Civil war, and what happened to Argentina in '89. This is a huge part of our current situation. History my friend:
And it shall come to pass in the day that the LORD shall give thee rest from thy sorrow, and from thy fear, and from the hard bondage wherein thou wast made to serve,
With Love,
Joshua F.
News of Note:
The Dollar demise:
The Australian:
Malaysia, China consider ending use of dollar for trade
They certainly will. The strange sense of denial surrounding the dollar as an invincible reserve currency is just sad.
U.S. dollar 'seriously overvalued'
Quote, "China has again begun to ride the dollar down,"
We don't make anything anymore. Our real economy is crippled. The whole flipping thing is a lie.
USA Today:
1 of every 6 dollars of Americans' income is government check or voucher
This is ludicrous. Can you smell socialism yet?
Market Watch:
Consumer debt plunges by $15.7 billion in April
Less credit? Oh my! Debt is credit. Credit is debt. We need debt. We need you to be in debt.
Bank Failure Friday:
The List
We are now up to 37 just this year.
FDIC gives up on Silverton Bank
Silverton Bank was one of the few "banker's banks" in the country. The Fdic couldn't find a buyer, so now it will cease to be... This is a sign, and a very very bad one.
Quote, "Altogether, Silverton conducted business with about 1,400 community banks in 44 states."
The writing is on the wall.
The State of Alabama is failing. It has begun in the county of Alabama.
Alabama County Set to Halt Services, Shut Buildings Over Budget
Free Republic:
41 US States Face Bankruptcy In 2009
During the last great depression States were not going bankrupt. We don't have much time. It really won't take much to kill this illusion that everything is fine. Once we go over the edge, there won't be any coming back.
This little video goes along way in explaining the bond market. It is the very back-bone of "the market". It sheds light on the last Civil war, and what happened to Argentina in '89. This is a huge part of our current situation. History my friend:
And it shall come to pass in the day that the LORD shall give thee rest from thy sorrow, and from thy fear, and from the hard bondage wherein thou wast made to serve,
With Love,
Joshua F.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Tumble weeds
Hey Folks,
Update of the Onslaught on the Middle Class
Jobless rates in U.S. cities zoom higher in April
Wall Street Journal:
Private employers cut 532,000 jobs in May
World Bank President Robert Zoellick Warns Stimulus ‘Sugar High’ Won’t Stem Unemployment
They say the consumer confidence index is up. Thats a bunch of bologna. Obviously they are not aware of people loosing their jobs, and or going bankrupt. When you don't have any currency, you aren't going to go on any shopping sprees.
Rising interest rates could threaten recovery
Quote "Who’s going to buy all this paper? And if demand dries up, how much higher will interest rates have to go to attract new buyers?
See, the Treasury & Fed are caught in a real ugly position. They want to keep interest rates down as far as possible to free up credit. However NO one wants to buy any treasuries that make next to nothing. Answer, the FED will have to keep buying more treasuries. The system will continue to eat itself. When this thing comes down its going to come down with a vengeance. We can assume its purposeful.
Keep preparing yourself.
Abhorrent and Abominable...
U.S. Will Pay $2.6 Million to Train Chinese Prostitutes to Drink Responsibly on the Job
^I'd laugh if this wasn't so wretched. Your taxes at work, keeping the hookers in China sober!
Hurricane Katrina victims still in Trailers
Make you sick?
Marine Recruiter used 14 year old girl to entice recruits
What kind of world is this?
Our Vice President confronted with some tough questions:
The Ruski view on US:
American capitalism gone with a whimper
Quote, "First, the population was dumbed down through a politicized and substandard education system based on pop culture, rather then the classics. Americans know more about their favorite TV dramas then the drama in DC that directly affects their lives."
Except you, and I. Its good to know your not alone. I'm happy to announce that House Resolution 1207, now has 182 co-sponsors. Lets hope at least one good thing gets rammed through congress this year. We NEED answers.
How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!
With Love,
Joshua F.
Update of the Onslaught on the Middle Class
Jobless rates in U.S. cities zoom higher in April
Wall Street Journal:
Private employers cut 532,000 jobs in May
World Bank President Robert Zoellick Warns Stimulus ‘Sugar High’ Won’t Stem Unemployment
They say the consumer confidence index is up. Thats a bunch of bologna. Obviously they are not aware of people loosing their jobs, and or going bankrupt. When you don't have any currency, you aren't going to go on any shopping sprees.
Rising interest rates could threaten recovery
Quote "Who’s going to buy all this paper? And if demand dries up, how much higher will interest rates have to go to attract new buyers?
See, the Treasury & Fed are caught in a real ugly position. They want to keep interest rates down as far as possible to free up credit. However NO one wants to buy any treasuries that make next to nothing. Answer, the FED will have to keep buying more treasuries. The system will continue to eat itself. When this thing comes down its going to come down with a vengeance. We can assume its purposeful.
Keep preparing yourself.
Abhorrent and Abominable...
U.S. Will Pay $2.6 Million to Train Chinese Prostitutes to Drink Responsibly on the Job
^I'd laugh if this wasn't so wretched. Your taxes at work, keeping the hookers in China sober!
Hurricane Katrina victims still in Trailers
Make you sick?
Marine Recruiter used 14 year old girl to entice recruits
What kind of world is this?
Our Vice President confronted with some tough questions:
The Ruski view on US:
American capitalism gone with a whimper
Quote, "First, the population was dumbed down through a politicized and substandard education system based on pop culture, rather then the classics. Americans know more about their favorite TV dramas then the drama in DC that directly affects their lives."
Except you, and I. Its good to know your not alone. I'm happy to announce that House Resolution 1207, now has 182 co-sponsors. Lets hope at least one good thing gets rammed through congress this year. We NEED answers.
How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!
With Love,
Joshua F.
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