This martial law thing got me itching to learn more. As it turns out this word has duel meanings which just makes the usage of it more dangerous. Needless to say, even Martial Law declared inside the House is a very dismal thing. Here is an article about this happening in '06:
House leadership invokes "Martial Law"
Basically its a way to get Bills rammed through without careful study and consideration.
I hope this makes you feel better, it didn't for me. This is still extremely important to our Nation as a whole. This is something we all need to continue to keep a keen eye on.
On ward. Homeland security is extending the "buffer zone" to include 100miles from the borders:
Homeland Security: Respect civil rights
Allmost 1 in 10 people living in Florida are on foodstamps now, I'm sure this will spread like wild fire:
Palm Beach Post
Oh and what the "pros" say over at cnbc:
Employment Collapse
This is an interesting little article, I really like this guy at marketskeptics. This gentleman keeps our economy on the global perspective. It looks like China is going to get stuck with all of our debt and Russia's debt. Simply to keep their currency weak so they can continue to sell us plastic junk stamped out at 2 cents a unit, or will they?
Russia's trade deficit forces China to buy dollars
Ah yess and Mr. Schiff's latest video clips, the man has a gift for explaining things:
Dec 25 on the Auto Collapse:
Dec 29 part Uno:
Dec 29 part Duo:
Money as Debt video links, if you haven't seen this, you should check it out:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
The fact of the matter is that we as a society and the world cannot continue to operate on a debt system. The system that is currently in place is sinful, and cannot last. Until we get this sorted out there is no "bottom". Enjoy the wonderful day today, we'll be better off in the end. The love of creation is allways with us, we are expressions of this unfathomable creativity.
Let us be thankful for the fools. But for them the rest of us could not succeed.~Twain
As a dog returneth to his vomit, so a fool returneth to his folly.
haha food for thought.
~Much Love
Josh F.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
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Good god good job~