Saturday, September 26, 2009

The Shots

Greetings everyone. I have been looking over alot of information concerning the new H1N1 vaccination. There has been much talk about it in the news, so I decided to compile some resources here. I hope you all do your own homework on any injection you may consider taking.

There is always a risk to any benefit. All risks and benefits must be considered before an educated decision can be made.

This is a great web-site that illuminates the facts. It is all referenced.

What’s in the regular flu shot?

Quote, "In a review of more than 51 studies involving more than 294,000 children it was found there was "no evidence that injecting children 6-24 months of age with a flu shot was any more effective than placebo. In children over 2 yrs, it was only effective 33% of the time in preventing the flu."

Reference: "Vaccines for preventing influenza in healthy children." The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 2 (2008).

Makers of H1N1 vaccine Refuse to take it


The way the vaccine is constructed is unpleasant to say the least. The companies associated with this process especially Dyncorp are extremely untrustworthy. Dyncorp is a military contractor.


Baxter itself was not only caught distributing live virus it is openly admitted by the World Health organization as policy.

World Health Organization's Website

Quote, "Also in Europe, some manufacturers have conducted advance studies using a so-called “mock-up” vaccine. Mock-up vaccines contain an active ingredient for an influenza virus that has not circulated recently in human populations and thus mimics the novelty of a pandemic virus. Such advance studies can greatly expedite regulatory approval."

Baxter: Product contained live bird flu virus

Quote, "The contamination incident, which is being investigated by the four European countries, came to light when the subcontractor in the Czech Republic inoculated ferrets with the product and they died. Ferrets shouldn’t die from exposure to human H3N2 flu viruses."

This bothers me. We are lucky some one tested this vaccine on ferrets first.


This is nothing new either. These companies don't really care about your well-being as much as they care about the bottom

Is this ok?

Fox News Yesterday:


The chances of dying from the swine flu are currently lower than that of dying from the regular flu. How many people do we have to vaccinate to save one life? Think about it. In 1976 there was a swine flu outbreak and the vaccine killed more people than the actual flu did.

1. We know the shots contain thimerosal. Thimerosal is a mercury containing compound. Mercury is a known neuro-toxin. Would you take an injection of lead? Even if some expert told you that lead was good?

2. Even under the best of circumstances, a vaccine is like flipping a coin and does not guarantee immunity.

3. The corporations that are making the vaccine are after money. They are motivated purely by profit.

Now Legal Immunity for Swine flu Vaccine Makers

4. With legal immunity granted to the vaccine companies, there is no recourse what-so-ever if the vaccine itself damages your person.

Vaccines in the recent past have had live viruses mixed into them. This is morally reprehensible.


I hope this has shed a little bit more light on the issue. Most folks seem to care more about what they eat than what is injected directly into their bloodstream. We are adults and we all have the power to decide what is best for us. Your best doctor and personal expert is you. Information is simply information, any one/thing trying to frighten you is trying to control you in some way.

In my opinion...I will not be taking the shots. At best its a giant ploy to make billions. At worst it could be used to set the president to make vaccinations mandatory. Even if the vaccine is good, which it may very well be, no one should be required to take any injection. Down the road we may be required to take more injections, effectively giving the government the power to inject us with whatever they want whenever they want. If we do not have the right to say "no thank you" then we are not free. Our bodies are the last line of personal control. We are not animals. Our rights as free people are endowed to us by the creator of the universe, and can't be taken away. We can only be tricked out of them.

Proverbs 11:12
He that is void of wisdom despiseth his neighbour: but a man of understanding holdeth his peace.

With Love,

Joshua F.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Change in Focus

Hey Folks, Summer has been great. Tomorrow is the first day of the fall semester and I am very excited. The news has been very much the same. More banks have been closing, we are up to 81 thus far. The dollar is going to collapse, I wish I knew when. It could happen next month or a year from now. I doubt it will be a doomsday scenario, however people will die. Codex Alimentarius goes into place at the end of this year, and if that alone doesn't bother you, then I would say your not human.

I have been thinking, alot. I think now I formulated a better plan to raise awareness of these major issues. I am going to shift my focus here to the local level and do my very best to let folks know and organize some discussion. I'm not sure what I'll what I'll do with this blog spot, but I feel that I will use this one for more personal thoughts and conclusions I draw. I will make sure that you guys get links to the new site.

It won't be as news oriented. It will be about getting basic factual information about events we must face, and how best to deal with them. My major points of focus will be:

A: Our nation's monetary situation and the implications

B: Our food supply. Specifically Codex, GMO food/"food equivalents", and global food shortage

C: Our basic inalienable rights

There are periphery issues that are just as important. This is where my focus will start though. Things are changing so fast it makes my head spin. I learn so much everyday.

It will take me a few days to get everything put together and cited. Once I am done with the first stage of this project I will link this page to that. I have a good feeling about this endeavor.

In the mean time if you would like non-public relations and propaganda for the news, I recommend

What really

and these radio programs by Alan Watt. He is beholden to no company or person, and he posts his broadcasts for free. The information in these programs is invaluable.

Alan Watt's Show

Or there is always good old Alex Jones, but he may get on on your nerves after a while, he is an intense character. His information is 95% correct, and even if you think he is exaggerating, he isn't.

Prison Planet


In the mean time, get and stay healthy. Keep a solid supply of stored food. Remember that what ever happens to anyone of us, happens to us as a whole. Get a good water filtration system. Eat lots of pie. Enjoy the days, and folks your with.

A fool hath no delight in understanding, unless his heart may discover itself.

Love you guys!

Josh F.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Life in the Nest

Greetings Folks, this past week has been very interesting. The only conclusion I can draw is that we live in a kookoos nest.

Bank Failure Friday claims its victims.

U.S. regulators close seven small banks

We are up to 64 this year.

Washington Post:
Bankruptcy Filings up 33 Percent

Foreclosure Filings in U.S. Reach Record 1.5 Million

Everyday its very strange for me to see the de-coupling of reality with what are generally accepted as "markers" of our economy. For example the stock market recently breached 9,000. This in no way reflects whats really going on anymore.

LA Times:
Despair flows as fields go dry and unemployment rises

Charlotte Observer:
Jobless benefits run out in record numbers

In my opinion this tossing around recession vs depression is all semantics. The fact of the matter being that this situation we have/are backing ourselves into has no real practical solutions. Except possibly raising taxes somewhere between 70-90% and creating a socialist state. This seems to be the path we are on. I'm hard pressed to see many other "official" solutions. The debt we are creating is extravagantly huge, even with taxes at 70% on everyone, we will be hard pressed to even make payments on the interest. Forget everything else. So remember the Federal (private) Reserve owns us, and our children's children now. They want us in debt, for them it is more leverage on us.

The guesstimate on our debt here:

Crisis Tally Made Easy: On the Road Towards $23.7 Trillion!

So what does our lord protector Ben Bernanke have to say?

Fed Chairman Sees Possibility Of 'Jobless' Recovery

A jobless recovery eh? So now you may chuckle sardonically. We know what this means...Some one is getting shafted, wait everyone is getting shafted...unless your a banker, or a bankers pet. I hope we can all enjoy some more jobless recovery.


On The Lighter Side:

California Passed a Budget, which means...we are selling a kidney to buy some more hooch. Its a great idea.

A new phenomenon has been noticed recently.

Wired Science:
Glowing Clouds Appear Across America’s Night Skies

Safe to say, I feel this phenomenon has nothing to do with what we call "global warming". However they are quite beautiful.

Be safe out there.

So are the ways of every one that is greedy of gain; which taketh away the life of the owners thereof.

With Love,

Joshua F.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

The Big Payback

Hey folks its been a while. Its getting rough out there. So lets get down like James Brown.

Our Blood Loss:

Jobless rate rises to 26-year high

^The Records continue.

CNN Money:
Credit delinquencies hit record high

Debt Slavery delinquency.

Delinquencies on U.S. Home-Equity Loans Reach Record

Honey, have you ever considered Hotel living?

Americans swap homes for hotels as recession bites

The IOU is in the mail, we promise.

San Fran Business:
Big banks to cut off California IOUs

California is about to eat it, and hard. If your dependent in any way on the Great State of California, figure something out now. The Golden State is not golden any longer.

Chicago Tribune:
What's the bid for a California IOU? More than a Confederate dollar?

Some banks will take them for now...don't count on this lasting.

LA Times:
Bank of the West, Citibank to keep accepting California IOUs


Propaganda of Note:

We need this?


Our Bill hr: 1207 to get the monster that is the Federal Reserve audited is being blocked in the senate. The Senate is using a rule called rule 16. Which states the senate does not legislate on appropriation bills, which is a lie. However we have a Man that takes a stand and points this out in detail. DeMint standing up for us.

We have to get the Fed audited, if we don't these crooks will continue to destruct our entire system. It seems to me, that we are going to face tough times either way. The onion is, whether or not we will continue to victimized for profit. If congress does get the bill passed to audit the FED I have no doubt that our monetary masters will crash the economy. They will do anything to maintain control over our blood, sweat, and tears.

We don't need a run for profit bank to control our country and our very lives. How about the congress prints its own currency (ie like the constitution says) and then gives it to us. If interest must be charged to run services then have it be 2-3% heck even 5%. The government should be making some money. This perpetual debt slavery is in-sane, and it doesn't have to be this way. Nor should it. You aren't sick of scratching each others eyes out or banging your head against the wall to exist yet?


Interesting Things:

This is great, make some money off of our prison of greed! My new favorite ETF!

Gulag Wealth Fund

This is a good talk, about our future, and what we are doing to ourselves now. Understanding GMO. Don't put that in your mouth!

Be safe out there. Remember you decide what your life is. You change the way you think, and you change the world you live in.

A gift is as a precious stone in the eyes of him that hath it: whithersoever it turneth, it prospereth.

With Love,

Joshua F.

Saturday, June 27, 2009



The census is coming up soon. Originally it was nothing more than a count, that the people would be represented with the proper number of representatives. However over the years it has evolved into more sensitive areas involving personal questions. Questions involving employment, gun ownership, racial status, sexual status, ect, ect. Places where the government clearly has no role, or business. In response to this growing infringement, we actually have a Lady take a stand.

Washington Times:
Rep. Michele Bachmann is a thought criminal


The Iran front.

US Senators vow help for Iran dissidents

"We take the side of the Iranian people to have human rights, to have the freedom that we deem universal," Quoth McCain....I find this incredibly amusing. Does anyone remember that time when McCain sang "bomb Iran" to the tune of that beach boys song...then later said he was proud of that? I think our good Senators plan to bomb Iran into Freedom. In some kind of twisted mind this makes perfect sence. Good thing we know that blowing people into vulture sized edible chunks... helps them.


The Fed...dun...dun..dunn

The Treasury auctions did go off without much fan fair this past week. The verdict...The Federal (Private) Reserve is eating the heart out of our Government. So, remember that the Fed is actually trying to get control over nearly every facet of business in our nation? Up to and including a hotdog stand in Barstow? Well Bernanke has had to face some tough questions...

Bernanke Grilling May Weaken Case for Expanded Powers

What is kind of scary, is that during these so called "grillings" Bernanke dropped a veiled threat on our heads for trying to get them Audited. Listen carefully:

If we do get them audited will it be the end of the world?


The Implosion

Bank Failure Friday claimed 5 more victems, we are now at 45 total failures this year. More to better believe it.

Five Banks Are Seized, Raising U.S. Failures This Year to 45

Currently the "experts" estimate that around 6.7 million folks are un-employed. This number is higher and will continue to grow, the system is broken.

Yahoo Finance:
New jobless claims rise unexpectedly to 627K

Why do they say unexpectedly? Its nuts! like this a surprise to some one.

China's central bank calls for super-sovereign currency

It is only a matter of time before China pulls out of our little game. Soon. This will come down us hard.


Welcome to Hell...I'm so glad its come to this, aren't you?

I hope you feel more informed. Keep preparing.

Better is the poor that walketh in his integrity, than he that is perverse in his lips, and is a fool.

With Love,

Joshua F.

Monday, June 22, 2009



The Fed is going for a power grab. The nature of this grab is control. The Federal (Private) reserve is attempting to subvert individual freedom.

Washington Post:
Federal Reserve to gain power under plan

Who will regulate the regulators?

Quote, "If all the bank loans were paid, no one could have a bank deposit, and there would not be a dollar of coin or currency in circulation. This is a staggering thought. We are completely dependent on the commercial Banks. Someone has to borrow every dollar we have in circulation, cash or credit. If the Banks create ample synthetic money we are prosperous; if not, we starve. We are absolutely without a permanent money system. When one gets a complete grasp of the picture, the tragic absurdity of our hopeless position is almost incredible, but there it is. IT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT SUBJECT intelligent persons can investigate and reflect upon. It is so important that our present civilization may collapse unless it becomes widely understood and the defects remedied very soon."

~~~Robert H. Hemphill, Credit Manager of the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Georgia

Judge Nepolitano breaking it down.


The Implosion continues:

Business Week:
Calif. jobless rate climbs to record 11.5 percent
1 in 9 are now officially un-employed. We both know this number is a conservative estimate.

This logically follows....

Wall Street Journal:
Numbers On Welfare See Sharp Increase
More folks have to go on to the doll just to live. As USA today let us know last week, about 1 in 6 dollars in circulation today are coming from the doll.

Who wants a government job?!?! Thats where we are going. Soon a great number of people will be working for the government. Otherwise there will be no alternative but poverty. Poverty or Freedom? If we aren't careful soon we will wake up in a state that is against everything that was American...and the dream will have never been even a dream.

CNN Money:
40 banks failures in 2009
This is like a game of dominoes, every bank that fails further de-stabilizes the system. I have no idea when this will hit critical mass. The consolidation continues.

Gains Pains:
China’s Got a New Currency…
China is snapping up resources like there is no tomorrow literally. Resources will be the new currency, if they aren't all ready.

Market Skeptics:
USDA Deliberately Misleading Investors To Hide Looming Food Shortage
This check is in the mail. I am anxious to see if COMEX will be able to fulfill its soybean contracts in the near term. If it cannot that may prove to be the little shove needed.

Be safe out there. Really enjoy the ones you love, this time thing seems to go by far to quickly.

There is a generation, whose teeth are as swords, and their jaw teeth as knives, to devour the poor from off the earth, and the needy from among men.

With Love,

Joshua F.

Friday, June 19, 2009

The bond issue


California to miss budget deadline, "meltdown" nears

The state of California is broke as a joke and not half as funny. Commissar Schwarzenegger went to the Federal government for a bailout. Though it was rejected...Reason? If the Treasury bails out California, it will have to bailout other states. 41 States are facing "budget shortfalls" aka no money.

Obama To California: Drop Dead

So our government will bail-out banks, but not states...How neat.


Bonds, lots of Bonds.

Suitcase With $134 Billion Puts Dollar on Edge

This is the most fascinating scandal yet. Two Japanese nationals were caught going from Italy to Switzerland, with 134 Billion Dollars in US bonds...If the bonds are real and not counterfeit, then that makes these two, the US's 4th Largest creditor after China, Russia, and Japan. They were trying to get into the freeport of Chiassco. The Freeports in Switzerland are legal no-man's land. They are places filled with exotic art, gold, ancient artifact, weapon, and drug traders. All transactions occur via a third party, they are veritable treasure troves.

Sooo. If the Bonds are real, then it looks like Japan was trying to dump its bond holdings privately. If the Bonds are fake, then some one has got some nuts. Both cases are bad for the dollar. 1. Huge amounts of counterfeit notes floating around could prove disastrous. 2. Anyone dumping that amount in US bonds, would shake the bond market to its core.

Either way this is an interesting development.

Market Watch:
Traders prep for $104 billion in auctions next week

Remember, we have to sell around 200billion bucks in bonds every month to finance our 2 trillion buckeroo deficit.. The Fed has continued to buy treasuries, because they have to. If these auctions don't go off well we will be in trouble fast. Since March the Fed has bought around 170billion in bonds from the treasury. That means, that the FED created around 170billion to buy US debt. The collateral on these bonds is you, me and any children we may or may not have.

The Fed has bought nearly $170 billion Treasurys since it kicked off the buying program in late March

Lets be realistic, how long can they keep this up? They can keep printing the money....right? Right into oblivion. Weird eh? The implications are fearful to contemplate.


Interesting side notes:

Wall Street Journal:
Google Invests $2.6 Million in Genetics Company

USA Today:
Drugs found in drinking water

Icelandic Demolition man. They were going to take his home, sooo he decided he'd have the last laugh. That and Icelandic sounds neat, its really close to old norse. An interesting side-note, modern Norwegians can't read and understand their ancient chronicles without a dictionary, (like us trying to read middle english) but Icelanders have no problem. They were isolated linguistically that long ago. Fascinating eh?

The heart knoweth his own bitterness; and a stranger doth not intermeddle with his joy.

With Love,

Joshua F.

Thursday, June 11, 2009


News, I wish it was the good ship lolly-pop.

Indicators of the Onslaught:

U.S. Foreclosure Filings Top 300,000 as Bank Seizures Loom

This a big wonderful country, the crash is slow and painful. I recommend Kenny Roger's music.

Americans' wealth drops $1.3 trillion

Thats right 1,300,000,000,000

Investor's Business Daily:
$1,000,000,000,000 In 8 Months

Quote, "Congress was considering legislation that would authorize the debt ceiling of the U.S. to exceed $1 trillion for the first time in history. "

Its very strange how this is unfolding you and I both learn more everyday. Remember the Baltic Dry Index plunge? This is still in play, its just taken longer to wind down than I ever thought. Shortages are coming.

Market Skeptics:
California Leads Nation to Bond Default Abyss

Good News!
HR 1207 is heading for the Floor!

Breaking News: Ron Paul’s HR1207 Gets House Majority Co-sponsorship

Heaven's to Betsey! The Fed is actually hiring lobbyists to fight this.

Wall Street Journal:
Fed to Hire Lobbyist as Overhaul Push Looms

I'm sure this won't stop here, these crooks are vicious. I feel that they'll do what ever it takes to keep control and secrecy over our money supply. Its like the ring of power, literally.


The Pandemic:

They called level 6. We knew this was going to happen eventually. This scale is specifically used to adjust our fear level.

The implications of level 6 are what we need to be wary of.

Readying Americans for Dangerous, Mandatory Vaccinations


The people of the world have eyes on the US, specifically us its citizens. We are the vanguard for what is left of the free people of the World. However far we fall, however much control and tyranny we accept, they know it will be their lot as well. Freedom, real Freedom is our responsibility to the world and to those yet to come.

That which hath been is now; and that which is to be hath already been; and God requireth that which is past.

With Love,

Joshua F.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

What are they doing??

Hello Folks,

There is more at work here than market manipulation over at Comex. Since becoming aware of the bond market, and really looking into that. I have concluded that this mess is soo massive, I'm not sure that anyone can contemplate its full implications.

See, we fiance our debt by selling bonds. A 2 trillion dollar deficit means that 2 trillion dollars worth of bonds have to be sold. This works out to around 200 billion or so a MONTH. They can't sell all of this debt. Soo, the Fed has been buying these bonds, and they will have to buy more and more and more. If the Fed didn't everything would collapse. Interest rates will come up, they have to. So we are in the weird spot of being damned both ways.

Market Skeptics:
THE HORROR, Bond traders are white with terror

Fed’s Dollar Lie Called Out by Germany

We have no idea what these people are doing with OUR Future. This Madness! Everything is not ok, and what is happening will change our lives forever.

This must be stopped immediately. I hate to be pessimistic but, its probably too late. House Resolution 1207 is crucial to finding out what is happening, if this doesn't get passed and passed soon we may never find out. I am pleased to announce it has 190 co-sponsors, if we can get 212 co-sponsors, then the sucker is passed!

HR 1207


The assault on the middle class continues:

USA today:
Bankruptcy filings rise to 6,000 a day

Loss Of Second Amendment
Closer Than You Think

^We can't let what happened to the British people happen to us.

Meltdown 101: Unemployment by the numbers

Quote, "How can the unemployment rate increase so sharply even as monthly job losses drop by half?"

Good question.


Just creepy things:

Network World:
US shells out $10M for unmanned aircraft that can perch like a bird

National Level Exercise 2009


Be safe out there. I think we have 2 or 3 months. We are really at the mercy of a few jerks, so there is no telling really. You know what to do =). I'll keep you appraised.

Hast thou found honey? eat so much as is sufficient for thee, lest thou be filled therewith, and vomit it.

With Love,

Joshua F.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Interest in interest


News of Note:

The Dollar demise:

The Australian:
Malaysia, China consider ending use of dollar for trade

They certainly will. The strange sense of denial surrounding the dollar as an invincible reserve currency is just sad.

U.S. dollar 'seriously overvalued'

Quote, "China has again begun to ride the dollar down,"

We don't make anything anymore. Our real economy is crippled. The whole flipping thing is a lie.

USA Today:
1 of every 6 dollars of Americans' income is government check or voucher

This is ludicrous. Can you smell socialism yet?

Market Watch:
Consumer debt plunges by $15.7 billion in April

Less credit? Oh my! Debt is credit. Credit is debt. We need debt. We need you to be in debt.


Bank Failure Friday:

The List

We are now up to 37 just this year.

FDIC gives up on Silverton Bank

Silverton Bank was one of the few "banker's banks" in the country. The Fdic couldn't find a buyer, so now it will cease to be... This is a sign, and a very very bad one.

Quote, "Altogether, Silverton conducted business with about 1,400 community banks in 44 states."

The writing is on the wall.

The State of Alabama is failing. It has begun in the county of Alabama.

Alabama County Set to Halt Services, Shut Buildings Over Budget

Free Republic:
41 US States Face Bankruptcy In 2009

During the last great depression States were not going bankrupt. We don't have much time. It really won't take much to kill this illusion that everything is fine. Once we go over the edge, there won't be any coming back.

This little video goes along way in explaining the bond market. It is the very back-bone of "the market". It sheds light on the last Civil war, and what happened to Argentina in '89. This is a huge part of our current situation. History my friend:

And it shall come to pass in the day that the LORD shall give thee rest from thy sorrow, and from thy fear, and from the hard bondage wherein thou wast made to serve,

With Love,

Joshua F.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Tumble weeds

Hey Folks,

Update of the Onslaught on the Middle Class

Jobless rates in U.S. cities zoom higher in April

Wall Street Journal:
Private employers cut 532,000 jobs in May

World Bank President Robert Zoellick Warns Stimulus ‘Sugar High’ Won’t Stem Unemployment

They say the consumer confidence index is up. Thats a bunch of bologna. Obviously they are not aware of people loosing their jobs, and or going bankrupt. When you don't have any currency, you aren't going to go on any shopping sprees.

Rising interest rates could threaten recovery

Quote "Who’s going to buy all this paper? And if demand dries up, how much higher will interest rates have to go to attract new buyers?

See, the Treasury & Fed are caught in a real ugly position. They want to keep interest rates down as far as possible to free up credit. However NO one wants to buy any treasuries that make next to nothing. Answer, the FED will have to keep buying more treasuries. The system will continue to eat itself. When this thing comes down its going to come down with a vengeance. We can assume its purposeful.

Keep preparing yourself.


Abhorrent and Abominable...

U.S. Will Pay $2.6 Million to Train Chinese Prostitutes to Drink Responsibly on the Job

^I'd laugh if this wasn't so wretched. Your taxes at work, keeping the hookers in China sober!

Hurricane Katrina victims still in Trailers

Make you sick?

Marine Recruiter used 14 year old girl to entice recruits

What kind of world is this?


Our Vice President confronted with some tough questions:


The Ruski view on US:

American capitalism gone with a whimper

Quote, "First, the population was dumbed down through a politicized and substandard education system based on pop culture, rather then the classics. Americans know more about their favorite TV dramas then the drama in DC that directly affects their lives."

Except you, and I. Its good to know your not alone. I'm happy to announce that House Resolution 1207, now has 182 co-sponsors. Lets hope at least one good thing gets rammed through congress this year. We NEED answers.

How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!

With Love,

Joshua F.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Oh the Irony

Hey Folks,

Speaking of Irony near to that of putting Andrew Jackson on the paper twenty dollar bill. The FDIC! A little known fact about the wonderful Fdic is that it too is a private government entity, thats right. So they have a new commercial, gaze in amazement!

The Fdic has many secrets,
Ohh to steal a line from Gibran's silver plated turd, "Azrael the Angle of Death has revealed it to me, and I in turn shall reveal it to you, and it is hidden in a pile of BS."

yahoo finance:
FDIC Fund Running Dry

^This is the SECOND time this year. Its not going to stop.



Chickety check this out,

Federal Reserve puzzled by yield curve steepening

The Fed can't control the long rate on bonds. So...will the FED buy every treasury bond in existence??? Well they can print money can't they! Haha.

Quote, "The U.S. Treasury must sell a record net $2 trillion in new debt in 2009 to fund a $1.8 trillion projected fiscal deficit, resulting from falling tax revenues, an economic stimulus package and sundry bank bailouts."

No one wants to be that last sucker holding these. We are in serious trouble. The FED doesn't want to give anyone the fear, so they really aren't saying anything. Its dastardly.

Gov Track
H.R. 1207

^This just may actually mitigate the damage done. IF this can get passed and get passed soon, things won't be as bad as they seem to be shaping up. The Fed MUST be audited. Heads must roll for this. We have NO clue where Trillions of dollars are going/have gone, because they won't tell us or our congress. Its outrageous. The longer we go with out checking these nuts, the worse its going to be.


The IMF...

IMF gold sale: US Congress approval next week

^The IMF is looking at our congress to approve a sale of 403 metric tons of gold. The truth behind this sale is to continue to supress the price of gold world wide. Congress has power to veto this sale, but they won't because if they didn't the price of gold would go sky high in no time...They don't want that, they really really don't.


In the oft never reported category,

U.S. embassy to hold first-ever gay pride party tonight -- in Iraq

This is abominable...its not because I hate gay people or anything like that. Thats not an issue. The fact of the matter is that this is a cultural disaster. Could you imagine if some country was occupying the US and they had bestiality parties? Not only does this make us all look bad, it illustrates just how far off track we are. The United States is about Freedom, not promoting a peripheral lifestyle many find offensive. Lets face what this is, this is a big F-you to the Iraqi people. We don't send our soldiers to be killed and maimed for this. Professionalism? Abominable.


The last honest man in congress's view on N. Korea and their hyjinks.


Its hard for me to tell you how much trouble we are in. We are in BAD trouble. The people flying this plane are the only ones with parachutes...They have taken life insurance out on all of us, and they are flying the plane into the side of a mountain. I don't know when, soon. We are looking at 18% un-employment here in California now, the State is broke. If these Manic bankers aren't stopped and stopped soon, how it is now will look like a walk in the park. If you go back to watching tv, and think everything is going to be fine, you are gravely mistaken...Enjoy these days, these are the good ole days. Store FOOD, even if I'm nuts, you can still eat the food.

A prudent man sees danger and takes refuge, but the simple keep going and suffer for it.

With Love,

Joshua F.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

The edger.

Hey folks,

You may have heard that the Korean war is back on, at least on paper. Most people don't realize the war was never "ended". The armistice was just a cease fire, that was signed under the threat of nuclear war.

Also, Syngman Rhee the president of South Korea at the time, never signed it. The cease fire was only between the US and North Korea. This is an other ghost of WW2 come back to haunt us.

I won't go into the history of it all. However this is really insane. Or better put, this is not sane. We only have around 30,000 troops in S. Kor, which is no where near enough for any sort of conventional conflict.

The North Korean's still call the war, "The Fatherland Liberation War". As you may or may not know they see the US as an occupation force in the south. To them it has never really ended.

We will just have to see. The world is kind of on the edge now any how. Anything that happens will certainly be used to snip out some of our liberty.


On the Oft ignored side of things, the UN will start flooding the nation of Afghanistan with drugs. I'm not kidding, the ethics of this are abominable.

UN wants 'flood of drugs' in Afghanistan to devalue opium

So...they will stop opium production, by umm making it cheaper. Brilliant.


California's State according to the Australian media.


I found this next article really disturbing, your credit card companies know you better than you know you... and they are using their knowledge to milk as much as they can out of you using child-like psychology.

NyTimes: Greed in action against the soul.
What Does Your Credit-Card Company Know About You?


There is so much more. We are being sucked into neo-serfdom...As the singularity approaches, we all need to ask ourselves the Tough questions... I won't be angry with any of you if you decide to live forever. You may think I'm kidding. I'm not. This thing is coming, it is the promise of this Power that is driving the money Elite to break us. We can't stop this short of full scale nuclear annihilation.

What is the Singularity? If you do not know, you have to. Here are some videos about it.


Preparing for the Singularity

The Digital Messiah

Becoming Transhuman

Its not only possible that in 20 years we could down-load your consciousness into a computer and then kill your body, its bloody likely. We could fit all of man-kind onto a computer in a closet somewhere. We can't mess around any more. Its time to decide.


Just some Images and thoughts of our world:

Freedom is our Nature

Then said I, Lord, how long? And he answered, Until the cities be wasted without inhabitant, and the houses without man, and the land be utterly desolate,
And the LORD have removed men far away, and there be a great forsaking in the midst of the land.

With Love,

Joshua F.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

The Check is in the Mail.

Hey Folks!

The world is changing very fast very rapidly. The dollar crash is coming, no one likes to put a date on this... It will begin sometime this summer. The US commodity market will default sometime this summer. The markets are heavily manipulated. China is not going to stop buying soybeans, or their people will starve.

*****Soybean Shortage Sets Time Frame For Dollar Collapse*****

When one market defaults, others will quickly follow. What will it look like? We can look at Lost Vegas. They are a bit further down the curve. Lol its kind of racy, but we are all adults here =).

This currency collapse is going to kill people. Perhaps millions. Digging ourselves out in 3 years is very optimistic. Most people will die for lack of care, and medical attention. 1.Get/Stay Healthy! Crime will go up as folks have to feed themselves and family. 2.Get a Gun and learn how to use it! Hah, I'm not telling anyone to shoot anyone, thats ridiculous. Just by having a firearm, you will be preventing crime against your property or person! Police only show up after a crime has occurred, your going to have to take some responsibility here, and take care of yourself and the people around you. 3.Really enjoy the people you Love! Do I have to explain that one?


Want to see something funny?

US Debt Clock

Hahaha slavery by zeros, its not your grandma's paper slavery anymore. When the dollar crashes credit cards will be useless. It will wipe out the debt, though it will wipe out any savings anyone has stuck in the system.

Oh yes 2 more Banks were seized in Illinois. Bringing us to 36 this year.
Two Illinois Banks Seized, Bringing U.S. Tally This Year to 36

Laugh Out Loud!


What we need to Bewarey of:

Nazi style Youth Brigades. I'm not kidding. They do this to kids on purpose, because these kids think they are helping. The government seizing the youth is fricken dangerous!

Get This:
FCC’s Warrantless Household Searches Alarm Experts

Quote, "You may not know it, but if you have a wireless router, a cordless phone, remote car-door opener, baby monitor or cellphone in your house, the FCC claims the right to enter your home without a warrant at any time of the day or night in order to inspect it."


This currency collapse will cause chaos. We decide how we will come out of it. Lets do this as free sovereign people, as Human Beings. We don't need Big Brother Government to care for us, to take away our freedom.

If the choice is between Security and Freedom...Or as its portrayed...Freedom as certain Death and Control as Safety, there shouldn't be a doubt in your mind. If not for yourself, but for the next generation, and the world we will leave them. Remember to visualize the kind of world you would like to live in, it exists, we just need to get there. I have no idea what the future will bring us, though I have no doubt in my mind that we will make this world an amazing place to live.

And the harp, and the viol, the tabret, and pipe, and wine, are in their feasts: but they regard not the work of the LORD, neither consider the operation of his hands.
Therefore my people are gone into captivity, because they have no knowledge: and their honourable men are famished, and their multitude dried up with thirst
Therefore hell hath enlarged herself, and opened her mouth without measure: and their glory, and their multitude, and their pomp, and he that rejoiceth, shall descend into it.
And the mean man shall be brought down, and the mighty man shall be humbled, and the eyes of the lofty shall be humbled

This is a very special time to be alive!

With Love,

Joshua F.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Where are the Lifeboats??


Russia is ditching the dollar as its reserve.

Russia Dumps Dollar

The Dollar is down as a result. The writing is on the wall, it really is simply a matter of time. Sometimes I wish it would just crash. Though it really is all we have left. When the crash happens, its going to be terrorizing. I know there are plans in place to "solve" the chaos it will cause, these plans are plans that are not good.

You have to understand a person is an innately free being. Freedom is not given nor taken away. Freedom is a choice. Once you have made the choice to be free, then all you have to do is hang on to it. It doesn't matter if you do get locked in a hole somewhere, you have decided. That is Freedom's song, its beauty. It can't be taken from your heart unless you let it go.


Bank Failure Friday, we are up to 34!

Failed Bank List

The largest bank to be allowed to fail yet.
Florida's BankUnited fails, will cost FDIC $4.9B

^This is going to cause all sorts of trouble. Bank failures will accelerate. The United States has no real economy left. Our government barrows all the money it/we use. Only 2% of employed are in farming and only 10% are in manufacturing something. Everyone else, is in you guessed it...some kind of service. We can't build a world for our children cutting each other's hair / selling each other junk (made where?) in a loop of consumption. Everytime I think about it it makes me angry. We are eating our future and our children's lives. For what? Lets go shopping!


The planetary elite finished meeting in Athens last week. I've only heard rumors as to what was discussed, hah they don't let any peasants in. The security this year was phenomenal though, two mile wide security perimeter. Of course its never covered in the mass media, or if it is its a joke of some variety. They get together to re-hearse a musical for us! Thats what it is, The Pirates of Penzance! I'm sure they made some dandy plans for us the hoi polloi. They think you don't think, so they decide for you, and decide what you want, need, and desire. I wish everyone would think, but its soo hard especially when House is on.

Jimmany Cricket...I'm going on a walk. G'night folks.

Hope deferred maketh the heart sick: but when the desire cometh, it is a tree of life.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The mechanical smile of a used car sales man.

The News.

Things that struck me today, May 19th the year of our Lord, Twenty Oght Niner.

New Firearm Legislation. They just keep popin up like the poppies of Afghanistan.

Gov Track:
House Resolution 2159

We have to stop the terrorists so, we give the Attorney General power to arbitrarily choose who can buy or sell firearms. Listen, if someone wants a gun, they'll get a gun. I really doubt anyone up to no good would go through official channels, or even care about what Eric Holder does/thinks about them.

H.R. 2401

No fly, no buy. How did Rahm put it? If your on the no fly list your not part of the American family? There are children on the no fly list, there are members of congress on the no fly list. There is currently no way to get taken off the list either. Over 1.5 million citizens are on the list. You can't even find out if your on the list unless you try and fly somewhere. How about this for a tip-toe?

How ridiculous is this???


Our continuation of the Agenda.

UK Telegraph:
Barack Obama: Iran must meet nuclear deadline

A deadline...sound familiar?

Press TV:
US 'will' deploy missiles in Poland

Quote, "The Patriot battery, armed with about 100 missiles, is to be temporarily based on the Polish soil until 2012 when it would be permanently based, Komorowski said"

Oh good.


Our Problem? Nobody knows, or wants to know...

I'm surprised how many people wanted to invade Australia. The dumbfounding dumbing down is profound. I know they edit out the ones individuals get right...but still.

We have some hope though.


Wolfram Alpha is now up, if you haven't heard about it, its a truly amazing thing. Its a computational engine. I thought you could talk to it, lol not yet.

Wolfram Alpha

I calculated my escape velocity. To escape my gravity you have to travel at least 11 inches per hour. If not, then your just out of luck.


If a ruler hearken to lies, all his servants are wicked.

With Love,

Joshua F.

Monday, May 18, 2009

The drill.

I have been reading alot of different news regarding the "pandemic", that I feel I should pass on. Firstly the News:

U.S. health officials troubled by new flu pattern

Web MD:
Swine Flu in Japan May Trigger Pandemic

You know as well as I do that this seems to be more like a test. I do not know if they will kick us up to level 6 soon. They will eventually. What happens if they do that? Or what can happen if it does get to level 6? These are good questions, that need answers so you know what to expect/prepare for.

Here is what I found:

Public Health Service Act:

Section 264 Regulations to control communicable diseases

(a) Promulgation and enforcement by Surgeon General
The Surgeon General, with the approval of the Secretary, is authorized to make and enforce such regulations as in his judgment are necessary to prevent the introduction, transmission, or spread of communicable diseases from foreign countries into the States or possessions, or from one State or possession into any other State or possession....

(b) Apprehension, detention, or conditional release of individuals...

(c) Application of regulations to persons entering from foreign countries...

(d) Apprehension and examination of persons reasonably believed to be infected..
On recommendation of the National Advisory Health Council, regulations prescribed under this section may provide for the apprehension and examination of any individual reasonably believed to be infected with a communicable disease in a communicable stage and (1) to be moving or about to move from a State to another State; or (2) to be a probable source of infection to individuals who, while infected with such disease in a communicable stage, will be moving from a State to another State. Such regulations may provide that if upon examination any such individual is found to be infected, he may be detained for such time and in such manner as may be reasonably necessary.

We also have a few Executive Orders in play, that were put in place by Bush the younger.



"Does Executive Order 13375 allow the government to quarantine Americans with swine flu?"

Yeah, it kind of bothers me too. What can be done in the name of keeping us "safe"? Alot. Time will tell. Have enough food in your domicile to not get into trouble if they decide to put you on lock-down at your location. Trust me, you don't want to get rounded up just yet.

This seems to have alot more to do with conditioning us. Its best to swing your ego into 3rd person observer mode when you look at what is happening. It allows you to be more analytical, and make better choices not based on fear.


The Stock market had a blast today, the disconnect from reality is kind of amusing.

American Express Will Slash 4,000 Jobs

Microsoft closes in on 5,000 job cuts

Lets have a moment of silence for The United States Auto-Industry.


A snipet on the Rbgh cover up. Under codex all milk, ice cream, butter, and yogurt will have cow hormones in them. These hormones are designed to make cows fat, I wonder what they do to people?

RBGH information suppression


On a lighter note.

The massive drug company Pfizer is giving away free drugs to the un-employed. They are like Santa Clause just more maleficent. Thats right eat your pills, they love you!

Pfizer offers free prescription drugs for the jobless

Including viagra and zoloft and xanax! These are things you need when you lost your job? Hahahaaa.


His own iniquities shall take the wicked himself, and he shall be holden with the cords of his sins.

With Love,

Joshua F.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Some of Our Medications

I'm just going to post some videos and interesting articles about this stuff. Everyone needs to do their own research to draw their own conclusions.

Medicated Water:

Fluoride in the Water

Another Study Links Fluoride to Bone Cancer

Lithium in water link to less suicide

Tons of released drugs taint U.S. water



Wiki quote, "Thiomersal is very toxic by inhalation, ingestion, and in contact with skin (EC hazard symbol T+), with a danger of cumulative effects. It is also very toxic to aquatic organisms and may cause long-term adverse effects in aquatic environments"

We are injecting people with it. Mercury causes nerve damage.

Dr. Dave Ayoub on mercury in vaccines

Its not only in vaccines its in food we eat. Its admitted that it is tuna fish, the oceans are poisoned. However no one wants you to know that there is mercury in freakin high fructose corn syrup. High fructose corn syrup is in Everything. Any manufactured sweet, or baked good is sweetened with it. They say in moderation its fine, which maybe true...though people eat it everyday! Mercury is a cumulative toxin, it literally is making us stupid.

Study Finds High-Fructose Corn Syrup Contains Mercury

Yeah, its a mistake.


Bisphenol A, what is that? Its a chemical in some plastics that mimics mammalian hormones. You would not believe how much of this stuff we are exposed to.

Dose (µg/kg/day) Effects (measured in studies of mice or rats,
descriptions (in quotes) are from Environmental Working Group)[42][34]
0.025 "Permanent changes to genital tract"
0.025 "Changes in breast tissue that predispose cells to hormones and carcinogens"
2 "increased prostate weight 30%"
2 "lower bodyweight, increase of anogenital distance in both genders, signs of early puberty and longer estrus."
2.4 "Decline in testicular testosterone"
2.5 "Breast cells predisposed to cancer"
10 "Prostate cells more sensitive to hormones and cancer"
10 "Decreased maternal behaviors"
30 "Reversed the normal sex differences in brain structure and behavior"

Oh, the studies were done on rats. Rats are not people remember? Thats true, however our biological process are very similar. This is all ready affecting people more than they realize. The following documentary sheds some light on how deep this goes. Effeminate males are the least of our worries.

The Disappearing Male


So I just named a few. There is more, but its difficult to stay focused when the scope of what is happening becomes known. Its funny, because this stuff is messing people up, they have no idea. So they end up eating more pills and pharmaceuticals to try and fix themselves.

Use Of Drugs To Treat Mental Illness Rockets In The U.S.

Basically we are being made less bright, and less healthy. Why? There are many reasons. Firstly, the agenda requires less people on the planet. Secondly, there is huge money in pharmaceuticals for diseases that we have created, via literal poisoning.

Social engineering is the name of this game. If you haven't read Brave New World by Adolphus Huxley, then get it and read it. That is where this is going. Ultimately the people up top want us smart enough to do their bidding and run the machines but not smart enough to ask too many questions.

Lets say that this isn't some mass plan. Lets say that all of these things are unfortunate coincidences perpetrated by others not caring for others. Fine. However if I was in politics, and I served false god, I would put serious thought into the fact that this information is available to all and no-one cares enough to do anything. I would put serious thought into what I could get away with to serve my needs. Obviously I could get away with alot. The only possible way I could get into any trouble would be to tick off individuals that are higher up then I. By that I mean the individuals that control the money supply, and by extension the media structure, and by extension law/code enforcement. If I kissed their butts, I'd be golden.

You must understand that simple fact that if these things are aloud to continue, it invites more of the like. If this does continue, with in a few generations your average person won't even be able to reproduce. I have lost personally, and you have too. Who really knows how much we have lost? A few inches in height? A few IQ points? More than a few? This will continue until people will not be half of what they potentially should be. We are at a point now where many are un-able to mount a psychological resistance. The distractions are too many, and we have been taught that our own syntheses must be wrong because we are not "experts" so we can't see/say 2 + 2 = 4.0. We don't get to have valid conclusions, unless they go along with the "status quo". The status quo is destroying us as free human beings.

Genetically modified foods and hormones I'll do tomorrow.


Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.

With Love,

Joshua F.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

The first rough explanation

You asked me to help you with your faith. I have to tell you what I know. I'm not sure how to explain it, though this will be my very best attempt. What I say may seem contradictory, its not. Read it and ponder it in your heart. Its difficult to know where to start.

Most of us kick the can of being down the road of life, until this can hits the wall of death and can't be kicked any further. Lets have a look at this can, shall we?

There was a theologian that lived about 150 years ago named Kierkegaard, he's the guy that said, "Nature is mute". This is a truth. Jasmine is just a stack of atoms, your the one that gives beauty to it. It doesn't have a sign on it telling you what it means. You decide. Kierkegaard's big kick was the authentic vs. the inauthentic life. It boils down to just one thing. The in-authentic life is one waiting for the world to give them meaning. The world is meaningless. So all the in-authentic life can do is up-grade its inauthentic life with distractions. The Authentic life knows the truth, and gives the world, its meaning.

As you know the battle is between lucifer and Our Lord. This is a very personal experience. See, one day I kind of had a flip out. I briefly told you about it. So I skipped out into the woods for a few days. What I was feeling didn't make sense. The questions, Who am I? What am I? Why am I here? Were drilling me to the very edge. So I prayed for a very long time. This is what I came to.

I am all that is Man, the Good, the bad, and the Ugly. I have the potential to be the nastiest cruelest bastard on the face of this Earth, I have the potential to be the kindest, most amazing soul to ever walk up right under the sun. I am a walking contradiction. I decide. Once I realized this, I realized that I was a slave simply because I didn't know. I was oppressed. How? I found in that moment of eternity the "I am" inside of me. I remembered what I am. I remembered that we are Sacred. Every choice I make affects people, places, and things, I cannot begin to understand... forever. The "I am" inside of us is Divine. Why was I oppressed? Because I had allowed myself to become separated from the I am. I'm not sure when. How did I get separated? I was tricked. I was tricked by false god.

What is it? Call it what you like. It is that part of you that curses another for life, because they cut you off in traffic, or were simply breathing. The bible refers to this thing as lucifer. Lucifer desires the "I am" (this amazingly divine indescribable power inside of us) to serve it. It desires control over us. It desires to make the "I am" as ugly as it is. The "I am" desires to grow in Love, in mysteries, and experience knowledge into wisdom. lucifer desires we stay where we are so that we can be controlled by it. It desires we serve it and nothing else. Carlos Jung called it "thanatos".

"Reality" is not what you think it is. When you open your eyes, what you see is your relationship with God. It really is an indescribable blessing. I have no words for it. The universe you live in is for you. In large part you are making this up, literally. You decide. You draw all the lines. You can look at it as a self teaching mirror if you wish. If you were not here, then this reality would not exist. The nature of this lucifer is inside of us. What is inside of us manifests into reality. Lol, which means were in bad trouble. You and I could both operate the gas chambers with a smile on a bad day. So lucifer has manifested into our reality, and it does this in many clever ways. It is too insanely intelligent to even begin to understand. Its best trick really was to convince us it does not exist. Many are the Distractions meant to spiritually hinder us. These include (but are not limited to by any means) the following: meth, pornography, fear, liquor, television, video games, money, even food, and actually pretty much anything. Anything it can separate you with, anything that it can control you with, anything that it can steal you with. It will even invent things to tempt you. The distractions are all meant to separate us from God the "I am". Once we were separated we are at its mercy. We got kicked out, and we did it to ourselves.

So what has happened? This mean vicious tricky thing has taken control of our world. We let it, some how its convinced us that we need it. We Divine beings have literally been crammed into a luciferian rat maze. Its not supposed to be this way. The world serves false god. The world has no idea what we truly are because no one wants the responsibility of the truth. The truth being, that this is yours. We are One. We are infinite potentiality exploring itself. The very nature of control is luciferian, it desires control, so we need lots and lots of laws. See, if everyone knew that the "I am" is in everyone else. If Everyone knew that we are Sacred. Then no one could want to strike a child, no one could want to steal, no one could want to mutilate others with a bomb, and leave widows weeping over dead infants.. Why would they? The truth is that they are doing it to themselves. They are doing it to God. They are defiling themselves. This is what Lucifer wants. It desires I am serve it, it desires control, it desires to make I am as ugly as it is.

Oh yes false god is shiny, and so brilliant, and so easy. It will decide, you don't have to decide anything, simply serve it. Its EVERYWHERE. lol, what do you think about a credit card? Do we need it? Why? Should the spirit be governed by a thing? It is a manifestation of false god, some serve it and nothing else. It is to control us. We don't need it. We just think we do. false god is vicious, if it can't tempt you then it will get tough with you. It likes to do things the friendly way. Right? It likes you, remember? The people in charge of our planet are manifesting false god.

People wonder why they are so unhappy. Look at it. false god is with them all the time. The television promotes un-natural life arcs. **Be promiscuous its fun***then kill your babies its normal***eat mcdonalds its good***don't get too fat here is diet pills***its so easy***here is an i-pod it makes reality better*** ignore YOUR world***the sadness you are experiencing is mental illness****you need medication***its so easy***Some people give themselves to it entirely, and it mutilates them, stunts them, and cripples them. It will make anyone a zombie, a monster.

I have thought about false god alot. It is almost like a spoiled brat, it lives in a pit of ice hear me out. So your on your spiritual walk, and you come across false god, eating ice cream, in a ditch. He tells you its good, "you should try some". So you have a seat and try is good...mmmm. tastes great. So you eat more and more, and every time you say, "I better get going". false god breaks out a new flavor, "Have you tried cookies and cream yet? Myes its way better than chocolate chip." So you eat and eat and eat. After a while, you get so fat you can't continue your can't even walk anymore, and now that brats gotchya.

The wonderful thing though, is that we have authority over it. It is in our universe. The truth is that we have authority over all reality. Nothing is hidden, you get what you ask for, that is the nature of evolution, of God. When Christ said we could move mountains, he wasn't kidding. Miracles do happen. Faith is the password. As I thought about it further, I could see why its called lucifer, without it, we wouldn't know the difference. The tree of knowledge remember? The Bible is important because it has manifested in our reality as such. It is about you and I personally.

Once back in contact with the "I am", then we are free. The first choice I made as a free creature, was to give my soul to Our Lord the highest God. I will not serve false god anymore. I will not be a slave. My will is God's will, together we grow. He is my tomorrow, and I am his today. As the focus comes back, I could see that lucifer is also with-in the ultimate I am. What does that mean? Can lucifer itself be saved? The world is very far out of balance. A false balance is an abomination to Our Lord. This is why we are here. We are here to bring balance. We are here to resolve this. We will make the world a better place. We will bring the World balance.

What does a person need? I asked myself this, and I need three things. 1. I need a safe place to sleep. 2. Good food to eat. 3. if Good Lord blesses me with a wife and children then enough resources to raise the children to be better people than we are. Everyone can have these three things. Every soul deserves these three things. Now we just have to deal with the devil himself. This isn't our first spin on the merry-go-round. We have to do this or accept the consequences of letting the devil drive. The consequences are not good. If this continues, we won't be a shadow of a shadow....children born into imperfect bodies will be the least of our worries. We will have to fight. We will become. We will grow. We will bring balance back to the world. Serving false god isn't an option no matter how difficult that "appears" to make things. This wasn't supposed to be easy. We have to integrate the Love with the Hatred. Without the connection to God, we can't integrate. We have to leave this lucifer thing behind. Frankly I'm sick of it anyway =). The apparent contradiction must be resolved.

Its strange, that day I was hit by that car. I was asking God for a deeper understanding for a few days, lol even if it meant getting hit by a car. I had that in mind distinctly. Soon after I asked for it I got it, first..when a mustang hit another car which spun-out right on to the sidewalk on which I was standing. Hah I dodged that one, that was spooky enough. Then the very next day as I while I was crossing 14th street an old lady ran stop sign and bounced my flesh suit off the hood of her car. When she put the brakes on the inertia landed me right back on to my feet. When that occurred I was asking God to be with me, and I realized that that was kind of foolish.

Now I just tell God that I am with Him, and I do Love him. The consequences of being distracted by false god are so great, it really is insane. Now we just have to get on with the mission and bring people back to connection with God, to the Truth. Show false god for what it is. Our people perish through lack of knowledge. The invisible prison door is literally swinging shut as I type this. People need to be reminded that they Decide, most don't even know that they have a choice anymore. The separation is so complete it seems most are simply civil to others out of fear of the consequences of man. They really have no idea. They are lost. They don't even know what they have lost. So many lies have been rammed down our collective throats since birth its mind boggling. Its amazing that anyone can find their center anymore. They need to know that they Decide. Hah you decide or false god decides for you. This is why everyone, every single soul is of extream value. The beautiful heart and the open hand are worth any and all costs. The stakes are too high. Thats how it is.

Just a few examples of our prison door. If your not aware yet please get that way. For your listening knowledge.

This is a lecture given a few years ago. Codex is very real and it will be used to knock off about 3 billion souls. No one knows because no one is supposed to.

Codex Alimentarius

RFid chips, this technology is moving faster than anyone can imagine.


Depleted Uranium, damaged chromosomes are something really bad.

Depleted Uranium and its affects

You see, in order for us human beings to be controlled in every aspect, there has to be less human beings. There is far more to the plan. I will put as much of it together as I can. Genetically modified food, mercury in corn syrup, medicated water, contaminated vaccines, sterilization, bisphenol A, heavy metal spraying, ect, ect.

Monday, May 4, 2009

The Monday mania

Its just been pouring rain here. Staying dry is half the battle, though the good news is that once your wet, your wet.

The News:

The pandemic fearing continues. I got to see my first surgical mask wearer. I wonder if it will catch on. The masks really don't do much, washing your hands does.

So we have mixed signals, which is just nuts.

NY Times:
No Signs of Sustained Global Spread of Swine Flu

Oh thank God.

Voice of America:
WHO Expects To Raise Flu Alert Level To Maximum

Lingle: WHO discussing raising alert to level 6

So what gives? This isn't killing people at an alarming rate like tuberculosis. Does Margret Chan, the head of the WHO know something we don't? This is the first pandemic that has been called in 90 years...I mean thats a pretty serious thing to do. I'm sure we all had flashbacks to that movie Outbreak when we became aware of this. Understandably some people that think about this are becoming critical of the WHO. There seems to be no reason to be promoting this level of fear for what is occurring.

Finincial Times:
Chan hits back at WHO critics

Quote Chan, "We hope the virus fizzles out, because if it doesn’t we are heading for a big outbreak.” But she said: “I’m not predicting the pandemic will blow up, but if I miss it and we don’t prepare, I fail. I’d rather over-prepare than not prepare.”

This sounds reasonable. Though to me it seems like this isn't going to just go away. I expect we will get wam-bammed when the actual flu season rolls around. The fear is all ready out there. There are reports from hospitals all over our nation being clogged up with normal sick people, who are just freaked out they have the pig flu. Hypochondriacs Unite!

It seems like this was just too easy. They could bump it up to level 6 at any time. If they do...then all sorts of infringements to our personal freedom can be justified, in the name of public safety of course. It seems like this is a dress rehearsal. Fear is a useful diversion, and amazing control mechanism. To quote our chief of staff Rahm Israel Emanuel, "never let a good crisis go to waste".

CDC count:
H1N1 Flu (Swine Flu)

279 cases.


So we have CIFTA, the "multi-national" treaty that makes it illegal to assemble ammo/firearms without government permission in the good ole US of A.

I wish it would be called for what it is. Freedom Evaporating. Instead its "treaty compliance".


The Bank Stress tests will be out very soon. They have delayed it long enough to have done a little "creative" adjustments. I really doubt anything the Treasury or their boss the Fed has to say. Its not in their nature to be "open". Hence the need for House Resolution 1207, a whole flipping bill just to get them to tells us what they did with TRILLIONS of dollars our money/future. Which I'm happy to announce now has 112 co-sponsors.

I'll get back into the economic details of our implosion manana. Once the Stress test is our we'll know alot more. Hah I nearly can't wait. Be safe out there, our situation is just too funny, you couldn't write this kind of stuff.

28: 15
As a roaring lion, and a ranging bear; so is a wicked ruler over the poor people.

Coming generations will learn equality from poverty, and love from woes.~~~Gibran

With Love,

Joshua F.