Sunday, May 17, 2009

Some of Our Medications

I'm just going to post some videos and interesting articles about this stuff. Everyone needs to do their own research to draw their own conclusions.

Medicated Water:

Fluoride in the Water

Another Study Links Fluoride to Bone Cancer

Lithium in water link to less suicide

Tons of released drugs taint U.S. water



Wiki quote, "Thiomersal is very toxic by inhalation, ingestion, and in contact with skin (EC hazard symbol T+), with a danger of cumulative effects. It is also very toxic to aquatic organisms and may cause long-term adverse effects in aquatic environments"

We are injecting people with it. Mercury causes nerve damage.

Dr. Dave Ayoub on mercury in vaccines

Its not only in vaccines its in food we eat. Its admitted that it is tuna fish, the oceans are poisoned. However no one wants you to know that there is mercury in freakin high fructose corn syrup. High fructose corn syrup is in Everything. Any manufactured sweet, or baked good is sweetened with it. They say in moderation its fine, which maybe true...though people eat it everyday! Mercury is a cumulative toxin, it literally is making us stupid.

Study Finds High-Fructose Corn Syrup Contains Mercury

Yeah, its a mistake.


Bisphenol A, what is that? Its a chemical in some plastics that mimics mammalian hormones. You would not believe how much of this stuff we are exposed to.

Dose (µg/kg/day) Effects (measured in studies of mice or rats,
descriptions (in quotes) are from Environmental Working Group)[42][34]
0.025 "Permanent changes to genital tract"
0.025 "Changes in breast tissue that predispose cells to hormones and carcinogens"
2 "increased prostate weight 30%"
2 "lower bodyweight, increase of anogenital distance in both genders, signs of early puberty and longer estrus."
2.4 "Decline in testicular testosterone"
2.5 "Breast cells predisposed to cancer"
10 "Prostate cells more sensitive to hormones and cancer"
10 "Decreased maternal behaviors"
30 "Reversed the normal sex differences in brain structure and behavior"

Oh, the studies were done on rats. Rats are not people remember? Thats true, however our biological process are very similar. This is all ready affecting people more than they realize. The following documentary sheds some light on how deep this goes. Effeminate males are the least of our worries.

The Disappearing Male


So I just named a few. There is more, but its difficult to stay focused when the scope of what is happening becomes known. Its funny, because this stuff is messing people up, they have no idea. So they end up eating more pills and pharmaceuticals to try and fix themselves.

Use Of Drugs To Treat Mental Illness Rockets In The U.S.

Basically we are being made less bright, and less healthy. Why? There are many reasons. Firstly, the agenda requires less people on the planet. Secondly, there is huge money in pharmaceuticals for diseases that we have created, via literal poisoning.

Social engineering is the name of this game. If you haven't read Brave New World by Adolphus Huxley, then get it and read it. That is where this is going. Ultimately the people up top want us smart enough to do their bidding and run the machines but not smart enough to ask too many questions.

Lets say that this isn't some mass plan. Lets say that all of these things are unfortunate coincidences perpetrated by others not caring for others. Fine. However if I was in politics, and I served false god, I would put serious thought into the fact that this information is available to all and no-one cares enough to do anything. I would put serious thought into what I could get away with to serve my needs. Obviously I could get away with alot. The only possible way I could get into any trouble would be to tick off individuals that are higher up then I. By that I mean the individuals that control the money supply, and by extension the media structure, and by extension law/code enforcement. If I kissed their butts, I'd be golden.

You must understand that simple fact that if these things are aloud to continue, it invites more of the like. If this does continue, with in a few generations your average person won't even be able to reproduce. I have lost personally, and you have too. Who really knows how much we have lost? A few inches in height? A few IQ points? More than a few? This will continue until people will not be half of what they potentially should be. We are at a point now where many are un-able to mount a psychological resistance. The distractions are too many, and we have been taught that our own syntheses must be wrong because we are not "experts" so we can't see/say 2 + 2 = 4.0. We don't get to have valid conclusions, unless they go along with the "status quo". The status quo is destroying us as free human beings.

Genetically modified foods and hormones I'll do tomorrow.


Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.

With Love,

Joshua F.

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