Buenos Dias, I trust you are well today.
The News:
Target Corp. Profit Falls 41% as Credit-Card Losses Mount
Macy's profit drops to $310 million
Home Depot swings to $54 million loss
Lowe's Profit Takes a 60% Dive
Taiwan's export orders plunge to record low
Citigroup's road to nationalization
Oh sweet Rupert, tell us more.
Rupert Murdoch issued an urgent internal communication
The more interesting news cometh from China. As you maybe aware China holds over a trillion buckerookys. Once they start dumping them, we will be cooking with gasoline.
China is mobilizing its dollar reserves!
There we go. I'll keep you all appraised. I have a feeling I may have to post again this evening. So until then, have a wonderful day!
"We are so broke we can't even afford to pay attention!"~~~Not sure who said it, I heard it at the gun shop where I got my haircut. lol
A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones.
With Love,
Joshua F.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Saturday, February 21, 2009
The third time Pokey
G-Good morning fellow travelers.
The News:
Comming Attraction: Bank Nationalization! Its very strange to me that they have been talking about this for months and still they flap! The "bad bank solution" was like a scotty don't. Swedish style nationalization will occur folks, its a matter of time. No meat balls.
Bank nationalization
U.S. Lawmakers Clash Over Nationalizing Banks to Stem Declines
The next bubble will strike soon, this will be in the form of commercial mortagages, annd the Jumbo loans from zee Prime borrowers. Why? Because, the interest being charged on the debt money never existed. It is mathematically impossible for everyone to repay the loans. Its like a game of musical chairs. The money was created, given to us, +++interest (doesn't exist), and we are promised to repay. Where do we get the interest? We get it by ruining other people and taking the money they were loaned. Simple as that. The Federal Reserve cannot ever loose. Our system strongly resembles a Mad-max, Road Warrior beyond thunder Dome system, 2 men enter One man leaves. Anyone want an honest money system yet?
Jumbo Loan Defaults Rise at Fast Pace as Rich Suffer
Commercial Real Estate Activity Continuing to Decline
I don't see a bottom either. The current system is crooked, corrupt, un-natural, soul crushing, and dishonest. It forces people to fight over paper, the supply of such paper being controlled by a few dudes and the devil himself. Of course there is never enough! Oh, yeah the funny thing is, is that the paper really isn't worth anything, we have been hood-winked.
Soros sees no bottom for world financial "collapse"
Gold tipped over a grand an Oz, though its not sticking there yet.
Gold Spot
Silver is now hovering around 14 bucks an Oz. Its not too late to get into either metals, they have been stores of value you for the last 5,000 years. Protect yourself from dollar depreciation! The stock market is not your friend.
America's Bailouts And Their Effects On US Finances
The news is slowly filtering into the mainstream media, which will accelerate things.
Once the cat gets out of the bag, things will get wacky. This is the kind of thing that causes civilizations to fall folks. This isn't new, this just hasn't happened on such a massive scale within recorded history. So keep preparing! We don't have to live as debt slaves. We just think we do. Sooner or later everyone will realize that. The national debt will never be re-paid. It is so much, that its impossible to understand what a black hole it is. Consumption doesn't generate wealth! Smile, because on the other side of this, is a better world.
Give us grace and strength to forbear and to persevere. Give us courage and gaiety and the quiet mind, spare to us our friends, soften to us our enemies.~~~Robert Louis Stevenson
The wicked is snared by the transgression of his lips: but the just shall come out of trouble.
With Love,
Joshua F.
The News:
Comming Attraction: Bank Nationalization! Its very strange to me that they have been talking about this for months and still they flap! The "bad bank solution" was like a scotty don't. Swedish style nationalization will occur folks, its a matter of time. No meat balls.
Bank nationalization
U.S. Lawmakers Clash Over Nationalizing Banks to Stem Declines
The next bubble will strike soon, this will be in the form of commercial mortagages, annd the Jumbo loans from zee Prime borrowers. Why? Because, the interest being charged on the debt money never existed. It is mathematically impossible for everyone to repay the loans. Its like a game of musical chairs. The money was created, given to us, +++interest (doesn't exist), and we are promised to repay. Where do we get the interest? We get it by ruining other people and taking the money they were loaned. Simple as that. The Federal Reserve cannot ever loose. Our system strongly resembles a Mad-max, Road Warrior beyond thunder Dome system, 2 men enter One man leaves. Anyone want an honest money system yet?
Jumbo Loan Defaults Rise at Fast Pace as Rich Suffer
Commercial Real Estate Activity Continuing to Decline
I don't see a bottom either. The current system is crooked, corrupt, un-natural, soul crushing, and dishonest. It forces people to fight over paper, the supply of such paper being controlled by a few dudes and the devil himself. Of course there is never enough! Oh, yeah the funny thing is, is that the paper really isn't worth anything, we have been hood-winked.
Soros sees no bottom for world financial "collapse"
Gold tipped over a grand an Oz, though its not sticking there yet.
Gold Spot
Silver is now hovering around 14 bucks an Oz. Its not too late to get into either metals, they have been stores of value you for the last 5,000 years. Protect yourself from dollar depreciation! The stock market is not your friend.
America's Bailouts And Their Effects On US Finances
The news is slowly filtering into the mainstream media, which will accelerate things.
Once the cat gets out of the bag, things will get wacky. This is the kind of thing that causes civilizations to fall folks. This isn't new, this just hasn't happened on such a massive scale within recorded history. So keep preparing! We don't have to live as debt slaves. We just think we do. Sooner or later everyone will realize that. The national debt will never be re-paid. It is so much, that its impossible to understand what a black hole it is. Consumption doesn't generate wealth! Smile, because on the other side of this, is a better world.
Give us grace and strength to forbear and to persevere. Give us courage and gaiety and the quiet mind, spare to us our friends, soften to us our enemies.~~~Robert Louis Stevenson
The wicked is snared by the transgression of his lips: but the just shall come out of trouble.
With Love,
Joshua F.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
The ghost in the Machine
Good Morning folks! I am very pleased to have some amazing news.
The News:
I am thrilled to announce that, 22 States in our great Union have bills in various stages of development declaring sovereignty!!! This is just amazing, Long Live the Republic!
God-given rights are under assault
States’ Rights and the Growing Rebellion – A Status Report
Lawmakers in 20 states move to reclaim sovereignty
Standing up for states’ rights
5,000,000 people in our Nation are now collecting unemployment. Let us think about this. The US has a population of about 300 million. For every one person working there are 2 dependents on average. So lets say there are 100 million able working people. At least 5% of which are now or are growing dependent on the doll. This is going to facilitate all of that new debt money created entering into our daily lives. Mark my words the 12% inflation of the early '80s will ride again.
Nearly 5 million are getting unemployment benefits
US FED: Fed Worsens Projections For 2009 GDP, Inflation, Unemployment
A Powder Keg: Debt and Unemployment
California passed a Budget Today. We will barrow our way out, of course! Why didn't I think of that? Oh, and taxes will increase.
California Senate approves long-awaited budget
The Sickness, better keep your mouth shut.
OKC officer pulls man over for anti-Obama sign on vehicle
Los Angeles may face water rationing from utility
"Hitler gave great speeches, too"
Greenspan says Obama administration may need to nationalize some banks
EPD: Officer draws gun to stop angry crowd at Eureka High School
I cannot believe how fast things are changing. I will keep you appraised. Remember its our willingness to resist and to stand on our Rights that keep us a free people. Your thoughts are prayers have amazing power. Keep it up!
The most beautiful adventures are not those we go to seek.~~~Robert Louis Stevenson
Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.
With Love,
Joshua F.
The News:
I am thrilled to announce that, 22 States in our great Union have bills in various stages of development declaring sovereignty!!! This is just amazing, Long Live the Republic!
God-given rights are under assault
States’ Rights and the Growing Rebellion – A Status Report
Lawmakers in 20 states move to reclaim sovereignty
Standing up for states’ rights
5,000,000 people in our Nation are now collecting unemployment. Let us think about this. The US has a population of about 300 million. For every one person working there are 2 dependents on average. So lets say there are 100 million able working people. At least 5% of which are now or are growing dependent on the doll. This is going to facilitate all of that new debt money created entering into our daily lives. Mark my words the 12% inflation of the early '80s will ride again.
Nearly 5 million are getting unemployment benefits
US FED: Fed Worsens Projections For 2009 GDP, Inflation, Unemployment
A Powder Keg: Debt and Unemployment
California passed a Budget Today. We will barrow our way out, of course! Why didn't I think of that? Oh, and taxes will increase.
California Senate approves long-awaited budget
The Sickness, better keep your mouth shut.
OKC officer pulls man over for anti-Obama sign on vehicle
Los Angeles may face water rationing from utility
"Hitler gave great speeches, too"
Greenspan says Obama administration may need to nationalize some banks
EPD: Officer draws gun to stop angry crowd at Eureka High School
I cannot believe how fast things are changing. I will keep you appraised. Remember its our willingness to resist and to stand on our Rights that keep us a free people. Your thoughts are prayers have amazing power. Keep it up!
The most beautiful adventures are not those we go to seek.~~~Robert Louis Stevenson
Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.
With Love,
Joshua F.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
The world doesn't have to make cents
Good day, good day.
The News:
The Feds shut down a few more banks, we are up to 13 this year. Here is the list:
The List
The United State's financial obligations now exceed the World's GDP, how about that for debt slavery. Why don't we just have an open auction block for our children? If we sell each baby for 55 grand, we only have to sell 1,120,000,000 babies! That's right only 1.1 billion.
Does $65.5 trillion terrify anyone yet?
The great State of California, still has not passed a budget yet, so it looks to cut 20,000 state jobs. Feel the burn.
California to begin layoffs proceedings today
No amount of bail-out money will save the money pit that is GM.
GM considering Chapter 11 filing
Cheap oil, is actually crippling our economy. Why? Because our economy is based upon scarcity. It doesn't matter if scarcity is real or imaginary. Scarcity = profit, abundance = broke. The smart thing to do, to stimulate our current system would be to take a few hundred million of barrels of oil and light it on fire! The front fell off.
Current oil spot
Oil Drops as Manufacturing Data Shows U.S. Recession Deepening
An interview with Gerald Celente:
How wacky? It is a shame. Our current system is a ponzi scheme recherché par excellence. We have to learn from this, and use that knowledge to create a better world for our posterity. Keep preparing, this will be painful. Remember though, the harder we make this, the higher the growth potential. We all have some growing to do. Stay positive, that is more than half the battle.
It is perhaps a more fortunate destiny to have a taste for collecting shells than to be born a millionaire.~~~Robert Louis Stevenson
Where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of counsellors there is safety.
With Love,
Joshua F.
The News:
The Feds shut down a few more banks, we are up to 13 this year. Here is the list:
The List
The United State's financial obligations now exceed the World's GDP, how about that for debt slavery. Why don't we just have an open auction block for our children? If we sell each baby for 55 grand, we only have to sell 1,120,000,000 babies! That's right only 1.1 billion.
Does $65.5 trillion terrify anyone yet?
The great State of California, still has not passed a budget yet, so it looks to cut 20,000 state jobs. Feel the burn.
California to begin layoffs proceedings today
No amount of bail-out money will save the money pit that is GM.
GM considering Chapter 11 filing
Cheap oil, is actually crippling our economy. Why? Because our economy is based upon scarcity. It doesn't matter if scarcity is real or imaginary. Scarcity = profit, abundance = broke. The smart thing to do, to stimulate our current system would be to take a few hundred million of barrels of oil and light it on fire! The front fell off.
Current oil spot
Oil Drops as Manufacturing Data Shows U.S. Recession Deepening
An interview with Gerald Celente:
How wacky? It is a shame. Our current system is a ponzi scheme recherché par excellence. We have to learn from this, and use that knowledge to create a better world for our posterity. Keep preparing, this will be painful. Remember though, the harder we make this, the higher the growth potential. We all have some growing to do. Stay positive, that is more than half the battle.
It is perhaps a more fortunate destiny to have a taste for collecting shells than to be born a millionaire.~~~Robert Louis Stevenson
Where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of counsellors there is safety.
With Love,
Joshua F.
Friday, February 13, 2009
Hanoverian Ghosts
Greetings and good day/evening whatever the case maybe. I have some very interesting news today.
The News
For those of you who cannot quite believe that a global system of socialism is being put into place, read the following article from Time magazine.
"On the regulatory front, the path to a new global approach is pretty clear. Last spring the leaders of the G-7, a club of wealthy nations, agreed to create a "college of supervisors"
Time Magazine
The onslaught of the middle class continues:
U.S. Jobless-Benefit Rolls Increase to 4.81 Million
U.S. Foreclosures Top Quarter-Million for 10th Straight Month
10-year US Treasury bonds will asphyxiate the US economy
JP Morgan boss admits banks sold clients 'weapons of mass destruction'
Wave of Bad Debt Swamps Companies
Rising grain prices will stoke US food prices
The International crisis:
Swiss banks to announce losses for 29 billion Swiss francs
Unions warn of 'revolution' in Ireland
Thousands of luxury cars abandoned at Dubai airport as expats flee debts
Russia Fueling Ruble Tumble With Loans
EU finance ministers warn UK about starting 'currency war'
The Mexican Fandango progresses:
207 dead; army storms warehouse in Juárez
"Worst-case scenario, Mexico becomes the Western hemisphere's equivalent of Somalia, with mass violence, mass chaos,"
Mexican rebel group threatens to force out foreign investors
I just find the next article sickeningly funny, they 'lost' "about" 100 computers at our Primary Nuclear testing Lab. I'm glad someone is making money besides the fat cats:
Los Alamos Lab Missing Almost 100 Computers
ohh the fat cats:
Obama sends his shame to Wall Street...That paid $18.4 billion in bonuses
So there we have it. Keep preparing. Remember to visualize the kind of world you would like to live in. Your thoughts have incredible power. Remember that our mission in life isn't about making money. We are here to become more than we are. Think about making your personal reality a better place to live, then share it with those around you. Spread your amazing reality viraly. Stay focused. We can and will transcend this madness.
To know what you prefer instead of humbly saying Amen to what the world tells you you ought to prefer, is to have kept your soul alive.~~~Robert Louis Stevenson
Let thine eyes look right on, and let thine eyelids look straight before thee.
With Love,
Joshua F.
The News
For those of you who cannot quite believe that a global system of socialism is being put into place, read the following article from Time magazine.
"On the regulatory front, the path to a new global approach is pretty clear. Last spring the leaders of the G-7, a club of wealthy nations, agreed to create a "college of supervisors"
Time Magazine
The onslaught of the middle class continues:
U.S. Jobless-Benefit Rolls Increase to 4.81 Million
U.S. Foreclosures Top Quarter-Million for 10th Straight Month
10-year US Treasury bonds will asphyxiate the US economy
JP Morgan boss admits banks sold clients 'weapons of mass destruction'
Wave of Bad Debt Swamps Companies
Rising grain prices will stoke US food prices
The International crisis:
Swiss banks to announce losses for 29 billion Swiss francs
Unions warn of 'revolution' in Ireland
Thousands of luxury cars abandoned at Dubai airport as expats flee debts
Russia Fueling Ruble Tumble With Loans
EU finance ministers warn UK about starting 'currency war'
The Mexican Fandango progresses:
207 dead; army storms warehouse in Juárez
"Worst-case scenario, Mexico becomes the Western hemisphere's equivalent of Somalia, with mass violence, mass chaos,"
Mexican rebel group threatens to force out foreign investors
I just find the next article sickeningly funny, they 'lost' "about" 100 computers at our Primary Nuclear testing Lab. I'm glad someone is making money besides the fat cats:
Los Alamos Lab Missing Almost 100 Computers
ohh the fat cats:
Obama sends his shame to Wall Street...That paid $18.4 billion in bonuses
So there we have it. Keep preparing. Remember to visualize the kind of world you would like to live in. Your thoughts have incredible power. Remember that our mission in life isn't about making money. We are here to become more than we are. Think about making your personal reality a better place to live, then share it with those around you. Spread your amazing reality viraly. Stay focused. We can and will transcend this madness.
To know what you prefer instead of humbly saying Amen to what the world tells you you ought to prefer, is to have kept your soul alive.~~~Robert Louis Stevenson
Let thine eyes look right on, and let thine eyelids look straight before thee.
With Love,
Joshua F.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Ok here is the rub. I feel like I haven't explained the nature of our situation clearly enough. I'm going to give it another shot.
The federal reserve, is neither a purely governmental nor private entity. Its both. Its owned by bankers, but they cannot sell their shares in it. The chair of it is appointed by the president. So by classic definition of ownership they do not own it. To "own" something you have to have the power to sell it. It is a cartel. Congress doesn't dictate to them the value of the dollar, they dictate that to congress. Most of the money created, 95% of it is just zeros in a computer bank, only about 5% of the total dollar is printed in paper.
Where do we get our money from?
The Fed says they "loan" money to our government at "interest". These words are used, but do not apply. They print money and charge the government a service fee. When our government needs money the fed "loans" it to our government. When our government cannot repay the loan, it "barrows" more from the Federal Reserve. This is done over and over and over again, and is the nature of our National debt. The very nature of this system is self depreciating. Money is created from nothing. Its worth is decided by the bankers at the Fed and it is enforced by our government. As more money is added to the system prices seem to go up. That is the wrong way to look at it, the price of most goods is the same now as it was in 1960. The dollar is worth less. Most people can live with 2%-4% inflation, and indeed we have been.

Since the Federal Reserve has taken over our currency, the dollar has lost most of its value. This would continue, at the same rate, technically until the dollar is worth next to nothing. The only way to stop this is to stop creating money. This can't and won't happen.
If it did, our government and the Fed would cease to be. There would be no money to pay for: government employees, welfare recipients, social security, warfare, ect, ect, anything you can imagine that the government pays for.
Now, the recent amount of money added is astronomical. Dollar depreciation will accelerate, at an exponential level.

But you say, someone in government or at the Fed has got to know this. They are smarter than we are. I'm sure some of them do. See, the system isn't sustainable any way, and would break down eventually due to its very nature. Someone decided that they wanted it to happen sooner rather than later.
What if the money added to the banks isn't loaned out, and not aloud to enter the system? What if they spend it else where?

The money was created to be loaned out. It doesn't matter where the dollars are spent, as long as it is somewhere on this planet.
What is going on?
Best case scenario, the dollar will loose at least 50% of its current value in the next few years. Worst case scenario, the dollar will loose 99% of its current value by next year. The dollars you have will inevitably be worthless. That's how it is. The count down on this de-valuation is dependent on what the banks do!
Why are they doing this?
They are purposely crashing our currency. If you can think this is an accident, your naive. If you think that creating this amount of dollars isn't going to drastically change how you live, you need to have your head examined. This isn't talked about on television because 6 major companies control most of the media. Where do they get their money? Who is daddy? Television is a mass propaganda tool. It is literally mass mind control. Don't believe 90% of what you hear on television. Quit watching television. Do not allow television to raise your children.

But Why? Why Josh?
The best analogy I can think of, goes something like this: So Uncle Sam has a gambling problem. Good ole Uncle Sam has had custody of us kids, and well Uncle Sam has gambled off our college fund. This fund was your legacy from your ancestors, who scratched, and suffered, and did without, to see that someday you got an education. Uncle Sam doesn't have the heart to tell you what he has done, or even try to explain it to you, or why he did it. So instead he takes the last damn 20bucks and buys you a plush stuffed animal made in china. Puts a smile on your face. Then he goes back to the casino, to gamble even more. Now putting you, and I, and our children, the beloved, up for collateral on new credit lines.
What is the end objective?
To introduce a new fiat currency. People say the Amero, I'm leaning toward a world wide currency unit. This will crash the euro, and most others as well.
If there is one money on the planet, then there is no other currency to run to. The world can easily be controlled. For our own benefit I'm sure. Think of it as neo-feudalism, that is why this is happening. It isn't a conspiracy theory, this is what is happening. The media will make this sound like a wonderful thing. A new era, a new world order for the ages, a whole new global deal. Where we finally "come together" as the people of Earth, all opposition will be crushed.
This isn't even taking into account the trillions of dollars held by foreign countries and what the heck they are going to do with the damn things.
Here is a video about this, if you have time educate yourself.
If you don't believe me, or think I am wrong. Then tell me:
A: How is a dollar created?
B: How has the dollar gained value?
C: What is the definition of exponential?
The media, will blame everything and everyone it can, before it blames the Federal Reserve... Take measures now, to prevent loosing anymore wealth you may have. Food, water, gold, silver, solar panels, batteries, soap, cigarettes, propane, blankets, hogs, sugar, goats, cattle, chickens, firearms, salt, medical supplies, flour, generators, alcohol, wool, ammunition, copper, anything that is used by people, and has value.
I'm not kidding.
The globalist bankers aren't either.
Honesty is the best policy - when there is money in it.~~~Twain
There is one that maketh himself rich, yet hath nothing; there is one that maketh himself poor, yet hath great riches.
With Love~
Joshua F.
The federal reserve, is neither a purely governmental nor private entity. Its both. Its owned by bankers, but they cannot sell their shares in it. The chair of it is appointed by the president. So by classic definition of ownership they do not own it. To "own" something you have to have the power to sell it. It is a cartel. Congress doesn't dictate to them the value of the dollar, they dictate that to congress. Most of the money created, 95% of it is just zeros in a computer bank, only about 5% of the total dollar is printed in paper.
Where do we get our money from?
The Fed says they "loan" money to our government at "interest". These words are used, but do not apply. They print money and charge the government a service fee. When our government needs money the fed "loans" it to our government. When our government cannot repay the loan, it "barrows" more from the Federal Reserve. This is done over and over and over again, and is the nature of our National debt. The very nature of this system is self depreciating. Money is created from nothing. Its worth is decided by the bankers at the Fed and it is enforced by our government. As more money is added to the system prices seem to go up. That is the wrong way to look at it, the price of most goods is the same now as it was in 1960. The dollar is worth less. Most people can live with 2%-4% inflation, and indeed we have been.
Since the Federal Reserve has taken over our currency, the dollar has lost most of its value. This would continue, at the same rate, technically until the dollar is worth next to nothing. The only way to stop this is to stop creating money. This can't and won't happen.
If it did, our government and the Fed would cease to be. There would be no money to pay for: government employees, welfare recipients, social security, warfare, ect, ect, anything you can imagine that the government pays for.
Now, the recent amount of money added is astronomical. Dollar depreciation will accelerate, at an exponential level.

But you say, someone in government or at the Fed has got to know this. They are smarter than we are. I'm sure some of them do. See, the system isn't sustainable any way, and would break down eventually due to its very nature. Someone decided that they wanted it to happen sooner rather than later.
What if the money added to the banks isn't loaned out, and not aloud to enter the system? What if they spend it else where?
The money was created to be loaned out. It doesn't matter where the dollars are spent, as long as it is somewhere on this planet.
What is going on?
Best case scenario, the dollar will loose at least 50% of its current value in the next few years. Worst case scenario, the dollar will loose 99% of its current value by next year. The dollars you have will inevitably be worthless. That's how it is. The count down on this de-valuation is dependent on what the banks do!
Why are they doing this?
They are purposely crashing our currency. If you can think this is an accident, your naive. If you think that creating this amount of dollars isn't going to drastically change how you live, you need to have your head examined. This isn't talked about on television because 6 major companies control most of the media. Where do they get their money? Who is daddy? Television is a mass propaganda tool. It is literally mass mind control. Don't believe 90% of what you hear on television. Quit watching television. Do not allow television to raise your children.
But Why? Why Josh?
The best analogy I can think of, goes something like this: So Uncle Sam has a gambling problem. Good ole Uncle Sam has had custody of us kids, and well Uncle Sam has gambled off our college fund. This fund was your legacy from your ancestors, who scratched, and suffered, and did without, to see that someday you got an education. Uncle Sam doesn't have the heart to tell you what he has done, or even try to explain it to you, or why he did it. So instead he takes the last damn 20bucks and buys you a plush stuffed animal made in china. Puts a smile on your face. Then he goes back to the casino, to gamble even more. Now putting you, and I, and our children, the beloved, up for collateral on new credit lines.
What is the end objective?
To introduce a new fiat currency. People say the Amero, I'm leaning toward a world wide currency unit. This will crash the euro, and most others as well.
If there is one money on the planet, then there is no other currency to run to. The world can easily be controlled. For our own benefit I'm sure. Think of it as neo-feudalism, that is why this is happening. It isn't a conspiracy theory, this is what is happening. The media will make this sound like a wonderful thing. A new era, a new world order for the ages, a whole new global deal. Where we finally "come together" as the people of Earth, all opposition will be crushed.
This isn't even taking into account the trillions of dollars held by foreign countries and what the heck they are going to do with the damn things.
Here is a video about this, if you have time educate yourself.
If you don't believe me, or think I am wrong. Then tell me:
A: How is a dollar created?
B: How has the dollar gained value?
C: What is the definition of exponential?
The media, will blame everything and everyone it can, before it blames the Federal Reserve... Take measures now, to prevent loosing anymore wealth you may have. Food, water, gold, silver, solar panels, batteries, soap, cigarettes, propane, blankets, hogs, sugar, goats, cattle, chickens, firearms, salt, medical supplies, flour, generators, alcohol, wool, ammunition, copper, anything that is used by people, and has value.
I'm not kidding.
The globalist bankers aren't either.
Honesty is the best policy - when there is money in it.~~~Twain
There is one that maketh himself rich, yet hath nothing; there is one that maketh himself poor, yet hath great riches.
With Love~
Joshua F.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Hey guys, I hope you had a wonderful weekend. Tonight I offer some maps, annd
The News:
As you know much of the world is experiencing a drought. Here are a few maps that help us understand the scope of this gigantic problem. Here is food output by GDP:

Here is a map illustrating the areas suffering from drought:

As you can see this is literally a perfect storm. Drought now means a smaller harvest later. China's wheat output per year is roughly the same as the US and Russia's harvest combine. China is taking extreme action to try to save their crops this season.
China orders $13-billion drought relief for wheat growers
Note that mass cloud seeding is known to mess up weather patterns else where. Basically particles (normally silver iodide) are dispersed into clouds. These particles cause the water vapor in the clouds to stick to them, and eventually form drops. The drops then fall to earth in the form of rain. To put it simply, it sucks the moister out of the atmosphere.
China fights drought with chemical cloud-seeding
The drought also has caused huge fires in south eastern Australia, these fires have thus far killed 84 people.
There will be more fires the world over. We can count on this. If the drought continues, there is a very good chance of famines. The scope of which are fearful to contemplate.
Three more banks have been closed. Two of them are here in California.
Three U.S. Banks Shut by Regulators as Financial Crisis Deepens
No budget has been passed here in California yet. State workers are now being forced to take un-paid days off. The DMV is closed dude.
Jobless claims surge to 626,000, highest since 1982
This is only the beginning folks. Hang in there.

Ron Paul's most recent report to the people, 2/7/09:
Have a good week this week. I will keep you posted.
The cruelest lies are often told in silence.~Robert Louis Stevenson
If thou be wise, thou shalt be wise for thyself; but if thou be a scorner, thou alone shall bear it.
With Love,
Joshua F.
The News:
As you know much of the world is experiencing a drought. Here are a few maps that help us understand the scope of this gigantic problem. Here is food output by GDP:

Here is a map illustrating the areas suffering from drought:

As you can see this is literally a perfect storm. Drought now means a smaller harvest later. China's wheat output per year is roughly the same as the US and Russia's harvest combine. China is taking extreme action to try to save their crops this season.
China orders $13-billion drought relief for wheat growers
Note that mass cloud seeding is known to mess up weather patterns else where. Basically particles (normally silver iodide) are dispersed into clouds. These particles cause the water vapor in the clouds to stick to them, and eventually form drops. The drops then fall to earth in the form of rain. To put it simply, it sucks the moister out of the atmosphere.
China fights drought with chemical cloud-seeding
The drought also has caused huge fires in south eastern Australia, these fires have thus far killed 84 people.
There will be more fires the world over. We can count on this. If the drought continues, there is a very good chance of famines. The scope of which are fearful to contemplate.
Three more banks have been closed. Two of them are here in California.
Three U.S. Banks Shut by Regulators as Financial Crisis Deepens
No budget has been passed here in California yet. State workers are now being forced to take un-paid days off. The DMV is closed dude.
Jobless claims surge to 626,000, highest since 1982
This is only the beginning folks. Hang in there.

Ron Paul's most recent report to the people, 2/7/09:
Have a good week this week. I will keep you posted.
The cruelest lies are often told in silence.~Robert Louis Stevenson
If thou be wise, thou shalt be wise for thyself; but if thou be a scorner, thou alone shall bear it.
With Love,
Joshua F.
Friday, February 6, 2009
Hobo Nickels
Hello Everyone. I am well and I hope you are too.
The News:
A global drought is settling in. This is really bad. Millions of people around the world face an extremely uncertain year. This will cause a great deal of conflict as the months wear on. I don't know how ugly this will get...
No Water!
Estimates figure a half million jobs were lost in our nation last month. We can assume this is conservative.
522,000 jobs lost in January
Again, 7.6% is very conservative. I reckon the number to be closer to 10% maybe even higher around different areas of the country.
Unemployment Rate Hits 7.6 Percent in January
This is a domino effect, we can expect unemployment to skyrocket. As folks loose work, they spend less, causing more folks to loose work, ect, ect.
U.S. job losses accelerate
The TARP failure. Throwing good money after bad, would be a delightful understatement. Its not a question whether it was "big" enough or not. The very basis of this idea is flawed. This money was about as useful to the average citizen as a kick in the mouth. Technically we have to re-pay this money with interest. There is no way it will ever be payed back, short of enslaving the entire American population for a few generations. The debt will be defaulted. The economy is about to bite the big one people. More "stimulus" is a mute point.
TARP Shortchanged Taxpayers $78 Billion
TARP legislation a failure
Another 825 billion stacked onto the funeral pyre. The dollar is being debased, and it won't stop here. The more dollars being created the less wealth we all have. This amount of money is mind boggling. If you counted one number per second it would take you around 28,000 years to count to 800 billion.
Economic stimulus package offers "hope" of recovery
The United States is a big ship, so it will take a little while for the public at large to realize this sucker is sinking. Too many people expect the government to help them. In reality, there isn't much that can be done. In reality depending on the government is nucking futs. It almost seems like they are purposefully speeding up the disintegration. The Fed will start buying US treasury bills (they have no other choice), because no one else will. Monetizing the debt, is the most hyperinflationary thing that can be done to any currency.
Federal Reserve Ready to Start Buying Treasuries
Couple this with a global loss of confidence in the American people's ability to re-pay the debt ever. Couple this impending global famine. Couple this with a possible expansion of the war in the mid-east. The stage is set for some true madness. We are right on the edge.
When gold and silver break loose from the price manipulation, it cannot continue forever. The market is extremely tight. Silver premiums in Europe are insane, if physical silver or gold can be found at all. When they break loose and and they will, it will be the beginning of a run on the dollar.
What to do? Get gold or silver while you can. If you don't know where to start, look at my past post on some advice on how to. Its not a risk free investment, just a heck of lot less risky than hanging on to dollars. Keep storing food! If you live in a dry climate store water! If there is plenty of fresh water around, then invest in some purification equipment. Prepare for the worst. Again, I know you have the moral courage to hold the line. We have to depend on each other and ourselves to get through this. Remember in the end we will be better off without all this needless excess. Staying positive is half the battle.
He that lives upon hope will die fasting.~~~Ben Franklin
A man that hath friends must show himself friendly, and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother.
With Love,
Joshua F.
The News:
A global drought is settling in. This is really bad. Millions of people around the world face an extremely uncertain year. This will cause a great deal of conflict as the months wear on. I don't know how ugly this will get...
No Water!
Estimates figure a half million jobs were lost in our nation last month. We can assume this is conservative.
522,000 jobs lost in January
Again, 7.6% is very conservative. I reckon the number to be closer to 10% maybe even higher around different areas of the country.
Unemployment Rate Hits 7.6 Percent in January
This is a domino effect, we can expect unemployment to skyrocket. As folks loose work, they spend less, causing more folks to loose work, ect, ect.
U.S. job losses accelerate
The TARP failure. Throwing good money after bad, would be a delightful understatement. Its not a question whether it was "big" enough or not. The very basis of this idea is flawed. This money was about as useful to the average citizen as a kick in the mouth. Technically we have to re-pay this money with interest. There is no way it will ever be payed back, short of enslaving the entire American population for a few generations. The debt will be defaulted. The economy is about to bite the big one people. More "stimulus" is a mute point.
TARP Shortchanged Taxpayers $78 Billion
TARP legislation a failure
Another 825 billion stacked onto the funeral pyre. The dollar is being debased, and it won't stop here. The more dollars being created the less wealth we all have. This amount of money is mind boggling. If you counted one number per second it would take you around 28,000 years to count to 800 billion.
Economic stimulus package offers "hope" of recovery
The United States is a big ship, so it will take a little while for the public at large to realize this sucker is sinking. Too many people expect the government to help them. In reality, there isn't much that can be done. In reality depending on the government is nucking futs. It almost seems like they are purposefully speeding up the disintegration. The Fed will start buying US treasury bills (they have no other choice), because no one else will. Monetizing the debt, is the most hyperinflationary thing that can be done to any currency.
Federal Reserve Ready to Start Buying Treasuries
Couple this with a global loss of confidence in the American people's ability to re-pay the debt ever. Couple this impending global famine. Couple this with a possible expansion of the war in the mid-east. The stage is set for some true madness. We are right on the edge.
When gold and silver break loose from the price manipulation, it cannot continue forever. The market is extremely tight. Silver premiums in Europe are insane, if physical silver or gold can be found at all. When they break loose and and they will, it will be the beginning of a run on the dollar.
What to do? Get gold or silver while you can. If you don't know where to start, look at my past post on some advice on how to. Its not a risk free investment, just a heck of lot less risky than hanging on to dollars. Keep storing food! If you live in a dry climate store water! If there is plenty of fresh water around, then invest in some purification equipment. Prepare for the worst. Again, I know you have the moral courage to hold the line. We have to depend on each other and ourselves to get through this. Remember in the end we will be better off without all this needless excess. Staying positive is half the battle.
He that lives upon hope will die fasting.~~~Ben Franklin
A man that hath friends must show himself friendly, and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother.
With Love,
Joshua F.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Greetings fellow travelers. I trust you had a wonderful weekend, and are excited about beginning a new week and a new month. The month February gets its name from the latin word februum, which means "to cleanse".
The News:
Protests continue to spread around the world.
Violent clashes in Russia as angry protesters
Three more banks have failed bring the total up to 6 this year. The FDIC hasn't been able to find an acquirer for one, which is unheard of and a very bad sign.
Regulators Close Three More Banks
FDIC unable to find an acquirer for failed bank
Obama's "Buy American" plan sounds good on the surface. Though it is seen in a different light by foreigners. This Canadian article explores the very high possibility, that this action will spread unemployment globally and at a faster rate than it is growing currently.
Buy America' policy a veiled attempt to export unemployment
The growing food crisis picks up some steam as it becomes recognized. Some of you may have been aware of this problem for a few years. Its only now getting to a point where it could very well threaten millions. Famine is not pretty, and we can't think that it is something that only happens in Africa.
Britain 'must revive farms' to avoid grave food crisis
UN Warns of Global Food Shortages
In the great state of Kentucky 700,000 people are still without power. Estimates that circa 200,000 are still without running water. The national guard has been brought in by the thousands. It may take weeks to get water and power back to some communities. This isn't a joke and this could happen any where at any time. Be prepared. Store food. Store water.
Kentucky National Guard goes door-to-door
Stay sharp out there. Things will get a lot rougher before they get better. Stay positive, and keep preparing. Co-operation with your neighbors, and those in your community is an excellent way to build a local support network. Its better to get started now, rather than later as things unwind on us. Find people of like mind that you can depend on. We all have amazing strength, together, and with the good Lord's Love, there will be nothing in our path that we cannot overcome.
You cannot run away from a weakness; you must sometimes fight it out or perish. And if that be so, why not now, and where you stand?~~~Robert Louis Stevenson
Be not afraid of sudden fear, neither of the desolation of the wicked when it cometh
With Love,
Joshua F.
The News:
Protests continue to spread around the world.
Violent clashes in Russia as angry protesters
Three more banks have failed bring the total up to 6 this year. The FDIC hasn't been able to find an acquirer for one, which is unheard of and a very bad sign.
Regulators Close Three More Banks
FDIC unable to find an acquirer for failed bank
Obama's "Buy American" plan sounds good on the surface. Though it is seen in a different light by foreigners. This Canadian article explores the very high possibility, that this action will spread unemployment globally and at a faster rate than it is growing currently.
Buy America' policy a veiled attempt to export unemployment
The growing food crisis picks up some steam as it becomes recognized. Some of you may have been aware of this problem for a few years. Its only now getting to a point where it could very well threaten millions. Famine is not pretty, and we can't think that it is something that only happens in Africa.
Britain 'must revive farms' to avoid grave food crisis
UN Warns of Global Food Shortages
In the great state of Kentucky 700,000 people are still without power. Estimates that circa 200,000 are still without running water. The national guard has been brought in by the thousands. It may take weeks to get water and power back to some communities. This isn't a joke and this could happen any where at any time. Be prepared. Store food. Store water.
Kentucky National Guard goes door-to-door
Stay sharp out there. Things will get a lot rougher before they get better. Stay positive, and keep preparing. Co-operation with your neighbors, and those in your community is an excellent way to build a local support network. Its better to get started now, rather than later as things unwind on us. Find people of like mind that you can depend on. We all have amazing strength, together, and with the good Lord's Love, there will be nothing in our path that we cannot overcome.
You cannot run away from a weakness; you must sometimes fight it out or perish. And if that be so, why not now, and where you stand?~~~Robert Louis Stevenson
Be not afraid of sudden fear, neither of the desolation of the wicked when it cometh
With Love,
Joshua F.
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