The federal reserve, is neither a purely governmental nor private entity. Its both. Its owned by bankers, but they cannot sell their shares in it. The chair of it is appointed by the president. So by classic definition of ownership they do not own it. To "own" something you have to have the power to sell it. It is a cartel. Congress doesn't dictate to them the value of the dollar, they dictate that to congress. Most of the money created, 95% of it is just zeros in a computer bank, only about 5% of the total dollar is printed in paper.
Where do we get our money from?
The Fed says they "loan" money to our government at "interest". These words are used, but do not apply. They print money and charge the government a service fee. When our government needs money the fed "loans" it to our government. When our government cannot repay the loan, it "barrows" more from the Federal Reserve. This is done over and over and over again, and is the nature of our National debt. The very nature of this system is self depreciating. Money is created from nothing. Its worth is decided by the bankers at the Fed and it is enforced by our government. As more money is added to the system prices seem to go up. That is the wrong way to look at it, the price of most goods is the same now as it was in 1960. The dollar is worth less. Most people can live with 2%-4% inflation, and indeed we have been.
Since the Federal Reserve has taken over our currency, the dollar has lost most of its value. This would continue, at the same rate, technically until the dollar is worth next to nothing. The only way to stop this is to stop creating money. This can't and won't happen.
If it did, our government and the Fed would cease to be. There would be no money to pay for: government employees, welfare recipients, social security, warfare, ect, ect, anything you can imagine that the government pays for.
Now, the recent amount of money added is astronomical. Dollar depreciation will accelerate, at an exponential level.

But you say, someone in government or at the Fed has got to know this. They are smarter than we are. I'm sure some of them do. See, the system isn't sustainable any way, and would break down eventually due to its very nature. Someone decided that they wanted it to happen sooner rather than later.
What if the money added to the banks isn't loaned out, and not aloud to enter the system? What if they spend it else where?
The money was created to be loaned out. It doesn't matter where the dollars are spent, as long as it is somewhere on this planet.
What is going on?
Best case scenario, the dollar will loose at least 50% of its current value in the next few years. Worst case scenario, the dollar will loose 99% of its current value by next year. The dollars you have will inevitably be worthless. That's how it is. The count down on this de-valuation is dependent on what the banks do!
Why are they doing this?
They are purposely crashing our currency. If you can think this is an accident, your naive. If you think that creating this amount of dollars isn't going to drastically change how you live, you need to have your head examined. This isn't talked about on television because 6 major companies control most of the media. Where do they get their money? Who is daddy? Television is a mass propaganda tool. It is literally mass mind control. Don't believe 90% of what you hear on television. Quit watching television. Do not allow television to raise your children.
But Why? Why Josh?
The best analogy I can think of, goes something like this: So Uncle Sam has a gambling problem. Good ole Uncle Sam has had custody of us kids, and well Uncle Sam has gambled off our college fund. This fund was your legacy from your ancestors, who scratched, and suffered, and did without, to see that someday you got an education. Uncle Sam doesn't have the heart to tell you what he has done, or even try to explain it to you, or why he did it. So instead he takes the last damn 20bucks and buys you a plush stuffed animal made in china. Puts a smile on your face. Then he goes back to the casino, to gamble even more. Now putting you, and I, and our children, the beloved, up for collateral on new credit lines.
What is the end objective?
To introduce a new fiat currency. People say the Amero, I'm leaning toward a world wide currency unit. This will crash the euro, and most others as well.
If there is one money on the planet, then there is no other currency to run to. The world can easily be controlled. For our own benefit I'm sure. Think of it as neo-feudalism, that is why this is happening. It isn't a conspiracy theory, this is what is happening. The media will make this sound like a wonderful thing. A new era, a new world order for the ages, a whole new global deal. Where we finally "come together" as the people of Earth, all opposition will be crushed.
This isn't even taking into account the trillions of dollars held by foreign countries and what the heck they are going to do with the damn things.
Here is a video about this, if you have time educate yourself.
If you don't believe me, or think I am wrong. Then tell me:
A: How is a dollar created?
B: How has the dollar gained value?
C: What is the definition of exponential?
The media, will blame everything and everyone it can, before it blames the Federal Reserve... Take measures now, to prevent loosing anymore wealth you may have. Food, water, gold, silver, solar panels, batteries, soap, cigarettes, propane, blankets, hogs, sugar, goats, cattle, chickens, firearms, salt, medical supplies, flour, generators, alcohol, wool, ammunition, copper, anything that is used by people, and has value.
I'm not kidding.
The globalist bankers aren't either.
Honesty is the best policy - when there is money in it.~~~Twain
There is one that maketh himself rich, yet hath nothing; there is one that maketh himself poor, yet hath great riches.
With Love~
Joshua F.
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