Hello good people of Earth.
The language containing the draft initiative was sucked out of the GIVE act in the senate. No mandatory volunteerism yet, we can thank our lucky stars. The funny thing is that they aren't stopping, so now we have a new Bill introduced to push this forced labor program forward.
HR 1444
"Whether a workable, fair, and reasonable mandatory service requirement for all able young people could be developed"
It doesn't sound bad on the face, especially with words like "could" and "reasonable". The fact of the matter is they will make "could" a very real "will". We both know this is their agenda. Once this starts, we are on a slippery slope of mandatory service for not just the kids but everyone as a requirement for citizenship. If they wanted to encourage "volunteerism" why not offer incentives to do so, or quit beating around the bush and just tell us that they want cheap labor out of us. Maybe if we the people had good enough reason to volunteer more would. I volunteer at the foodbank because I wish to better the community I live in. Instead of trying to coral free citizens maybe they should take some of the billions they are chucking around and spend some of it blasting that idea on Mtv. That would be far better at affecting the youth than passing more laws.
It just doesn't make sense. If people want to volunteer there are tons of ways, we don't need the government to hold our hands. Even if you can't find an organization you like to help out, be creative and do your own thing. Picking up trash helps, like nobody's business. I really hate the term "totalitarian tip-toe" but it certainly applies here.
General Motors still hasn't either been nationalized or aloud to go bankrupt. They really are stretching this out as long as they can. Either way you look at it, its a really terrible situation. That fact of the matter being that the auto industry is one of the few manufacturing industries the US has left. We can't be a consumer society forever. As of right now, it looks like bankruptcy is going to take place soon. Which means, nobody knows maybe a week or two. Something has got to give.
GM Says Bankruptcy Is ‘More Probable,’ Still Not ‘Preferred’
The currency issue is definitely being kicked around. China and Argentina agreed to a currency swap to the tune of 10billion worth of their yuan and peso. They are doing this to avoid trading with US dollars. This doesn't bode well for the dollar.
Argentina, China sign tentative currency swap deal
It seems like our good red friend China is leading the pack of wild wolves on the dollar's demise. We can say they have never been stupid. They are aware that the fed has had the digital presses running day and night.
Russia, China cooperate on new currency proposals
Russia is pushing for a return to at least a partial gold standard. Its been interesting for me,learning about what money truly is. We could base it on a capital item like tractors if we wanted. Though that would hardly be practical, especially with the state of our auto-industry. I suppose it comes back to what J.P. Morgan said, "Gold is money, nothing else". It seems that most of the world still agrees.
UK. Telegraph
Russia backs return to Gold Standard to solve financial crisis
In Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, they have a currency called ningi:
Ningi, a triangular rubber coin six thousand eight hundred miles along each side, It is valued at the rate of eight Ningis to one Triganic Pu, but thanks to the Ningi's immense size (almost twice as wide as the Earth's equatorial radius), it is more-or-less impossible to collect enough to own one pu.
It makes about as much sense as what we're doing now. We should switch to Ningis!
Any 3 million ways, I'll keep you all appraised. Remember that if you change the way you think, you change the world you live in. That fact that we have global bankers fighting to rob us at every turn means that sooner or later things will change for the better. If you want to make these billionaire jerks hurt, then quit using your credit card. Don't buy things to make you happy. Have a Free-day where you use your willey mind to acquire what you need via barter and trade. You'll be surprised. In time you may only have to sulley your hands with green paper in order to cough up your taxes. I would call that living the dream. Or who knows, maybe even fix the tax system while we're at it. Its not impossible, just not easy. Though we both know that if it were easy it wouldn't be much of a neat challenge. Challenges are what makes this quick existence we call life worth it.
We have all the light we need, we just need to put it in practice.~~Albert Pike
Rejoicing in the habitable part of his earth; and my delights were with the sons of men.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Its a Manbearpig
Hello folks, my aplogies for the lull, I've been a busy body.
Important Developments:
Dominique Strauss-Kahn, head of the The International Monetary Fund says, "The global economic situation remains bluntly dire and is extremely worrying and difficult,"
Downturn will only end when 'banks are fixed'
Whats going to happen is that everyone will expect things to get better perhaps by the end of the year. Things may appear to be shaping up, however its an artificial illusion. It is simply all the Newly created money that has been pumped into the system. As events fail to improve, and yes get worse, the IMF will be called on to step up and wrangle all monetary systems world wide. This will be done with the quasi global currency all ready in place known as Special Drawing Rights or SDRs.
Dollar de-valuation is eminent. The G-20, which is a meeting of "developed and emerging economies" is/will be discussing this in depth. The US Federal obligations exceed the Global Gross Domestic Product. This cannot be paid off, short of selling large chucks of our Nation, and physically enslaving the entire population for generations. Its a giant black hole. At some point the debt will have to be defaulted on.

As you are aware, our Dollar is based upon debt. Every dollar is a loan. The default on our national debt means the death of the dollar, as it will have no debt backing it. I know...its backwards, but that is the world we live in.
The National Service Bill aka GIVE (Generations Invigorating Volunteerism and Education Act) will become law very soon.
HR. 1388 Status
This dandy little piece of legislation makes volunteering mandatory. This is also known as a draft. As you may recall Rahm Israel Emmanuel has been pushing this for quite sometime.
Prepare To Be Drafted! I have no doubt Obama will sign this into law.
National Service Corps Bill Clears Senate Hurdle
Another neat facet of this soon to be law, is that it makes it ILLEGAL to protest. So, you either shut up, or get locked up. Welcome home citizens. Thankfully most are not aware of this bill, or their right to protest it.
GIVE Act outlaws citizens' right to protest
Rahm I. Emmanuel says, "It's time for a real Patriot Act that brings out the patriot in all of us. We propose universal civilian service for every young American"
Unemployment will not go down. The economy will continue to implode until we will willingly enter into The Global New Deal. We will pay for our Global Slavery. Thank you.
U.S. Jobless Rolls Increase to Record 5.56 Million
The Brave New World is quickly approaching. Is there anything that can be done to stop this from happening? First, start telling people. More people need to know. Half of this nonsence is being perpetrated because no one is aware of what is going on, not even congress. Basically Congress passes legislation they are told to with out even reading it, nor are they given the time to read it, if they were so inclined. I have no idea what this means to you, the children, those yet to come, or me personally. I do know that it is not good. As free choice is slowly eroded one morning we will wake up without a choice. What then? When a human being no longer has the ability to choose, it is no longer a human being.
I wish I had better news, but thats how it is. If everyone just quit using their credit cards for a few days we could end this. If everyone demanded an honest money system we could end this. If everyone quit voting for who ever the television tells them to, we could end this. Every day we wake up, we decide what kind of person we're going to be. Decide to be the best person you can be, and see it through untill you go to sleep. Decide to be Free, decide to smile, decide to not be cowed by what the tv tells you. Every choice you make changes the universe forever.
The sovereignty of one's self over one's self is called Liberty. ~~Albert Pike
Better is a little with righteousness than great revenues without right.
With Love,
Joshua F.
Important Developments:
Dominique Strauss-Kahn, head of the The International Monetary Fund says, "The global economic situation remains bluntly dire and is extremely worrying and difficult,"
Downturn will only end when 'banks are fixed'
Whats going to happen is that everyone will expect things to get better perhaps by the end of the year. Things may appear to be shaping up, however its an artificial illusion. It is simply all the Newly created money that has been pumped into the system. As events fail to improve, and yes get worse, the IMF will be called on to step up and wrangle all monetary systems world wide. This will be done with the quasi global currency all ready in place known as Special Drawing Rights or SDRs.
Dollar de-valuation is eminent. The G-20, which is a meeting of "developed and emerging economies" is/will be discussing this in depth. The US Federal obligations exceed the Global Gross Domestic Product. This cannot be paid off, short of selling large chucks of our Nation, and physically enslaving the entire population for generations. Its a giant black hole. At some point the debt will have to be defaulted on.

As you are aware, our Dollar is based upon debt. Every dollar is a loan. The default on our national debt means the death of the dollar, as it will have no debt backing it. I know...its backwards, but that is the world we live in.
The National Service Bill aka GIVE (Generations Invigorating Volunteerism and Education Act) will become law very soon.
HR. 1388 Status
This dandy little piece of legislation makes volunteering mandatory. This is also known as a draft. As you may recall Rahm Israel Emmanuel has been pushing this for quite sometime.
Prepare To Be Drafted! I have no doubt Obama will sign this into law.
National Service Corps Bill Clears Senate Hurdle
Another neat facet of this soon to be law, is that it makes it ILLEGAL to protest. So, you either shut up, or get locked up. Welcome home citizens. Thankfully most are not aware of this bill, or their right to protest it.
GIVE Act outlaws citizens' right to protest
Rahm I. Emmanuel says, "It's time for a real Patriot Act that brings out the patriot in all of us. We propose universal civilian service for every young American"
Unemployment will not go down. The economy will continue to implode until we will willingly enter into The Global New Deal. We will pay for our Global Slavery. Thank you.
U.S. Jobless Rolls Increase to Record 5.56 Million
The Brave New World is quickly approaching. Is there anything that can be done to stop this from happening? First, start telling people. More people need to know. Half of this nonsence is being perpetrated because no one is aware of what is going on, not even congress. Basically Congress passes legislation they are told to with out even reading it, nor are they given the time to read it, if they were so inclined. I have no idea what this means to you, the children, those yet to come, or me personally. I do know that it is not good. As free choice is slowly eroded one morning we will wake up without a choice. What then? When a human being no longer has the ability to choose, it is no longer a human being.
I wish I had better news, but thats how it is. If everyone just quit using their credit cards for a few days we could end this. If everyone demanded an honest money system we could end this. If everyone quit voting for who ever the television tells them to, we could end this. Every day we wake up, we decide what kind of person we're going to be. Decide to be the best person you can be, and see it through untill you go to sleep. Decide to be Free, decide to smile, decide to not be cowed by what the tv tells you. Every choice you make changes the universe forever.
The sovereignty of one's self over one's self is called Liberty. ~~Albert Pike
Better is a little with righteousness than great revenues without right.
With Love,
Joshua F.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Creep Attack
Hello. Some interesting events.
The Dollar is beginning its inevitable decline and end as a world reserve currency.
The International Monetary fund will start "printing" billions in New Super Currency. What does this mean? Your guess is as good as mine. Mr. Johnson, former IMF chief economist," The principle behind it is that everyone would get bonus dollars and instead of the Federal Reserve having to print them, everyone gets them"
Global "super-currency"
Russia endorses dollars demise.
At G20, Kremlin to Pitch New Currency
The UN is in on it as well, this is real folks. Its going to happen.
U.N. panel says world should ditch dollar
The implosion of our nation's economy continues.
U.S. output plummets, manufacturing at record low
Continuing jobless claims jump by 185,000
As you may or may not be aware of, the massive insurance company AIG, which would of went bankrupt without a tax payer's bailout gave out billions in bonus's. Its no wonder that people who took the bonus's at AIG are now getting death threats.
AIG chief worried about safety after death threats
Its more than outrageous that this was done. At the same time, these fat cats are some what a distraction from bigger issues. They are if you will, an effect of the larger attitude and greed.
The Fed has begun to buy US Treasury Bills. This means, that foreigners are not buying enough of our debt, so the Federal Reserve will. This is known as monetizing the debt. They are printing money, in order to buy the debt. This is the core of hyperinflation. Its insane.
‘Rambo Fed’ Will Buy Treasuries to Combat Crisis
This is only the start.
The French organized another Nationwide strike. Let us hope the people will have an impact.
Police gave an estimate of 1.2 million people at rallies nationwide.
I have no idea where we will be at in 6 months, or a year. Being prepared psychologically, is the biggest thing you can do. Keeping a sense of humor about it is great too. Laughing being the best medicine, you should try it. If you can't take pleasure in the small things, what can you?
Oh, come on. If you can't laugh at the walking dead, who can you laugh at?~~anon
The discretion of a man deferreth his anger; and it is his glory to pass over a transgression.
With Love,
Joshua F.
The Dollar is beginning its inevitable decline and end as a world reserve currency.
The International Monetary fund will start "printing" billions in New Super Currency. What does this mean? Your guess is as good as mine. Mr. Johnson, former IMF chief economist," The principle behind it is that everyone would get bonus dollars and instead of the Federal Reserve having to print them, everyone gets them"
Global "super-currency"
Russia endorses dollars demise.
At G20, Kremlin to Pitch New Currency
The UN is in on it as well, this is real folks. Its going to happen.
U.N. panel says world should ditch dollar
The implosion of our nation's economy continues.
U.S. output plummets, manufacturing at record low
Continuing jobless claims jump by 185,000
As you may or may not be aware of, the massive insurance company AIG, which would of went bankrupt without a tax payer's bailout gave out billions in bonus's. Its no wonder that people who took the bonus's at AIG are now getting death threats.
AIG chief worried about safety after death threats
Its more than outrageous that this was done. At the same time, these fat cats are some what a distraction from bigger issues. They are if you will, an effect of the larger attitude and greed.
The Fed has begun to buy US Treasury Bills. This means, that foreigners are not buying enough of our debt, so the Federal Reserve will. This is known as monetizing the debt. They are printing money, in order to buy the debt. This is the core of hyperinflation. Its insane.
‘Rambo Fed’ Will Buy Treasuries to Combat Crisis
This is only the start.
The French organized another Nationwide strike. Let us hope the people will have an impact.
Police gave an estimate of 1.2 million people at rallies nationwide.
I have no idea where we will be at in 6 months, or a year. Being prepared psychologically, is the biggest thing you can do. Keeping a sense of humor about it is great too. Laughing being the best medicine, you should try it. If you can't take pleasure in the small things, what can you?
Oh, come on. If you can't laugh at the walking dead, who can you laugh at?~~anon
The discretion of a man deferreth his anger; and it is his glory to pass over a transgression.
With Love,
Joshua F.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Keep your eyes peeled
Hello all, I have had a busy busy week. Seems like '09 began yesterday. On to...
The News:
So GM wasn't aloud to go bankrupt. Seems like they are draggin this out as long as they possibly can. Was that a traffic warden? The amount of homeless has visibly increased around here. The newly homeless, are hard to tell because they aren't bums, they are just living out of their vehicles. This is only the beginning I don't think most folks realize the gravity of our situation. A few Links:
homeless tent city
I may start taking pictures around here soon^.
1 in 50 American children
So what to do? Here is some advise from a Russian, their country went through something like this about 20years ago, and it began with nearly everyone unprepared. Its about 12mins long and extremely informative.
Half of being prepared is psychological. I really hope the wack-jobs that have hi-jacked our country do not have a war on the books. International tensions rise, over petty nonsense.
Tension rises as N Korea cuts off hotline
China and U.S. Clash on Naval Fracas
Obama: Iran still represents a “national emergency”
Its funny to me that since the price of oil was dumped on purpose. Iran has been hemorrhaging like a sky driver who's parachute didn't open. We are all ready engaged in an economic war to break these people. Invasion of Iran has been on the agenda for a long long time. So we'll see. If the Global War on/of "Terror" expands, expect our economic implosion to kick into high gear.
So lets Talk about Food.
If you have time watch the following video about Codex Alimentarius (40mins). The World trade organization means to knock off about 2 billion souls in the next 5 years or so. We can't go along with this. Its not funny.
Sign the petition, there is no excuse not to. The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.
Health Freedom USA
Have a wonderful day. Remember that 90% of what you hear on television is manipulative. The greatest achievement of propaganda in the United States was to convince everyone it doesn't exist. Be safe out there.
The gathering of knowledge makes one a poor slave~~~anon
The simple believeth every word: but the prudent man looketh well to his going.
With Love,
Joshua F.
The News:
So GM wasn't aloud to go bankrupt. Seems like they are draggin this out as long as they possibly can. Was that a traffic warden? The amount of homeless has visibly increased around here. The newly homeless, are hard to tell because they aren't bums, they are just living out of their vehicles. This is only the beginning I don't think most folks realize the gravity of our situation. A few Links:
homeless tent city
I may start taking pictures around here soon^.
1 in 50 American children
So what to do? Here is some advise from a Russian, their country went through something like this about 20years ago, and it began with nearly everyone unprepared. Its about 12mins long and extremely informative.
Half of being prepared is psychological. I really hope the wack-jobs that have hi-jacked our country do not have a war on the books. International tensions rise, over petty nonsense.
Tension rises as N Korea cuts off hotline
China and U.S. Clash on Naval Fracas
Obama: Iran still represents a “national emergency”
Its funny to me that since the price of oil was dumped on purpose. Iran has been hemorrhaging like a sky driver who's parachute didn't open. We are all ready engaged in an economic war to break these people. Invasion of Iran has been on the agenda for a long long time. So we'll see. If the Global War on/of "Terror" expands, expect our economic implosion to kick into high gear.
So lets Talk about Food.
If you have time watch the following video about Codex Alimentarius (40mins). The World trade organization means to knock off about 2 billion souls in the next 5 years or so. We can't go along with this. Its not funny.
Sign the petition, there is no excuse not to. The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.
Health Freedom USA
Have a wonderful day. Remember that 90% of what you hear on television is manipulative. The greatest achievement of propaganda in the United States was to convince everyone it doesn't exist. Be safe out there.
The gathering of knowledge makes one a poor slave~~~anon
The simple believeth every word: but the prudent man looketh well to his going.
With Love,
Joshua F.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Mephistopheles Mambo
Hey there.
The News
The bank failure total for this year is now 17. With the FDIC going broke and all, the senate plans to pass them a loan for the sum total of $500 Billion bucks. Its hard to keep track of all this new money!
Washington plans for big bank failure
20% of home loans in the great state of Florida are now rogue.
1 in 5 home loans in Florida delinquent
The average rate across the country they say is now around 10%.
More Than 11 Percent of Mortgages Delinquent or in Foreclosure
Unemployment is officially at 8.1%
Here is an alternative Chart through September 2008:

I think a good rule of thumb is to take the official number and double it. So I doubt 16% is far fetched. As people quit buying as much junk, expect Unemployment to continue to go Up^!
Retail Sales:

Remember as Unemployment rises, there will be more crime. Many people out there are loosing their houses, their jobs, and their sanity. I'm not sure where the breaking point will be. Here in downtown Eureka crime has already gone up quite a bit. There have been 2 home invasions this week alone, one occurring at 10am in broad daylight. There have been 3 stabbings since January, resulting in the death of a college student, and one shooting death that is still unsolved. I thought Bakersfield was a rough town. Most of these are drug related as you can guess. Investing in a police scanner isn't a bad idea for anyone, the one I bought is a uniden and costs around $80. It is the very best way to get your local news.
So money continues to be invented at an unfathomable rate, and the rich get richer. I expect General Motors to finally be aloud to go bankrupt next week. I really don't see them selling many more automobiles anymore. Citibank's stock price is floating around .99cents a share now! Hahaha, now if that isn't ironic I'm not sure what is. A company apparently holding billions of dollars, and a share can now be had for less than a big mac. In 2006 a share was $55.70, I'm sure glad I didn't invest in that. Obama calls it a buying opportunity. Though if I were you, and I'm not, but if I was, I'd stick with something to do with agriculture, or something real like precious metals, or some other commodity that will always have value. Walmart and Monsanto have been doing incredibly well, but if you value your soul, I wouldn't give those monsters a nickle.
Generosity is giving more than you can, and pride is taking less than you need.~~~Gibran
The memory of the just is blessed: but the name of the wicked shall rot.
With Love,
Joshua F.
The News
The bank failure total for this year is now 17. With the FDIC going broke and all, the senate plans to pass them a loan for the sum total of $500 Billion bucks. Its hard to keep track of all this new money!
Washington plans for big bank failure
20% of home loans in the great state of Florida are now rogue.
1 in 5 home loans in Florida delinquent
The average rate across the country they say is now around 10%.
More Than 11 Percent of Mortgages Delinquent or in Foreclosure
Unemployment is officially at 8.1%
Here is an alternative Chart through September 2008:

I think a good rule of thumb is to take the official number and double it. So I doubt 16% is far fetched. As people quit buying as much junk, expect Unemployment to continue to go Up^!
Retail Sales:

Remember as Unemployment rises, there will be more crime. Many people out there are loosing their houses, their jobs, and their sanity. I'm not sure where the breaking point will be. Here in downtown Eureka crime has already gone up quite a bit. There have been 2 home invasions this week alone, one occurring at 10am in broad daylight. There have been 3 stabbings since January, resulting in the death of a college student, and one shooting death that is still unsolved. I thought Bakersfield was a rough town. Most of these are drug related as you can guess. Investing in a police scanner isn't a bad idea for anyone, the one I bought is a uniden and costs around $80. It is the very best way to get your local news.
So money continues to be invented at an unfathomable rate, and the rich get richer. I expect General Motors to finally be aloud to go bankrupt next week. I really don't see them selling many more automobiles anymore. Citibank's stock price is floating around .99cents a share now! Hahaha, now if that isn't ironic I'm not sure what is. A company apparently holding billions of dollars, and a share can now be had for less than a big mac. In 2006 a share was $55.70, I'm sure glad I didn't invest in that. Obama calls it a buying opportunity. Though if I were you, and I'm not, but if I was, I'd stick with something to do with agriculture, or something real like precious metals, or some other commodity that will always have value. Walmart and Monsanto have been doing incredibly well, but if you value your soul, I wouldn't give those monsters a nickle.
Generosity is giving more than you can, and pride is taking less than you need.~~~Gibran
The memory of the just is blessed: but the name of the wicked shall rot.
With Love,
Joshua F.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Hello folks.
The News:
Get this, The Fed refuses to tell us where 2.2 trillion of our dollars went! Its sad. They are taking our TAXES and loaning them to banks (irresponsible) who will LOAN US our money back at some crazy interest rate. Laugh if you can.
Fed Refuses to Release Bank Data, Insists on Secrecy
Finally a Congress man with some Guts. Sanders with a shake down. These people need to be tried for treason. Simple as that.
Whats next?
Well, The FDIC says it Could Be Insolvent This Year. Listen folks, if they are actually admitting this, then its worse than you think.
FDIC Insolvent?
Whats even worse? Greedy greedy gets even better when it comes to vaccines. So...get this...The mega corp Baxter, "accidentally" mixed up a shipment of their flu vaccine with LIVE AVIAN FLU! How does this happen? I can't imagine this being some kind of "mix up". So, why really?.... you think they may have an interest in spreading disease, to maybe sell their shots?
Baxter: Product contained live bird flu virus
Quote: "People familiar with biosecurity rules are dismayed by evidence that human H3N2 and avian H5N1 viruses somehow co-mingled in the Orth-Donau facility. That is a dangerous practice that should not be allowed to happen, a number of experts insisted."
Oh, of course this is just a one time deal right??? WRONG, something like this has happened before, with AIDS! and IT was on television!! The devil himself will get his due.
So??? Don't get fricken flu shots. PLEASE! With sugar on top and cherries. I'm going to go outside and scream now. They keep warning us about a pandemic, and they do this?!? Who wants to choke on their own blood???
With Love,
Joshua F.
The News:
Get this, The Fed refuses to tell us where 2.2 trillion of our dollars went! Its sad. They are taking our TAXES and loaning them to banks (irresponsible) who will LOAN US our money back at some crazy interest rate. Laugh if you can.
Fed Refuses to Release Bank Data, Insists on Secrecy
Finally a Congress man with some Guts. Sanders with a shake down. These people need to be tried for treason. Simple as that.
Whats next?
Well, The FDIC says it Could Be Insolvent This Year. Listen folks, if they are actually admitting this, then its worse than you think.
FDIC Insolvent?
Whats even worse? Greedy greedy gets even better when it comes to vaccines. So...get this...The mega corp Baxter, "accidentally" mixed up a shipment of their flu vaccine with LIVE AVIAN FLU! How does this happen? I can't imagine this being some kind of "mix up". So, why really?.... you think they may have an interest in spreading disease, to maybe sell their shots?
Baxter: Product contained live bird flu virus
Quote: "People familiar with biosecurity rules are dismayed by evidence that human H3N2 and avian H5N1 viruses somehow co-mingled in the Orth-Donau facility. That is a dangerous practice that should not be allowed to happen, a number of experts insisted."
Oh, of course this is just a one time deal right??? WRONG, something like this has happened before, with AIDS! and IT was on television!! The devil himself will get his due.
So??? Don't get fricken flu shots. PLEASE! With sugar on top and cherries. I'm going to go outside and scream now. They keep warning us about a pandemic, and they do this?!? Who wants to choke on their own blood???
With Love,
Joshua F.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Greetings folks. Sorry for the lull as I have been busy.
The News:
One in Ten in California are now unemployed.
highest level in a quarter century
The un-bailed out bank list grows to 16 this year.
The casualty List
General Motors will either nationalize or go bankrupt.
Time to nationalize GM?
The job market isn't going to improve, the system is broken. I do not know how anyone expects anything to improve at all.
Worst job losses in 60 years expected
It really is just a matter of time before the hammer falls. It isn't an accident. This is a controlled implosion.
The truth behind martial law being declared in congress is out. There was a massive electronic bank run. This video breaks my heart. Why do we have to be lied to constantly?
The truth is, is that our Government has been hi-jacked by international Bankers. They don't care about you. You are a dollar sign. Where do you think this will go?
This next video is some what less depressing. Mmm controlled corporate media, and the truth?? Oh it was a mistake. The looks on the journalist's faces is priceless.
So there we have it. Its hard to really tell what is going to happen. The coming events have all been designed in secret meetings. It will be interesting to see how they un-fold this story. It will be up to us as to weather this story will ultimately be a tragedy or not. I love your ability to keep your thoughts positive, it makes all the difference. I'll keep y'all posted. Stay focused.
Your daily life is your temple and your religion. When you enter into it take with you your all. ~Gibran
Buy the truth, and sell it not; also wisdom, and instruction, and understanding.
With Love,
Joshua F.
Link text
The News:
One in Ten in California are now unemployed.
highest level in a quarter century
The un-bailed out bank list grows to 16 this year.
The casualty List
General Motors will either nationalize or go bankrupt.
Time to nationalize GM?
The job market isn't going to improve, the system is broken. I do not know how anyone expects anything to improve at all.
Worst job losses in 60 years expected
It really is just a matter of time before the hammer falls. It isn't an accident. This is a controlled implosion.
The truth behind martial law being declared in congress is out. There was a massive electronic bank run. This video breaks my heart. Why do we have to be lied to constantly?
The truth is, is that our Government has been hi-jacked by international Bankers. They don't care about you. You are a dollar sign. Where do you think this will go?
This next video is some what less depressing. Mmm controlled corporate media, and the truth?? Oh it was a mistake. The looks on the journalist's faces is priceless.
So there we have it. Its hard to really tell what is going to happen. The coming events have all been designed in secret meetings. It will be interesting to see how they un-fold this story. It will be up to us as to weather this story will ultimately be a tragedy or not. I love your ability to keep your thoughts positive, it makes all the difference. I'll keep y'all posted. Stay focused.
Your daily life is your temple and your religion. When you enter into it take with you your all. ~Gibran
Buy the truth, and sell it not; also wisdom, and instruction, and understanding.
With Love,
Joshua F.
Link text
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