Important Developments:
Dominique Strauss-Kahn, head of the The International Monetary Fund says, "The global economic situation remains bluntly dire and is extremely worrying and difficult,"
Downturn will only end when 'banks are fixed'
Whats going to happen is that everyone will expect things to get better perhaps by the end of the year. Things may appear to be shaping up, however its an artificial illusion. It is simply all the Newly created money that has been pumped into the system. As events fail to improve, and yes get worse, the IMF will be called on to step up and wrangle all monetary systems world wide. This will be done with the quasi global currency all ready in place known as Special Drawing Rights or SDRs.
Dollar de-valuation is eminent. The G-20, which is a meeting of "developed and emerging economies" is/will be discussing this in depth. The US Federal obligations exceed the Global Gross Domestic Product. This cannot be paid off, short of selling large chucks of our Nation, and physically enslaving the entire population for generations. Its a giant black hole. At some point the debt will have to be defaulted on.

As you are aware, our Dollar is based upon debt. Every dollar is a loan. The default on our national debt means the death of the dollar, as it will have no debt backing it. I know...its backwards, but that is the world we live in.
The National Service Bill aka GIVE (Generations Invigorating Volunteerism and Education Act) will become law very soon.
HR. 1388 Status
This dandy little piece of legislation makes volunteering mandatory. This is also known as a draft. As you may recall Rahm Israel Emmanuel has been pushing this for quite sometime.
Prepare To Be Drafted! I have no doubt Obama will sign this into law.
National Service Corps Bill Clears Senate Hurdle
Another neat facet of this soon to be law, is that it makes it ILLEGAL to protest. So, you either shut up, or get locked up. Welcome home citizens. Thankfully most are not aware of this bill, or their right to protest it.
GIVE Act outlaws citizens' right to protest
Rahm I. Emmanuel says, "It's time for a real Patriot Act that brings out the patriot in all of us. We propose universal civilian service for every young American"
Unemployment will not go down. The economy will continue to implode until we will willingly enter into The Global New Deal. We will pay for our Global Slavery. Thank you.
U.S. Jobless Rolls Increase to Record 5.56 Million
The Brave New World is quickly approaching. Is there anything that can be done to stop this from happening? First, start telling people. More people need to know. Half of this nonsence is being perpetrated because no one is aware of what is going on, not even congress. Basically Congress passes legislation they are told to with out even reading it, nor are they given the time to read it, if they were so inclined. I have no idea what this means to you, the children, those yet to come, or me personally. I do know that it is not good. As free choice is slowly eroded one morning we will wake up without a choice. What then? When a human being no longer has the ability to choose, it is no longer a human being.
I wish I had better news, but thats how it is. If everyone just quit using their credit cards for a few days we could end this. If everyone demanded an honest money system we could end this. If everyone quit voting for who ever the television tells them to, we could end this. Every day we wake up, we decide what kind of person we're going to be. Decide to be the best person you can be, and see it through untill you go to sleep. Decide to be Free, decide to smile, decide to not be cowed by what the tv tells you. Every choice you make changes the universe forever.
The sovereignty of one's self over one's self is called Liberty. ~~Albert Pike
Better is a little with righteousness than great revenues without right.
With Love,
Joshua F.
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