Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The end and The Begining, how to buy Silver

The closing of one chapter and the opening of another. Let's not stand on ceremony.

There is alot of fear out there, and I can't blame them
The onslaught of the middle class continues

More stores are closing because the people are saving what little money they have, as the dollar falls in value, this in turn will cause more jobs to be lost and more insanity.

Why is the dollar dropping? There are a number of reasons:

THIS ONE makes me very upset. The mad-men have already gone through half of the Billions set aside to "help". Even one billion is such a large number its hard to wrap your head around. If you counted one number per second it would take you 31 years, 251 days, 46 minutes, and 39 seconds to count to ONE billion. It stands to reason that if we constantly wrote checks over the amount of money in our account we would end up in trouble, but not Mr. Paulson and his masters. Yes just open the flood gates, we can bathe in dollars!

Treasury Has Pledged More Rescue Funds Than Authorized

Our country has been hijacked. The madness continues:

The price of gold and silver are being manipulated to keep it artificially low, to prevent a panic, by trading paper that says they have it. Look here:

Clear Market Manipulation

and Here:

Central Banks Fight

and here:

U.S. Government Sanctioned Gold Price Manipulation

The actual Butler Report:

Its a complicated read but its worth the knowledge

What is a dollar worth?
please compare

One 1800 dollar is the equivalent to 17 2007 dollars. Its more now, for sure.

The truth is since we've been off the gold & silver standard its been worth zippo
Explanation by Byron Date.


What can you do?....Well since precious metals are being forced artificially low, you should change some of your paper money into it while you can. We can put ourselves back on a silver standard. Remember food, water, shelter, and safety are first on the priority list. That being said, this is funny because the spot price is not realistic.

Silver is trading for around 11 bucks today right?

Silver Spot

Hah, if you could actually find any for that price it would be a steal, this is what it really looks like:
Thank goodness for e-bay trades, because they aren't based on a paper shuffle

I don't know how long this scam will last, at some point the gig will be up. Take advantage of it if you can. If you don't know where to begin, I recommend these Joints:

APMEX.....they are the cheapest I have found but, they are slow on delivery. If you decide to send them a check make sure you express mail it, they have a payment deadline.

Mint Products.....These guys are a little bit more expensive, still reasonable. They are fast and efficient. I've found their customer service to be really good.

Ebay allways works well.

Dig around there are deals out there to be had. I wouldn't recommend paying more than 18.50 an oz of silver shipping and everything, but anything under twenty is a fair exchange. Don't buy anything under 90% content. Older US coins known as junk silver (stamped out before '64) is one of the best ways to go.

Enough of that.

Lets pray the war in the mideast doesn't escalate. I'm researching more into that snarl so we can understand it better, I'll post on it soon.

In the mean time which is a groovy time.

Let us gather our strength and courage for what is coming. We have no choice but to go through, there is no "out". So let the old way end. Lets begin something New and Amazing. In the immortal words of Monty Python "and now for something completely different"....I leave you with Charlie Chaplin:

Pray to God, but row away from the rocks~~~Hunter S. Thompson

Whoso stoppeth his ears at the cry of the poor, he also shall himself cry, but shall not be heard.

All of my Love~

Joshua F.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Dec 30, 08

This martial law thing got me itching to learn more. As it turns out this word has duel meanings which just makes the usage of it more dangerous. Needless to say, even Martial Law declared inside the House is a very dismal thing. Here is an article about this happening in '06:

House leadership invokes "Martial Law"

Basically its a way to get Bills rammed through without careful study and consideration.

I hope this makes you feel better, it didn't for me. This is still extremely important to our Nation as a whole. This is something we all need to continue to keep a keen eye on.

On ward. Homeland security is extending the "buffer zone" to include 100miles from the borders:

Homeland Security: Respect civil rights

Allmost 1 in 10 people living in Florida are on foodstamps now, I'm sure this will spread like wild fire:

Palm Beach Post

Oh and what the "pros" say over at cnbc:
Employment Collapse

This is an interesting little article, I really like this guy at marketskeptics. This gentleman keeps our economy on the global perspective. It looks like China is going to get stuck with all of our debt and Russia's debt. Simply to keep their currency weak so they can continue to sell us plastic junk stamped out at 2 cents a unit, or will they?

Russia's trade deficit forces China to buy dollars

Ah yess and Mr. Schiff's latest video clips, the man has a gift for explaining things:

Dec 25 on the Auto Collapse:

Dec 29 part Uno:

Dec 29 part Duo:

Money as Debt video links, if you haven't seen this, you should check it out:

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5

The fact of the matter is that we as a society and the world cannot continue to operate on a debt system. The system that is currently in place is sinful, and cannot last. Until we get this sorted out there is no "bottom". Enjoy the wonderful day today, we'll be better off in the end. The love of creation is allways with us, we are expressions of this unfathomable creativity.

Let us be thankful for the fools. But for them the rest of us could not succeed.~Twain

As a dog returneth to his vomit, so a fool returneth to his folly.

haha food for thought.
~Much Love
Josh F.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Dec 29, 08

I'm doing really well up here guys. Sooo heres the rub.

I hate to hit the paranoia button, but we should expect to see martial law. Especially in the more densely populated areas.

Martial Law: martial law imposes particular rules, one of which is curfew. Often, under this system, the administration of justice is left to a military tribunal, called a court-martial. The suspension of the writ of HABEAS CORPUS is likely to occur.

Martial law was declared in the House to pass the "bail-out". We could see it come home in the days ahead.

Eaa Gahds

Mas y Mas

More to the story:
Info Wars

Here is what the General has to say:

China is disassociating from the dollar, this will rock us. I can't blame them.

An excellent Analysis

Un-safe meats, I'm not sure what this is all about. However if the Mexicans aren't accepting it, then something is up. It could be a more political move, but better safe than sick.


On the lighter side, Peter Schiff's analogies as to the current situation are great.

I know this is depressing. Keep preparing and begin helping other people get ready. Imagine the kind of world you would like to live in, and make it happen everyday. Every human being is incredibly valuable. Even a meth addict with super aids, is worth more than all the gold and silver on the planet. When some body wrongs you, be nicer to them, as it confounds them. Forgiveness is amazing, and amazing people allways forgive. Remember to Smile, we are on the winning side.

The spirit of man is the candle of the LORD, searching all the inward parts of his being.

-I will continue to keep you guys posted
With much Love,
Josh F.