Sunday, August 23, 2009

Change in Focus

Hey Folks, Summer has been great. Tomorrow is the first day of the fall semester and I am very excited. The news has been very much the same. More banks have been closing, we are up to 81 thus far. The dollar is going to collapse, I wish I knew when. It could happen next month or a year from now. I doubt it will be a doomsday scenario, however people will die. Codex Alimentarius goes into place at the end of this year, and if that alone doesn't bother you, then I would say your not human.

I have been thinking, alot. I think now I formulated a better plan to raise awareness of these major issues. I am going to shift my focus here to the local level and do my very best to let folks know and organize some discussion. I'm not sure what I'll what I'll do with this blog spot, but I feel that I will use this one for more personal thoughts and conclusions I draw. I will make sure that you guys get links to the new site.

It won't be as news oriented. It will be about getting basic factual information about events we must face, and how best to deal with them. My major points of focus will be:

A: Our nation's monetary situation and the implications

B: Our food supply. Specifically Codex, GMO food/"food equivalents", and global food shortage

C: Our basic inalienable rights

There are periphery issues that are just as important. This is where my focus will start though. Things are changing so fast it makes my head spin. I learn so much everyday.

It will take me a few days to get everything put together and cited. Once I am done with the first stage of this project I will link this page to that. I have a good feeling about this endeavor.

In the mean time if you would like non-public relations and propaganda for the news, I recommend

What really

and these radio programs by Alan Watt. He is beholden to no company or person, and he posts his broadcasts for free. The information in these programs is invaluable.

Alan Watt's Show

Or there is always good old Alex Jones, but he may get on on your nerves after a while, he is an intense character. His information is 95% correct, and even if you think he is exaggerating, he isn't.

Prison Planet


In the mean time, get and stay healthy. Keep a solid supply of stored food. Remember that what ever happens to anyone of us, happens to us as a whole. Get a good water filtration system. Eat lots of pie. Enjoy the days, and folks your with.

A fool hath no delight in understanding, unless his heart may discover itself.

Love you guys!

Josh F.