It got sunny here again! I have had a wonderful day and got invited to a fancy dinner event in gratitude for my volunteer adventures. I hope your day has been well. Any 5 million ways,
The News
The refinery in Bakes is going to be idled, maybe indefinitely.
Big West is unable to buy the crude oil to keep the facility running.
This next topic is Global in nature. Food prices are inflating despite everything else being in crash mode. Soon this will come to our shore. Store Food!
World food prices are rising Fast
Steep drop in world wheat crop forecast
No more food exports as famine looms large
The onslaught of the middle class continues:
Job cuts exceed 100,000 for the week
Initial jobless claims rise 3,000 to 588,000; continuing claims hit 4.78 million
Newly homeless plead: 'We're not throwaway people
The market continues to contract. Shortages are eminent.
Steep Slide in U.S. Economy as Unsold Goods Pile Up
GDP sees biggest drop in 27 years
Bank and Thrift Failure Roundup
The Brits and the French have more guts than we do. They are actually trying to save their jobs, their country.
How bad will things have to get here before people get sick and tired of it. Wall street bankers and fat cat corporation owners are being given Billions of our dollars. Our blood, sweat, and tears. They continue to fly around in private jets and they continue to take large bonus's. They continue to run our country into the GROUND for profit just like their companies. If this doesn't make you mad, what will? We have been hijacked! They aren't going to stop! You realize that?...Take one second and realize that.
We are paying them to rob us!
I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies.~~~Thomas Jefferson
It is joy to the just to do judgment: but destruction shall be to the workers of iniquity.
With Love
Joshua F.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Get up and get down with the Sickness.
Hello. Its been a few days. Not that there hasn't been any news, I simply needed a break with school winding up and all. The news gets uglyer. So lets get on this beasty.
The News:
Our country is Bankrupt, make no mistakes guys. The banking system maybe be nationalized very soon. The Fed now already has control of the Bank of America and Citigroup.
US Banks are insolvent!!
Investors beware: U. S. banks may be nationalized
Nationalization Gets a New, Serious Look
I'm not sure if it will happen or not the amount of debt is so large, I am not sure if the government wants to even touch it. Smaller banks will continue to fail as things are going. Sadly the average person won't see a dime of bail-out money.
Iceland's government has collapsed:
Financial crisis causes Iceland's government to collapse
California's unemployment rate continues to rise:
State's unemployment rate soars to 9.3%
Job Losses:
Target Cutting Jobs
Sprint cuts 8,000 jobs
Starbucks to reportedly cut another 1,000 jobs
Caterpillar slashing 20,000 jobst
Home Depot to cut 7,000 jobs
Pfizer to buy Wyeth for $68B; cut 8,000 jobs
Alcoa to cut 15,200 jobs, slash spending
Harley-Davidson Cutting 1,100 Jobs
Texas Instruments Makes Over 3,000 Job Cuts
All told just yesterday 71,400 jobs were lost earning Monday January 26, 09 the title bloody Monday
Bloody Monday: Over 71,400 jobs lost
This is only the beginning folks, so what to do...Keep preparing. What if your bank fails, well here is what says:
What If My Bank Fails?
As this downward spiral continues, I really don't think it will matter if your bank is safe or not. The currency itself is collapsing. People throw around the word trillion so easily now. This number is impossible to understand. If you counted one number per second, it would take you around 31,000 years to count to ONE trillion. The official national debt is around 10 trillion +. The debt slavery we are now experiencing will never be able to pay this off, and this number is anticipated to grow far more as the fiat fiasco continues.
Some things you need to know about, that keep me awake at night:
Readiness Exercise 1984
Civilian Inmate Labor Program
The following bill was introduced to congress a few days ago:
H.R. 645
"Sec 3:
(1) capable of meeting for an extended period of time the housing, health, transportation, education, public works, humanitarian and other transition needs of a large number of individuals affected by an emergency or major disaster;"
They are going to set up Fun Camps!
Ron Paul at work:
I will continue to keep you guys appraised. Keep getting ready! Have a wonderful day.
You may delay, but time will not.~~~Benjamin Franklin.
Open rebuke is better than secret love.
With Love
Joshua F.
The News:
Our country is Bankrupt, make no mistakes guys. The banking system maybe be nationalized very soon. The Fed now already has control of the Bank of America and Citigroup.
US Banks are insolvent!!
Investors beware: U. S. banks may be nationalized
Nationalization Gets a New, Serious Look
I'm not sure if it will happen or not the amount of debt is so large, I am not sure if the government wants to even touch it. Smaller banks will continue to fail as things are going. Sadly the average person won't see a dime of bail-out money.
Iceland's government has collapsed:
Financial crisis causes Iceland's government to collapse
California's unemployment rate continues to rise:
State's unemployment rate soars to 9.3%
Job Losses:
Target Cutting Jobs
Sprint cuts 8,000 jobs
Starbucks to reportedly cut another 1,000 jobs
Caterpillar slashing 20,000 jobst
Home Depot to cut 7,000 jobs
Pfizer to buy Wyeth for $68B; cut 8,000 jobs
Alcoa to cut 15,200 jobs, slash spending
Harley-Davidson Cutting 1,100 Jobs
Texas Instruments Makes Over 3,000 Job Cuts
All told just yesterday 71,400 jobs were lost earning Monday January 26, 09 the title bloody Monday
Bloody Monday: Over 71,400 jobs lost
This is only the beginning folks, so what to do...Keep preparing. What if your bank fails, well here is what says:
What If My Bank Fails?
As this downward spiral continues, I really don't think it will matter if your bank is safe or not. The currency itself is collapsing. People throw around the word trillion so easily now. This number is impossible to understand. If you counted one number per second, it would take you around 31,000 years to count to ONE trillion. The official national debt is around 10 trillion +. The debt slavery we are now experiencing will never be able to pay this off, and this number is anticipated to grow far more as the fiat fiasco continues.
Some things you need to know about, that keep me awake at night:
Readiness Exercise 1984
Civilian Inmate Labor Program
The following bill was introduced to congress a few days ago:
H.R. 645
"Sec 3:
(1) capable of meeting for an extended period of time the housing, health, transportation, education, public works, humanitarian and other transition needs of a large number of individuals affected by an emergency or major disaster;"
They are going to set up Fun Camps!
Ron Paul at work:
I will continue to keep you guys appraised. Keep getting ready! Have a wonderful day.
You may delay, but time will not.~~~Benjamin Franklin.
Open rebuke is better than secret love.
With Love
Joshua F.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Friend, your foldin moneys come un-stowed
Hey guys, the weather is still amazing here. I'm gearing up for schoolin on wedensday. So tomorrow I'm going to get my ears lowered, and spend some decompression time at the beach. I'm excited. Any 5 million ways on to-----
The News.
Tomorrow our Messiah Obama will take office. The cult of personality surrounding this guy is unreal. Obama-mania grips the nation, and there is every imaginable merchandise associated with him that you can imagine.
Obama on E-bay
Obama can save us, says America as polls
I don't see how the entire government working in unity and acting perfectly can stop what is happening.
Two U.S. banks fail, first casualties in 2009
TOO big to fail, too shit to buy
The amount of jobs being lost is staggering. That won't cause a currency collapse. What is going to cause it, is going to be foreign countries no longer buying our debt. South Korea has decided to begin selling off US treasury bills.
‘Time to Sell’ Treasuries, Biggest Korean Fund Says
When China begins to sell US T-bills, and drops its dollar peg. Hyperinflation will begin. Once it starts over there its going to be exported here like a giant Tsunami wave.
Hyperinflation in China will be a monumental event
If that is not bad enough as you are aware 44 states in the Union are broke. California has stopped paying disability. This has already affected my life, the food bank I help out is literally swamped all the time now.
Disabled, Blind People to Lose Disability Payments
Other events include:
Royal Bank of Scotland shares have plunged 67%
The Baltic Dry index still has no bottom
Ruble Drops crisis Low on 6th Devaluation This Year
If that wasn't bad enough, more of our Basic rights are in the process of being eroded.
Another Erosion of the Fourth Amendment
Don't sign up for the following, if you want to help people you don't need the government to do it. This is backwards. Hopefully, this will remain "voluntary".
Starbucks offers free coffee to those who join Obama volunteer corps
This next bill really bugs me. If it passes every citizen will have to get a license to own a firearm, and pay a yearly fee on that firearm. If you move and don't file a change of address with the D.A. within 60days, you could face up to 5 years in prison.
Blair Holt's Firearm Licensing and Record of Sale Act of 2009 (H.R.45)
The link seems to move around so if its broken, search it on thomas yourself. I'll keep checking it. I can't believe this. They are taking the control of our personal lives to the next level. This is still the United States right?
In case you missed it. Bush's fair thee well address, I'm so glad he keeps us focused erm inspired.
Thats it for tonight folks. I'll continue to keep you all posted. Tomorrow will prove to be an extremely interesting day. Keep getting ready, I think we can expect a bank "holiday" pretty soon, so keep some cash on hand. A day after Roosevelt became president, he declared a bank holiday. I know the article says, "None of Mr. Obama’s advisers are suggesting a bank holiday". It will be much better to be prepared, as things are much more out of whack now than when FDR took office.
Truth is more of a stranger than fiction~~~Twain
He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down and without walls.
With Love~
Joshua F.
The News.
Tomorrow our Messiah Obama will take office. The cult of personality surrounding this guy is unreal. Obama-mania grips the nation, and there is every imaginable merchandise associated with him that you can imagine.
Obama on E-bay
Obama can save us, says America as polls
I don't see how the entire government working in unity and acting perfectly can stop what is happening.
Two U.S. banks fail, first casualties in 2009
TOO big to fail, too shit to buy
The amount of jobs being lost is staggering. That won't cause a currency collapse. What is going to cause it, is going to be foreign countries no longer buying our debt. South Korea has decided to begin selling off US treasury bills.
‘Time to Sell’ Treasuries, Biggest Korean Fund Says
When China begins to sell US T-bills, and drops its dollar peg. Hyperinflation will begin. Once it starts over there its going to be exported here like a giant Tsunami wave.
Hyperinflation in China will be a monumental event
If that is not bad enough as you are aware 44 states in the Union are broke. California has stopped paying disability. This has already affected my life, the food bank I help out is literally swamped all the time now.
Disabled, Blind People to Lose Disability Payments
Other events include:
Royal Bank of Scotland shares have plunged 67%
The Baltic Dry index still has no bottom
Ruble Drops crisis Low on 6th Devaluation This Year
If that wasn't bad enough, more of our Basic rights are in the process of being eroded.
Another Erosion of the Fourth Amendment
Don't sign up for the following, if you want to help people you don't need the government to do it. This is backwards. Hopefully, this will remain "voluntary".
Starbucks offers free coffee to those who join Obama volunteer corps
This next bill really bugs me. If it passes every citizen will have to get a license to own a firearm, and pay a yearly fee on that firearm. If you move and don't file a change of address with the D.A. within 60days, you could face up to 5 years in prison.
Blair Holt's Firearm Licensing and Record of Sale Act of 2009 (H.R.45)
The link seems to move around so if its broken, search it on thomas yourself. I'll keep checking it. I can't believe this. They are taking the control of our personal lives to the next level. This is still the United States right?
In case you missed it. Bush's fair thee well address, I'm so glad he keeps us focused erm inspired.
Thats it for tonight folks. I'll continue to keep you all posted. Tomorrow will prove to be an extremely interesting day. Keep getting ready, I think we can expect a bank "holiday" pretty soon, so keep some cash on hand. A day after Roosevelt became president, he declared a bank holiday. I know the article says, "None of Mr. Obama’s advisers are suggesting a bank holiday". It will be much better to be prepared, as things are much more out of whack now than when FDR took office.
Truth is more of a stranger than fiction~~~Twain
He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down and without walls.
With Love~
Joshua F.
Friday, January 16, 2009
Strange gets stranger
I'm once again exhausted, those people at the food bank had me running my feet off today. So here we go.
The News:
California will be delaying Tax refunds this year, because as you know the State is broke:
California's controller says he will begin a 30-day delay
How broke? Good question, this broke:
How big is California's budget hole?
The Auto bail out continues, I don't see this ending well. I wish that they would be aloud to go out of business. Obviously they are doing something wrong, welcome to the Money Pit:
The Auto Bailout Keeps Growing, and Growing
The Bank of America is now owned by the Federal Reserve. That is right they are now the largest shareholder....
Mugging Bank of America
Will banking in the States be Nationalized???
Harsh turn of fortunes for 2 huge U.S. banks
Mexican Fandango continued:
Mexico's Instability Is a Real Problem
New reports about Mexico, the failing state on our border
Circuit City gets no bailout:
Circuit City to liquidate
Its coming soon.
Depression Ahead, Prepare for Stock Rout: SocGen
Some interesting reading material for you brought to you by the US Army:
Civilian Inmate Labor Program
Here is a flash back for those of us too young to remember how things go:
News Flash:
I know things seem depressing sometimes. That is completely normal, realize that you are ahead of the game. Realize that as this happens you'll be ready, and there isn't anything you cannot over come. Remember that all living things deserve respect, even your food. Remember that all human beings deserve dignity, even the small minded. I know that you have the moral courage to hold the line. What happens to the least of us, happens to us. If you haven't ever sat down and read our great Nation's constitution, or need a refresher, here it is:
The United States Constitution
This planet is an amazing place, and it is changing too. There are some new interesting phenomenon happening now that have never been seen before.
I like these things, ice circles...How neat!
Man stumbles on round, spinning ‘creek circle’
This one happened in Britain:
10ft polar ice circle in Britain
This next phenomenon is just as neat if not more so:
Beam me up: Scientists left baffled
In case that link doesn't work:
This one should
Thats it for tonight folks. Keep preparing, and keep talking to people about what is happening.
The best way to cheer yourself is to try to cheer someone else up. ~~~Twain
Strength and honor are her clothing, and she shall rejoice in time to come.
With Love~
Joshua F.
The News:
California will be delaying Tax refunds this year, because as you know the State is broke:
California's controller says he will begin a 30-day delay
How broke? Good question, this broke:
How big is California's budget hole?
The Auto bail out continues, I don't see this ending well. I wish that they would be aloud to go out of business. Obviously they are doing something wrong, welcome to the Money Pit:
The Auto Bailout Keeps Growing, and Growing
The Bank of America is now owned by the Federal Reserve. That is right they are now the largest shareholder....
Mugging Bank of America
Will banking in the States be Nationalized???
Harsh turn of fortunes for 2 huge U.S. banks
Mexican Fandango continued:
Mexico's Instability Is a Real Problem
New reports about Mexico, the failing state on our border
Circuit City gets no bailout:
Circuit City to liquidate
Its coming soon.
Depression Ahead, Prepare for Stock Rout: SocGen
Some interesting reading material for you brought to you by the US Army:
Civilian Inmate Labor Program
Here is a flash back for those of us too young to remember how things go:
News Flash:
I know things seem depressing sometimes. That is completely normal, realize that you are ahead of the game. Realize that as this happens you'll be ready, and there isn't anything you cannot over come. Remember that all living things deserve respect, even your food. Remember that all human beings deserve dignity, even the small minded. I know that you have the moral courage to hold the line. What happens to the least of us, happens to us. If you haven't ever sat down and read our great Nation's constitution, or need a refresher, here it is:
The United States Constitution
This planet is an amazing place, and it is changing too. There are some new interesting phenomenon happening now that have never been seen before.
I like these things, ice circles...How neat!
Man stumbles on round, spinning ‘creek circle’
This one happened in Britain:
10ft polar ice circle in Britain
This next phenomenon is just as neat if not more so:
Beam me up: Scientists left baffled
In case that link doesn't work:
This one should
Thats it for tonight folks. Keep preparing, and keep talking to people about what is happening.
The best way to cheer yourself is to try to cheer someone else up. ~~~Twain
Strength and honor are her clothing, and she shall rejoice in time to come.
With Love~
Joshua F.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Join the anti-idiot box League
The weather here is still just amazing, a perfect 66 and sunny. Its hard to believe most of the country, especially back east are seeing record low temperatures.
The News.
"A top economic adviser to the incoming Obama administration unveiled a plan yesterday to radically rethink the global financial system, including measures that would dramatically expand government control over banking and investment in the United States."
Obama Adviser Urges Global Financial Overhaul
This is funny, they say its just a political statement. Of course it is. Rahm Emanuel was making a political statement when he called for "universal" civil service too.
Rangel to reintroduce military draft measure
Well, on the bright side its a great time to buy a house.
Foreclosures up 208 percent in Arizona, 81 percent nationwide in 2008
Why the heck this is, boggles me. They have already quit broadcasting in analogue up here back in November, so that was the last time I watched television. This switch to digital is terribly unnecessary. At best I suppose its a money making scheme. At worst its another way to monitor our personal lives. In my opinion its both. I suggest you join me and quit watching television. The bonuses include: more time for reading, more time for outdoor activities, more time for hobbies, more time for friends and family, saves money, less time wasted on nonsense that doesn't apply to reality, annnd with the internet you can watch what you like anyway with less commercial brain numbing.
$650 million more sought for digital TV transition
Speaking of television get this, Homeland Security is getting into the reality tv biz. I guess they want to show everyone that they are our heroes, stopping the terrorists and providing entertainment as well as paranoia.
Homeland Security USA
Speaking of the internet, sadly, google is shrinking due to economic conditions.
The Incredible Shrinking Google
On the war happening in Gaza, the Israelis shelled the UN headquarters on "accident".
Israeli forces shell UN headquarters in Gaza
Also there are claims that the Israelis are using white phosphorous in their ammunition on the people. This is the really nasty stuff that will burn right through a human being. It does up the kill ratio.
Spent shells prove Israeli use of white phosphorus, Gaza doctors say
Its madness, all of it. All of the war in the Middle east and Afghanistan needs to stop. It needs to stop every where. We as a people are so desensitized its truly disturbing. When we hear about casualties it doesn't even phase the average person. Did you know, that when men, women, and children, are being maimed, killed, and crippled both physically and psychologically, its normal to experience feelings of nausea, shock, disgust, sadness, anger, outrage, and sympathy? How many years? How many more?...May the good Lord have mercy on us.
What are we? Alan Watts talking to himself:
That's all for tonight. Asking yourself who you really are is a good way to start figuring that out. Pray for the people that suffer, their suffering is ours too. I wish things didn't have to be like this, but I suppose its the only way we can start waking people up. Keep getting ready. The neat thing about preparing is that you can never do it enough, and you will always forget something. Could you imagine your world without the following for a week: internet, tv, radio, phones, electricity, and running water. What would you do with yourself? If you can wrap your mind around that one, then I think we'll be in good shape for anything =).
Whenever you find that you are on the side of the majority, it is time to reform.~~~Twain
An unjust man is an abomination to the just, and he that is upright in the way is an abomination to the wicked.
Joshua F.
The News.
"A top economic adviser to the incoming Obama administration unveiled a plan yesterday to radically rethink the global financial system, including measures that would dramatically expand government control over banking and investment in the United States."
Obama Adviser Urges Global Financial Overhaul
This is funny, they say its just a political statement. Of course it is. Rahm Emanuel was making a political statement when he called for "universal" civil service too.
Rangel to reintroduce military draft measure
Well, on the bright side its a great time to buy a house.
Foreclosures up 208 percent in Arizona, 81 percent nationwide in 2008
Why the heck this is, boggles me. They have already quit broadcasting in analogue up here back in November, so that was the last time I watched television. This switch to digital is terribly unnecessary. At best I suppose its a money making scheme. At worst its another way to monitor our personal lives. In my opinion its both. I suggest you join me and quit watching television. The bonuses include: more time for reading, more time for outdoor activities, more time for hobbies, more time for friends and family, saves money, less time wasted on nonsense that doesn't apply to reality, annnd with the internet you can watch what you like anyway with less commercial brain numbing.
$650 million more sought for digital TV transition
Speaking of television get this, Homeland Security is getting into the reality tv biz. I guess they want to show everyone that they are our heroes, stopping the terrorists and providing entertainment as well as paranoia.
Homeland Security USA
Speaking of the internet, sadly, google is shrinking due to economic conditions.
The Incredible Shrinking Google
On the war happening in Gaza, the Israelis shelled the UN headquarters on "accident".
Israeli forces shell UN headquarters in Gaza
Also there are claims that the Israelis are using white phosphorous in their ammunition on the people. This is the really nasty stuff that will burn right through a human being. It does up the kill ratio.
Spent shells prove Israeli use of white phosphorus, Gaza doctors say
Its madness, all of it. All of the war in the Middle east and Afghanistan needs to stop. It needs to stop every where. We as a people are so desensitized its truly disturbing. When we hear about casualties it doesn't even phase the average person. Did you know, that when men, women, and children, are being maimed, killed, and crippled both physically and psychologically, its normal to experience feelings of nausea, shock, disgust, sadness, anger, outrage, and sympathy? How many years? How many more?...May the good Lord have mercy on us.
What are we? Alan Watts talking to himself:
That's all for tonight. Asking yourself who you really are is a good way to start figuring that out. Pray for the people that suffer, their suffering is ours too. I wish things didn't have to be like this, but I suppose its the only way we can start waking people up. Keep getting ready. The neat thing about preparing is that you can never do it enough, and you will always forget something. Could you imagine your world without the following for a week: internet, tv, radio, phones, electricity, and running water. What would you do with yourself? If you can wrap your mind around that one, then I think we'll be in good shape for anything =).
Whenever you find that you are on the side of the majority, it is time to reform.~~~Twain
An unjust man is an abomination to the just, and he that is upright in the way is an abomination to the wicked.
Joshua F.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Mexican Fandango
Hello fellow Earthlings, I have a few interesting updates.
The market continued its downward motion today, its not a crash its a "slump".
Bad day for the Dow
The US military released an interesting little report about our neighbor to the south. We haven't really been hearing about it, but its getting crazy down there. Apparently its all about the drugs. I doubt the situation will improve any time soon.
U.S. military report warns 'sudden collapse' of Mexico is possible
2,000 fresh troops sent to Juárez as violence continues
U.S. troops prepared if Mexican violence spills over
U.S. Gives Mexico $99 Million for Drug War
This next video is kind of sad. Ron Paul lets us know that congress is becoming, if it isn't already irrelevant. The chairman of the Fed Mr. Bernake, decided to skip Congressional Financial Service hearings...what? Oh, in order to meet with the actual people in charge, in Switzerland, secretly...hmmm.
I feel like quoting Walter Sobchak in The Big Lebowski, "Has the whole world gone crazy? Am I the only one around here who gives a shit about the rules? Mark it zero!" Bernake is over the line. We can't mark it eight. This determines the next round-robin...Am I wrong?
Yeah, I had to get that out. I wish the people that we elected would grow a pair and do something. This is nuts. I can't believe this nonsense. Congress knows about as much as we do as to whats really going on. We truly live in unprecedented times. Change is one constant we can count on. Keep preparing. I know you'll all do our part to make this world a better place to be. Sometimes its easy to think that this will happen around us and not to us. Its happening to us, and its going to touch all of our lives. Always remember that your thoughts have power immeasurable power. Unlike magnets, positive attracts other positives. That way we don't get stuck in the muck. Its not the time to be mucky.
A banker is a fellow who lends you his umbrella when the sun is shining, but wants it back the minute it begins to rain.~~~Twain
Cast but a glance at riches, and they are gone, for they will surely sprout wings and fly off to the sky like an eagle.
With Love~
Joshua F.
The market continued its downward motion today, its not a crash its a "slump".
Bad day for the Dow
The US military released an interesting little report about our neighbor to the south. We haven't really been hearing about it, but its getting crazy down there. Apparently its all about the drugs. I doubt the situation will improve any time soon.
U.S. military report warns 'sudden collapse' of Mexico is possible
2,000 fresh troops sent to Juárez as violence continues
U.S. troops prepared if Mexican violence spills over
U.S. Gives Mexico $99 Million for Drug War
This next video is kind of sad. Ron Paul lets us know that congress is becoming, if it isn't already irrelevant. The chairman of the Fed Mr. Bernake, decided to skip Congressional Financial Service hearings...what? Oh, in order to meet with the actual people in charge, in Switzerland, secretly...hmmm.
I feel like quoting Walter Sobchak in The Big Lebowski, "Has the whole world gone crazy? Am I the only one around here who gives a shit about the rules? Mark it zero!" Bernake is over the line. We can't mark it eight. This determines the next round-robin...Am I wrong?
Yeah, I had to get that out. I wish the people that we elected would grow a pair and do something. This is nuts. I can't believe this nonsense. Congress knows about as much as we do as to whats really going on. We truly live in unprecedented times. Change is one constant we can count on. Keep preparing. I know you'll all do our part to make this world a better place to be. Sometimes its easy to think that this will happen around us and not to us. Its happening to us, and its going to touch all of our lives. Always remember that your thoughts have power immeasurable power. Unlike magnets, positive attracts other positives. That way we don't get stuck in the muck. Its not the time to be mucky.
A banker is a fellow who lends you his umbrella when the sun is shining, but wants it back the minute it begins to rain.~~~Twain
Cast but a glance at riches, and they are gone, for they will surely sprout wings and fly off to the sky like an eagle.
With Love~
Joshua F.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Carrying the Message
Greetings fellow travelers. The weather is amazing, I hope it is also that way where you are. The News.
The fed may buy our government's debt? Can you say, "our government is at the mercy of a private organization"? They aren't even hiding it anymore.
BOND REPORT: Treasurys Down After Bernanke Says Fed May Buy U.S. Debt
Trade is stopping, this is what got me started doing this. In a few months we will face shortages on goods. Not that we need any more x-boxes.
Shipping rates hit zero as trade sinks
I like this next bit, Monsanto never ceases to amaze me. What motivates these people? Hah, just you guess. The frontline of population control. Don't drink the cool-aid or eat the corn!
No need for condoms – GE corn can do the job
Article about the historical fate of fiat currency:
The Fate of Paper Money
This is a wonderful project and movie, I.O.U.S.A. Got to love irony, check it out:
Tent cities will begin popping up this year, its all ready started in Florida. We used to call these things hoovervilles, so do you think Bushbergs, or Obamatowns?
Catholic's providing shelter
Reno Bulldozed theirs:
Reno dismantles makeshift homeless encampment
As its covered more I'll keep you posted.
Peter Schiff is due an apology:
Its an amazingly bizarre world. Congress has no idea where the bail-out money is going. The Fed is buying the government, banks, and auto companies. Monsanto will not stop creating un-natural mutants and feeding them to us without letting us know. Our dollar is in melt down mode. Its hard to believe, but their it is. We can't afford to allow this to continue. I'm glad we won't. I found a story that used to be one of the highest circulated pamphlets in the world. Its short, but to the point. It was written over a hundred years ago now, after the Spanish American war. The mentality we need to have is inside of it. Please read it and think on this. I would even encourage you to print it out and give it away. We need this message.
A Message to Garcia
Will you carry the message to Garcia?
Of all tyrannies a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive.~~~C.S. Lewis
Better is a dinner of herbs where love is, than a fattened ox and hatred therewith.
With Love~
Joshua F.
The fed may buy our government's debt? Can you say, "our government is at the mercy of a private organization"? They aren't even hiding it anymore.
BOND REPORT: Treasurys Down After Bernanke Says Fed May Buy U.S. Debt
Trade is stopping, this is what got me started doing this. In a few months we will face shortages on goods. Not that we need any more x-boxes.
Shipping rates hit zero as trade sinks
I like this next bit, Monsanto never ceases to amaze me. What motivates these people? Hah, just you guess. The frontline of population control. Don't drink the cool-aid or eat the corn!
No need for condoms – GE corn can do the job
Article about the historical fate of fiat currency:
The Fate of Paper Money
This is a wonderful project and movie, I.O.U.S.A. Got to love irony, check it out:
Tent cities will begin popping up this year, its all ready started in Florida. We used to call these things hoovervilles, so do you think Bushbergs, or Obamatowns?
Catholic's providing shelter
Reno Bulldozed theirs:
Reno dismantles makeshift homeless encampment
As its covered more I'll keep you posted.
Peter Schiff is due an apology:
Its an amazingly bizarre world. Congress has no idea where the bail-out money is going. The Fed is buying the government, banks, and auto companies. Monsanto will not stop creating un-natural mutants and feeding them to us without letting us know. Our dollar is in melt down mode. Its hard to believe, but their it is. We can't afford to allow this to continue. I'm glad we won't. I found a story that used to be one of the highest circulated pamphlets in the world. Its short, but to the point. It was written over a hundred years ago now, after the Spanish American war. The mentality we need to have is inside of it. Please read it and think on this. I would even encourage you to print it out and give it away. We need this message.
A Message to Garcia
Will you carry the message to Garcia?
Of all tyrannies a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive.~~~C.S. Lewis
Better is a dinner of herbs where love is, than a fattened ox and hatred therewith.
With Love~
Joshua F.
Monday, January 12, 2009
The Rigermoral
Hey guys, I have a few things to offer tonight. I'm really tired, in a good way. So here we go.
Sen Dorgan: Federal Reserve Refuses To Identify Recipients Of 2 Trillion In Emergency Loans! Check this out, I am speechless. Its, well its......
For those looking for some answers, this old man has alot of knowing. Take some time and watch it if you have the time. I love old men that keep their minds sharp and don't pull any punches, I wish we had more. He even sheds light on our previous civil war, and how it affects our nation to this very day, I had no idea. I'm not saying this guy is right, but it is an interesting perspective indeed. Quid pro quo?
Keep getting ready for the storm coming. Nothing will be put in your path that you cannot over come. The time for self aggrandizement is at an end. We are strapped in guys, the roller coaster ride is about to start. Listen to your thoughts, and be as aware as you possibly can be.
Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great.~~~Twain
A wise man will hear and will increase learning, and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsel
With my Love~
Joshua F.
Sen Dorgan: Federal Reserve Refuses To Identify Recipients Of 2 Trillion In Emergency Loans! Check this out, I am speechless. Its, well its......
For those looking for some answers, this old man has alot of knowing. Take some time and watch it if you have the time. I love old men that keep their minds sharp and don't pull any punches, I wish we had more. He even sheds light on our previous civil war, and how it affects our nation to this very day, I had no idea. I'm not saying this guy is right, but it is an interesting perspective indeed. Quid pro quo?
Keep getting ready for the storm coming. Nothing will be put in your path that you cannot over come. The time for self aggrandizement is at an end. We are strapped in guys, the roller coaster ride is about to start. Listen to your thoughts, and be as aware as you possibly can be.
Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great.~~~Twain
A wise man will hear and will increase learning, and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsel
With my Love~
Joshua F.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
History and it doing us over again
Hey guys, I had a wonderful day today, I spent nearly all of it at the beach. The end was the best part. As the sun set over the pacific, the full moon was rising over the continent, at that very same moment. To call it phenomenal would be a massive understatement. The sight of it had stolen away all my words, and continues to do so. Oh, and I found some neat green rocks.
To the News!
Iran moved massive amounts of money via US banks
Sadly, I think they plan on war soon. It nearly seems inevitable.
Israel Asked U.S for Help With Strike on Iran Nuke Facility
US consigns 3,000 tonnes of "ammunition" to Israel
I am sorry guys, I still haven't put anything more together on this. As it was here in the American old west with the Indian, so history repeats itself over there. Gaza is in effect a "reservation" and now the Israelites have been breaking down even that. The next logical step is full scale war. The next will be cultural indoctrination, same as we stole away the native american culture. So that only a remnant of a remnant remained. This could get ugly. I will keep thinking about it.
Its official China is hoarding cash. Eric over at market skeptics has provided some excellent commentary of the matter:
The Hoard
Our Governator came out and made a statement regarding our State's Budget. His Plan? The 4-legged stool plan!!!
Now here are some interesting quotes made before and during the last depression:
(The market "crashed" in October of '29 and we didn't come out of it until US involvement in the last great war in 1941)
September 1929
"There is no cause to worry. The high tide of prosperity will continue" - Andrew W. Mellon, Secretary of the Treasury.
October 14, 1929
"Secretary Lamont and officials of the Commerce Department today denied rumors that a severe depression in business and industrial activity was impending, which had been based on a mistaken interpretation of a review of industrial and credit conditions issued earlier in the day by the Federal Reserve Board" - New York Times
December 5, 1929
"The Government's business is in sound condition" - Andrew W. Mellon, Secretary of the Treasury
December 28, 1929
"Maintenance of a general high level of business in the United States during December was reviewed today by Robert P. Lamont, Secretary of Commerce, as an indication that American industry had reached a point where a break in New York stock prices does not necessarily mean a national depression" - Associated Press dispatch.
January 13, 1930
"Reports to the Department of Commerce indicate that business is in a satisfactory condition, Secretary Lamont said today" - News item.
January 21, 1930
"Definite signs that business and industry have turned the corner from the temporary period of emergency that followed deflation of the speculative market were seen today by President Hoover. The President said the reports to the Cabinet showed the tide of employment had changed in the right direction" - News dispatch from Washington.
January 24, 1930
"Trade recovery now complete President told. Business survey conference reports industry has progressed by own power. No Stimulants Needed! Progress in all lines by the early spring forecast" - New York Herald Tribune.
March 8, 1930
"President Hoover predicted today that the worst effect of the crash upon unemployment will have been passed during the next sixty days" - Washington Dispatch.
May 1, 1930
"While the crash only took place six months ago, I am convinced we have now passed the worst and with continued unity of effort we shall rapidly recover. There is one certainty of the future of a people of the resources, intelligence and character of the people of the United States - that is, prosperity" - President Hoover
June 29, 1930
"The worst is over without a doubt" - James J. Davis, Secretary of Labor.
August 29, 1930
"American labor may now look to the future with confidence" - James J. Davis, Secretary of Labor.
September 12, 1930
"We have hit bottom and are on the upswing" - James J. Davis, Secretary of Labor.
October 16, 1930
"Looking to the future I see in the further acceleration of science continuous jobs for our workers. Science will cure unemployment" - Charles M. Schwab.
October 20, 1930
"President Hoover today designated Robert W. Lamont, Secretary of Commerce, as chairman of the President's special committee on unemployment" - Washington dispatch.
October 21, 1930
"President Hoover has summoned Colonel Arthur Woods to help place 2,500,000 persons back to work this winter" - Washington Dispatch
November 1930
"I see no reason why 1931 should not be an extremely good year" - Alfred P. Sloan, Jr., General Motors Co.
January 20, 1931
"The country is not in good condition" - Calvin Coolidge.
June 9, 1931
"The depression has ended" - Dr. Julius Klein, Assistant Secretary of Commerce.
August 12, 1931
"Henry Ford has shut down his Detroit automobile factories almost completely. At least 75,000 men have been thrown out of work" - The Nation.
July 21, 1932
"I believe July 8, 1932 was the end of the great bear market" - Dow Theorist, Robert Rhea.
You can draw your own parallels. Strange isn't it?
Schiff on CNN, note what the sniveling man says at the end "I'm willing to take "some" (more) government now, in order to avoid a dictator like Hitler" For F-sakes.
Ron Paul's Latest on Fox:
So here we go folks. Keep preparing. I'm going to keep on saying that, just because we need to. Its time for character development and cultivation. That is allways a good idea. We are Free People, and that gift of individuality is something we are going to have to stick to like "crap on a wet blanket". We can't depend on these people in charge to *get it right*. However, I know I can depend on you. Encourage creativity anywhere you can find it. I was reminded today of something they say in Texas. "When times get hard remember the 3 G's: Guts, Guns, and God. If you have 2 out of the 3, you'll be allright." lol, something to think about. They also say in Texas, "never miss a good chance to shut up." So I won't.
Do something every day that you don't want to do; this is the golden rule for acquiring the habit of doing your duty without pain.~~~Twain
Wisdom is the principal thing, therefore get wisdom; and with all thy getting, get understanding.
With Love All ways~
Joshua F.
To the News!
Iran moved massive amounts of money via US banks
Sadly, I think they plan on war soon. It nearly seems inevitable.
Israel Asked U.S for Help With Strike on Iran Nuke Facility
US consigns 3,000 tonnes of "ammunition" to Israel
I am sorry guys, I still haven't put anything more together on this. As it was here in the American old west with the Indian, so history repeats itself over there. Gaza is in effect a "reservation" and now the Israelites have been breaking down even that. The next logical step is full scale war. The next will be cultural indoctrination, same as we stole away the native american culture. So that only a remnant of a remnant remained. This could get ugly. I will keep thinking about it.
Its official China is hoarding cash. Eric over at market skeptics has provided some excellent commentary of the matter:
The Hoard
Our Governator came out and made a statement regarding our State's Budget. His Plan? The 4-legged stool plan!!!
Now here are some interesting quotes made before and during the last depression:
(The market "crashed" in October of '29 and we didn't come out of it until US involvement in the last great war in 1941)
September 1929
"There is no cause to worry. The high tide of prosperity will continue" - Andrew W. Mellon, Secretary of the Treasury.
October 14, 1929
"Secretary Lamont and officials of the Commerce Department today denied rumors that a severe depression in business and industrial activity was impending, which had been based on a mistaken interpretation of a review of industrial and credit conditions issued earlier in the day by the Federal Reserve Board" - New York Times
December 5, 1929
"The Government's business is in sound condition" - Andrew W. Mellon, Secretary of the Treasury
December 28, 1929
"Maintenance of a general high level of business in the United States during December was reviewed today by Robert P. Lamont, Secretary of Commerce, as an indication that American industry had reached a point where a break in New York stock prices does not necessarily mean a national depression" - Associated Press dispatch.
January 13, 1930
"Reports to the Department of Commerce indicate that business is in a satisfactory condition, Secretary Lamont said today" - News item.
January 21, 1930
"Definite signs that business and industry have turned the corner from the temporary period of emergency that followed deflation of the speculative market were seen today by President Hoover. The President said the reports to the Cabinet showed the tide of employment had changed in the right direction" - News dispatch from Washington.
January 24, 1930
"Trade recovery now complete President told. Business survey conference reports industry has progressed by own power. No Stimulants Needed! Progress in all lines by the early spring forecast" - New York Herald Tribune.
March 8, 1930
"President Hoover predicted today that the worst effect of the crash upon unemployment will have been passed during the next sixty days" - Washington Dispatch.
May 1, 1930
"While the crash only took place six months ago, I am convinced we have now passed the worst and with continued unity of effort we shall rapidly recover. There is one certainty of the future of a people of the resources, intelligence and character of the people of the United States - that is, prosperity" - President Hoover
June 29, 1930
"The worst is over without a doubt" - James J. Davis, Secretary of Labor.
August 29, 1930
"American labor may now look to the future with confidence" - James J. Davis, Secretary of Labor.
September 12, 1930
"We have hit bottom and are on the upswing" - James J. Davis, Secretary of Labor.
October 16, 1930
"Looking to the future I see in the further acceleration of science continuous jobs for our workers. Science will cure unemployment" - Charles M. Schwab.
October 20, 1930
"President Hoover today designated Robert W. Lamont, Secretary of Commerce, as chairman of the President's special committee on unemployment" - Washington dispatch.
October 21, 1930
"President Hoover has summoned Colonel Arthur Woods to help place 2,500,000 persons back to work this winter" - Washington Dispatch
November 1930
"I see no reason why 1931 should not be an extremely good year" - Alfred P. Sloan, Jr., General Motors Co.
January 20, 1931
"The country is not in good condition" - Calvin Coolidge.
June 9, 1931
"The depression has ended" - Dr. Julius Klein, Assistant Secretary of Commerce.
August 12, 1931
"Henry Ford has shut down his Detroit automobile factories almost completely. At least 75,000 men have been thrown out of work" - The Nation.
July 21, 1932
"I believe July 8, 1932 was the end of the great bear market" - Dow Theorist, Robert Rhea.
You can draw your own parallels. Strange isn't it?
Schiff on CNN, note what the sniveling man says at the end "I'm willing to take "some" (more) government now, in order to avoid a dictator like Hitler" For F-sakes.
Ron Paul's Latest on Fox:
So here we go folks. Keep preparing. I'm going to keep on saying that, just because we need to. Its time for character development and cultivation. That is allways a good idea. We are Free People, and that gift of individuality is something we are going to have to stick to like "crap on a wet blanket". We can't depend on these people in charge to *get it right*. However, I know I can depend on you. Encourage creativity anywhere you can find it. I was reminded today of something they say in Texas. "When times get hard remember the 3 G's: Guts, Guns, and God. If you have 2 out of the 3, you'll be allright." lol, something to think about. They also say in Texas, "never miss a good chance to shut up." So I won't.
Do something every day that you don't want to do; this is the golden rule for acquiring the habit of doing your duty without pain.~~~Twain
Wisdom is the principal thing, therefore get wisdom; and with all thy getting, get understanding.
With Love All ways~
Joshua F.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Unemployment and The Beast
Hey guys, there was a break in here last night. Not an apartment, but the laundry facilities. I kind of feel bad about it because I'm right next door. I remember hearing someone bangin around in there but I figured it was just somebody doing late night laundry. So instead of getting up to have a look and put a stop to it, I just rolled over. There are only two machines in there. Ron the manager dude emptied out the change boxes just a few days ago, so who ever did it got away with maybe 5 bucks in change tops. Its a real shame too, the machines are destroyed. So no washing machines for a while. Chances of catching the guy that did it = zilch. Needless to say from now on I'm keeping suzie q loaded. Don't worry Mom I got a hold of a case of rubber buckshot. If you come to visit me don't try to climb in through the window, I won't be asking questions. Now I'm worried about the truck, but I have it parked right in front of the kitchen window. That is as good as it gets.
Anyhoo the News:
Ohio jobless claims crash state Web site
North Carolina Jobless Claims Crash State's Web Site
December unemployment claims set Washington record
Hawaii'an unemployment offices bombarded by filers
Unemployed in Michigan grow frustrated by long lines for benefits
There are more, but its pretty much the same story. Unemployment is stated at 7%, its probably double that, not all people file. Its going to get out of hand quick. I think we're looking at 25% in a month or two.
The UK follows us on our path to melt down:
Bank of England cuts Rate to Lowest Since Bank’s Creation in 1694
Crunch forces employees to work unpaid overtime
Remember the poor person that got trampled at a Walmart after thanksgiving? We have another casualty to great Materialism:
Shopaholic crushed by unopened junk
Back to China:
China warns of risks from "abnormal" cross-border capital flow
What the Heck does this mean? Well thankfully Eric at Market skeptics sheds light on The Chinese market:
Credit is Contracting Very Rapidly in China
Its kind of funny, we think we are borrowing real money to finance our debt. It turns out China, is simply creating money just like we are. Can you say, Fiat fiasco three times fast???!!!
To illustrate the sheer moral repugnance of bailouts, the porn industry is asking for one. Oh good the world makes sence again.
US porn industry seeks multi-billion dollar bailout
Our Treasury auction actually went kind of ok:
TREASURIES-Bonds extend gains after 10-year note auction
The German auction, not so ok:
German Bond Auction Fails to Attract Enough Demand
I have a feeling that things will stay together more or less until Obama takes office, then expect to see some true lunacy. So, keep getting ready for this! If your in a city, assemble a grab-n-go bag, and keep your gas tank topped off. A densely populated area is going to get weird first. You'll want the ability to get the heck out of there quick if things go south on you. The recent riots in Oakland, over a 22 year old getting shot. This will look like a trip to to Disneyland if people can't get money, or money can't get them a thing. Don't expect people to respect your private property. Remember no-thing is worth your life. Mobs can quickly get out of hand, they are called mobs for a reason. You don't want to get caught in any crossfire. People aren't as grounded as they used to be. So have a plan. Blame all the garbage that has been popularized as entertainment for this.
I Really like this article, read it, it helps:
Major Frauds of the U.S. Monetary System
An older video about How and why our system is doing what its doing, this man breaks it down very well:
Peter Schiff's Latest:
The Israeli/Gaza conflict is getting kind of out-there, I will post more about that tomorrow.
So that is how it is. If you get a case of the "oh nos", take a second and focus on your breathing, and ask the Higher power for protection and guidance. Its like an ass kicking, if you ask for it, your going to get it. You all know what you need to do. So keep on keepin on =). People matter most, keep that in the front of your mind. Instead of being measured by how much junk we accumulate, lets get back to the way its supposed to be. Measurement based on deeds.
Fear is just another word for ignorance~~~Hunter S. Thompson
A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favor rather than silver and gold.
With my Love~
Joshua F.
Anyhoo the News:
Ohio jobless claims crash state Web site
North Carolina Jobless Claims Crash State's Web Site
December unemployment claims set Washington record
Hawaii'an unemployment offices bombarded by filers
Unemployed in Michigan grow frustrated by long lines for benefits
There are more, but its pretty much the same story. Unemployment is stated at 7%, its probably double that, not all people file. Its going to get out of hand quick. I think we're looking at 25% in a month or two.
The UK follows us on our path to melt down:
Bank of England cuts Rate to Lowest Since Bank’s Creation in 1694
Crunch forces employees to work unpaid overtime
Remember the poor person that got trampled at a Walmart after thanksgiving? We have another casualty to great Materialism:
Shopaholic crushed by unopened junk
Back to China:
China warns of risks from "abnormal" cross-border capital flow
What the Heck does this mean? Well thankfully Eric at Market skeptics sheds light on The Chinese market:
Credit is Contracting Very Rapidly in China
Its kind of funny, we think we are borrowing real money to finance our debt. It turns out China, is simply creating money just like we are. Can you say, Fiat fiasco three times fast???!!!
To illustrate the sheer moral repugnance of bailouts, the porn industry is asking for one. Oh good the world makes sence again.
US porn industry seeks multi-billion dollar bailout
Our Treasury auction actually went kind of ok:
TREASURIES-Bonds extend gains after 10-year note auction
The German auction, not so ok:
German Bond Auction Fails to Attract Enough Demand
I have a feeling that things will stay together more or less until Obama takes office, then expect to see some true lunacy. So, keep getting ready for this! If your in a city, assemble a grab-n-go bag, and keep your gas tank topped off. A densely populated area is going to get weird first. You'll want the ability to get the heck out of there quick if things go south on you. The recent riots in Oakland, over a 22 year old getting shot. This will look like a trip to to Disneyland if people can't get money, or money can't get them a thing. Don't expect people to respect your private property. Remember no-thing is worth your life. Mobs can quickly get out of hand, they are called mobs for a reason. You don't want to get caught in any crossfire. People aren't as grounded as they used to be. So have a plan. Blame all the garbage that has been popularized as entertainment for this.
I Really like this article, read it, it helps:
Major Frauds of the U.S. Monetary System
An older video about How and why our system is doing what its doing, this man breaks it down very well:
Peter Schiff's Latest:
The Israeli/Gaza conflict is getting kind of out-there, I will post more about that tomorrow.
So that is how it is. If you get a case of the "oh nos", take a second and focus on your breathing, and ask the Higher power for protection and guidance. Its like an ass kicking, if you ask for it, your going to get it. You all know what you need to do. So keep on keepin on =). People matter most, keep that in the front of your mind. Instead of being measured by how much junk we accumulate, lets get back to the way its supposed to be. Measurement based on deeds.
Fear is just another word for ignorance~~~Hunter S. Thompson
A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favor rather than silver and gold.
With my Love~
Joshua F.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Yellow China, and the 5 mutants
Greetings Ladies and Gents. I am exhausted, it has been a long day for me, so I'll keep this short. There have how ever been some interesting developments.
The first being what our friend China is up to.
China SWF says cash is king
China is one of our biggest creditors, if they don't continue to fund our deficit, there is going to be problems.
Signs of fraying demand for U.S. government debt
So we're auctioning off our debt, to any bidders we can find. The problem is that we aren't the only nation trying to do this. The next auction of ten year notes begins tomorrow, expect this to not go so well.
China is up to something... I'll post more about it as it becomes more clear. Most likely by tomorrow.
One huge winner lately has been our beloved Monsanto, the stock is one of the hottest rockets on wallstreet. They have also announced 5 new cotton varieties will be available for this year.
Monsanto First-Quarter Profit Leaps 54%
Ohh what a world.
The Trainwreck by Mr. Schoon. It is an interesting little history lesson coupled with Orlov's 5 stages of collapse. I thought it quite informative. Though you know these gold guys are always trying to scare the pants off of us, so we will buy more yellow metal. Enjoy:
Crash of '09
Ron Paul Today on CNN:
I have no idea how long this charade will go on. Sooner or later people will see our currency as toilet paper. The longer they keep this up the more its going to hurt. The madness will stop soon, I'm sure of it. We'll be ready, and we'll come out a lot better off as a society. Too many people feel like they don't matter. This is a fallacy, hammered into us to make us more malleable. You do matter, you matter a lot. You could even say the world depends on you, and your vision for the future. I know you won't let us down.
Success is how high you bounce when you hit bottom.~ Patton
Pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.
With Love~
Joshua F.
The first being what our friend China is up to.
China SWF says cash is king
China is one of our biggest creditors, if they don't continue to fund our deficit, there is going to be problems.
Signs of fraying demand for U.S. government debt
So we're auctioning off our debt, to any bidders we can find. The problem is that we aren't the only nation trying to do this. The next auction of ten year notes begins tomorrow, expect this to not go so well.
China is up to something... I'll post more about it as it becomes more clear. Most likely by tomorrow.
One huge winner lately has been our beloved Monsanto, the stock is one of the hottest rockets on wallstreet. They have also announced 5 new cotton varieties will be available for this year.
Monsanto First-Quarter Profit Leaps 54%
Ohh what a world.
The Trainwreck by Mr. Schoon. It is an interesting little history lesson coupled with Orlov's 5 stages of collapse. I thought it quite informative. Though you know these gold guys are always trying to scare the pants off of us, so we will buy more yellow metal. Enjoy:
Crash of '09
Ron Paul Today on CNN:
I have no idea how long this charade will go on. Sooner or later people will see our currency as toilet paper. The longer they keep this up the more its going to hurt. The madness will stop soon, I'm sure of it. We'll be ready, and we'll come out a lot better off as a society. Too many people feel like they don't matter. This is a fallacy, hammered into us to make us more malleable. You do matter, you matter a lot. You could even say the world depends on you, and your vision for the future. I know you won't let us down.
Success is how high you bounce when you hit bottom.~ Patton
Pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.
With Love~
Joshua F.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Another day another dollar
I have had a great day up here. The mall here has had about a fifth of its stores close up shop since Christmas. Most folks reactions are a shrug, and then dismissal. It is interesting to me.
Anyways on to the News.
New York is in trouble
As you guys know California is broke too. Many other states are broke as well. During the last depression, States weren't going broke. This is a toxic mixture. California and New York are supposed to be the richest states on the block. Most people are only beginning to realize the scope of this. In fact 44 of our United States are looking at budget shortfalls.
State Budget Troubles Worsen
I really can't see how this is going to be resolved. We may see states start printing their own currency again. Which would be interesting to say the least. Or the Fed can "bail them out" which, seems far more likely in the mean time. The presses are running day and night.
Obama is looking to cut taxes, which doesn't really make sence. I won't argue though.
Obama Eyes $300 Billion Tax Cut
Oh, and we can look forward to a kinder gentler IRS.
IRS agents soften heart for delinquent taxpayers
Its truly Heart warming, isn't it? Many of you all ready know that income tax is not constitutional. As ruled by The Supreme Court. We can only hope, that in the coming days the IRS will implode. Now that thought warms my heart. Can you feel it too?
Another leading Brit's warning.
Willem Buiter warns of massive dollar collapse
Peter Schiff's Latest:
Gerald Celente's harrowing tale about demanding cash from his bank. Moral of the story, if you close your bank account and ask for your money in cash, bring a wittiness:
Eric over at Market Skeptics brings us word that China is going to be testing the yuan on the global stage. Do you think they might be cutting ties with our precious dollar?
Yuan-settlement test to start
That is it for today. Oh, one more thing. Some german billionaire killed himself, it is sad. Money has never and will never be that important. Many people go their entire life being deceived there in. The moral of this story, smile more, you are all richer than that billionaire. Smiles are a blessing from our good Lord, so that we may share our joy without words. Remember the power of your thoughts, they give life to the future.
If everyone is thinking alike, someone isn't thinking.~ Patton
Deceit is in the heart of them that imagine evil, but to the counselors of peace there is joy
Joshua F.
Anyways on to the News.
New York is in trouble
As you guys know California is broke too. Many other states are broke as well. During the last depression, States weren't going broke. This is a toxic mixture. California and New York are supposed to be the richest states on the block. Most people are only beginning to realize the scope of this. In fact 44 of our United States are looking at budget shortfalls.
State Budget Troubles Worsen
I really can't see how this is going to be resolved. We may see states start printing their own currency again. Which would be interesting to say the least. Or the Fed can "bail them out" which, seems far more likely in the mean time. The presses are running day and night.
Obama is looking to cut taxes, which doesn't really make sence. I won't argue though.
Obama Eyes $300 Billion Tax Cut
Oh, and we can look forward to a kinder gentler IRS.
IRS agents soften heart for delinquent taxpayers
Its truly Heart warming, isn't it? Many of you all ready know that income tax is not constitutional. As ruled by The Supreme Court. We can only hope, that in the coming days the IRS will implode. Now that thought warms my heart. Can you feel it too?
Another leading Brit's warning.
Willem Buiter warns of massive dollar collapse
Peter Schiff's Latest:
Gerald Celente's harrowing tale about demanding cash from his bank. Moral of the story, if you close your bank account and ask for your money in cash, bring a wittiness:
Eric over at Market Skeptics brings us word that China is going to be testing the yuan on the global stage. Do you think they might be cutting ties with our precious dollar?
Yuan-settlement test to start
That is it for today. Oh, one more thing. Some german billionaire killed himself, it is sad. Money has never and will never be that important. Many people go their entire life being deceived there in. The moral of this story, smile more, you are all richer than that billionaire. Smiles are a blessing from our good Lord, so that we may share our joy without words. Remember the power of your thoughts, they give life to the future.
If everyone is thinking alike, someone isn't thinking.~ Patton
Deceit is in the heart of them that imagine evil, but to the counselors of peace there is joy
Joshua F.
Monday, January 5, 2009
The Incredble Zombie Threat

---I hope your all enjoying life out there. Its worth it. I have some interesting news today. Not all of it has directly to do with the economy, however the economy takes part in half of every deal right? I found another helpful graph to help us identify this problem. If we can identify it, we can loose the fear that comes from the unknown.
Things will get worse before they get better. Its funny, much of the news on television is loaded with optimism pretty much based on out right lies. This is exactly what happened before the "Great Depression" but with radios.
The News:
Economists see jobless surge, deeper housing hole
Ohhh Save us Obama!
Engines of Recovery Flame Out as Economy Seeks Obama-Fed Rescue
I find this next bit troubling. I don't disagree that citizenship requires responsibility but making it "universal" aka compulsory, eliminates the basic notion of Freewill that made this country Great.
It should be noted that the young people are the most easily indoctrinated. Also take note of Rahm's blatant use of double speak. Double speak is very very dangerous. It begs the question, What will be the penalty for choosing not to comply? As we are "Free People" right?
This is another troublesome factoid I have come across. Since 1996, there have been more than 278 confirmed incursions by Mexican military into our nation. As events grow more unstable you better believe this will happen more.
Mexican military incursions pose border risks
Eric over at market skeptics just posted a really good read about how Wal-mart fits into this giant puzzle. Oh yes Wal-mart is cleaning up right now.
Wal-Mart's Success and Impending Demise
The following is a Great short film about our monetary system, and why things are the way they are. Oh yes there is irony. Money.... Watch and Learn:
I hope you feel more informed. On a side note military historian Robert Wilcox, released a book last month about General Patton being assassinated. I'm only posting this because I know that Man's spirit is very close to some of your hearts. Why? The book indicates the major reason being that about 12,000 American pows being held in German camps, we're captured by the red army, as they rolled through east Germany. They were then shipped off to the gulag. Patton was willing to do anything to get our guys back, even start a war with Russia. So to maintain the fragile peace in post war Europe, he was killed. Those pows were left to rot, and were never heard from again. It is a dismal thought. The people up top don't value individuals, they never have and they never will. People are looked at as capital, and that's the optimistic view.
We need to begin to remember who we really are. We need to take personal responsibility to the next level. When you see somebody litter, don't think "there should be a law" go over and talk with that person, go over and pick it up. There are too many laws already. Depending on the government for maintaining control over more aspects of our lives is backwards. I have Faith in us Human Beings, an incredible faith. I love the Republic, we need to take time every day to reflect on our souls. Being a zombie, who only cares about the game and the next case of beer isn't living. The choice is ours.
Most people are bothered by those passages of Scripture they do not understand, but the passages that bother me are those I do understand.~~~Twain
A false balance is an abomination to the LORD, but a just weight is His delight.
Joshua F.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Counting the things that Really Matter.
Today has been gorgeous here. I walked to the mall today, and I got to listen to some guy complain about how it was the smallest Mall he'd ever seen. Its ridiculous, and kind of funny. Oh the endless buffet had to end eventually. All of this needless excess can't continue while half the world starves. Its strange to think that over 200 years of operation, our country accumulated a debt of 5 trillion bucks, and in the last few months that number has tripled. I get a heavy dose of the fear at times, the Lord knows. Sometimes its hard to believe its really happening. In a years time things are going to be very much different. Most people care more about Heather Locklear being on probation than the biggest transfer of wealth in human history.
Instead of news, which is pretty much more of the same, tonight I offer food for thought.
George Norry's Interview with Gerald Celente from November '08:
Art Bell Hosts Predictions for '09
the rest found here:
The imagination can run wild. Remember that this a swing back to the natural balance. In the end, the world will be a better place. Our poor economy has been mortally wounded by Men's greed. Its up to us to see this through to a positive result. I'm excited. I hope you are too. We are very very blessed.
The universal brotherhood of man is our most precious possession.~~~Twain
Hatred stirreth up strifes, but love covereth all sins.
With Love Always~
Joshua F.
Instead of news, which is pretty much more of the same, tonight I offer food for thought.
George Norry's Interview with Gerald Celente from November '08:
Art Bell Hosts Predictions for '09
the rest found here:
The imagination can run wild. Remember that this a swing back to the natural balance. In the end, the world will be a better place. Our poor economy has been mortally wounded by Men's greed. Its up to us to see this through to a positive result. I'm excited. I hope you are too. We are very very blessed.
The universal brotherhood of man is our most precious possession.~~~Twain
Hatred stirreth up strifes, but love covereth all sins.
With Love Always~
Joshua F.
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Perspective on What is Happening
Visual Aids:

Things seem to get worse by the day, a group of governors are asking for 1 TRILLION bucks to keep the states together. None of them are Arnold Schwarzenegger either. Our currency is quickly becoming meaningless. The bailouts won't stop until everything crashes down around us.
U.S. governors seek $1 trillion federal assistance
What economist Martin Feldstein says:
Worse off in a Year
Sadly, he is a part of the problem. The worse things get, the more money they want to throw at the problem. Can you hear a flushing sound?
Mr. Schiff my favorite talking head:
I found this next article interesting, CSX and the "luxury hotel".
Green Brier
Green Brier is a massive bunker, it was intended as a hide out for our government during a nuclear holocaust. I'm sure they have better ones now.
History of Green Brier
Arab countries have decided to stop selling oil for US dollars. The end of this year being their deadline. As pointed out at the bottom of the following article, if dollars can't buy oil what good are they?
Eric with the article and analysis
Alex Jones Interviews Two time Nobel-prize winner and former chief economist of the World Bank, Joseph Stiglitz back in September:
Its very strange, I have this feeling that something big is going to happen soon. I'm not sure what it is, like a big exhale. It makes it hard to for me to concentrate. These people up top are running us off of a cliff and nobody seems to notice. The coming weeks will be very interesting indeed. Keep preparing guys, we're still ahead of the curve. Start talking to other people about this, the more people that know now the less shock there will be in the future. We are all in control of our own destiny, don't believe otherwise...I just want to know where the heck is my bail-out check? ahahahaa. Have a wonderful day.
Suppose you were an idiot and suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself.~~~Twain
Remove far from me vanity and lies; give me neither poverty nor riches; feed me only food sufficient for me,
With much Love~
Joshua F.

Things seem to get worse by the day, a group of governors are asking for 1 TRILLION bucks to keep the states together. None of them are Arnold Schwarzenegger either. Our currency is quickly becoming meaningless. The bailouts won't stop until everything crashes down around us.
U.S. governors seek $1 trillion federal assistance
What economist Martin Feldstein says:
Worse off in a Year
Sadly, he is a part of the problem. The worse things get, the more money they want to throw at the problem. Can you hear a flushing sound?
Mr. Schiff my favorite talking head:
I found this next article interesting, CSX and the "luxury hotel".
Green Brier
Green Brier is a massive bunker, it was intended as a hide out for our government during a nuclear holocaust. I'm sure they have better ones now.
History of Green Brier
Arab countries have decided to stop selling oil for US dollars. The end of this year being their deadline. As pointed out at the bottom of the following article, if dollars can't buy oil what good are they?
Eric with the article and analysis
Alex Jones Interviews Two time Nobel-prize winner and former chief economist of the World Bank, Joseph Stiglitz back in September:
Its very strange, I have this feeling that something big is going to happen soon. I'm not sure what it is, like a big exhale. It makes it hard to for me to concentrate. These people up top are running us off of a cliff and nobody seems to notice. The coming weeks will be very interesting indeed. Keep preparing guys, we're still ahead of the curve. Start talking to other people about this, the more people that know now the less shock there will be in the future. We are all in control of our own destiny, don't believe otherwise...I just want to know where the heck is my bail-out check? ahahahaa. Have a wonderful day.
Suppose you were an idiot and suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself.~~~Twain
Remove far from me vanity and lies; give me neither poverty nor riches; feed me only food sufficient for me,
With much Love~
Joshua F.
Friday, January 2, 2009
Manufacturing slowdown and Gaza
Greetings Ladys and Gents.
Signs of the Times:
U.S. Economy: Manufacturing Shrinks as Orders Hit 60-Year Low
Mid-America economic activity gauge hits record low
Illinois grinds to halt
Last evening, I realized that I was looking at this impending collapse wrongly. This isn't going to happen all at once, and its not going to be fixed all at once. I feel this sence of urgency because, as the months continue, less and less options will be available to us. This is going to be a long process, I'm thinking at least a decade, possibly more. This is going to define the rest of our lives. I worry because when the last great depression hit, most of US citizens were agrarians. This is no longer true. When the last great depression hit the average person was far more educated than we are now. We like to think we are smarter now, but we're not. Elementary school classes in the beginning of the 20th century were reading books like The Last of The Mohicans, which is hard for me to read and I consider myself fairly bright. Painfully this has been done to us on purpose. So we have this mixture of less moral character, mixed with less intelligence, less practical knowledge, feelings of meaninglessness, and growing frustration. Some people will inevitably turn this frustration into violence. Its just how people are when they feel like that. Especially hungry people. We need to begin to change this mixture. We need to start learning about practical ways to purify water, grow food, generate power, and take care of medical needs. We need to share as much as this information is possible.
I know some of you really hate talk radio, just skip the first part if that is the case. This man has some good advise.
Part 1:
Part 2.
Part 3.
Important News:
Yes, in a round about way I'm telling you to read some books. We have to be as educated as possible. Maybe even learn mandarin. Oh it would be funny if it wasn't true. To further that goal, Eric at market skeptics gives us an idea of what the dollar faces in '09:
Top Ten List
I've thought about what is happening in Gaza, and the best article I've found on it is this one:
Why Gaza?
The simplest thing I can compare it to, was what happened with the American Indian here in North America. One of my history instructors a very smart man, Mr. Beeman explained it like this. So you have two different cultures that feel like they are entitled to use of the same land. A settler moves in and starts ranching cattle. One day, an indian hunting party wanders through their hunting grounds and finds a big nice fat cow, they kill it and eat it, then move on. The rancher goes on a round-up and finds that one of his prize expensive animals has been un-lawfully slaughtered. He knows who did it, it was those "dang injuns". So the next time he sees one he takes a shot at him, and drops him dead. He leaves the indian there dead as a message, "don't mess with me or my cattle". A few weeks pass and the cousin of said dead indian wanders through, and finds his kin dead, and left disrespectfully. He wants revenge, this man he loved dearly, and he can't understand why some pink faced devil, would kill a man that never did any harm. So he gathers a war party, and in the dead of night they attack the ranch. The man is killed the women and children are taken as prisoners, and the home place is burnt to the ground. A few days pass, and then the neighbor of the rancher finds an atrocious scene, the indian's massacred the Smiths!!! He beats back to the nearest town and rounds up a posse, to get some justice. We can't have savage heathen Indians wiping out good christian families that never did anyone any harm. The posse rides to the nearest Indian camp and butchers everyone they can find. The next Indian camp over becomes alarmed, and angry so they start raiding settlements left and right. At this the whole territory goes into a panic, and the governor is asked to do something about this madness. So he rounds up the militias, and they go out looking to kill every indian they find. The only good Indian being a dead Indian. The cycle of violence builds and builds until one side is effectively eliminated as a viable population. All of it could be avoided by communication, however there were barriers to this from the get go, and as people were killed the bad blood only grew. Unwillingness to even try and talk becomes more and more prevalent. Neither side trusts the other, and neither side has the other's best interests at heart. That is what is happening in Gaza. In a world with WMDs you would think such a simple lesson would be figured by now. Sadly, this isn't the case. Pray for these people, for their sake as well as our own. The suffering over there hurts us all.
The future can be very frightening indeed. We need to learn from the past as much as we can, so we don't keep doing the same foolish stuff over and over. We are going to need guts. I know you have them. There is a positive way to resolve every conflict, crisis, and collapse. We simply have to be mindful of our inner thoughts and feelings. The keys are with in us all. Its a beautiful day here, I'm going to walk down to broadway and play some skee-ball =). I hope this information helps you draw your own conclusions. Your own research is always the best.
Let us so live that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry.~~~Twain
An offended brother is harder to be won back than a stronghold city, and his contentions are like the bars of a castle.
~My Love Truly,
Joshua F.
Signs of the Times:
U.S. Economy: Manufacturing Shrinks as Orders Hit 60-Year Low
Mid-America economic activity gauge hits record low
Illinois grinds to halt
Last evening, I realized that I was looking at this impending collapse wrongly. This isn't going to happen all at once, and its not going to be fixed all at once. I feel this sence of urgency because, as the months continue, less and less options will be available to us. This is going to be a long process, I'm thinking at least a decade, possibly more. This is going to define the rest of our lives. I worry because when the last great depression hit, most of US citizens were agrarians. This is no longer true. When the last great depression hit the average person was far more educated than we are now. We like to think we are smarter now, but we're not. Elementary school classes in the beginning of the 20th century were reading books like The Last of The Mohicans, which is hard for me to read and I consider myself fairly bright. Painfully this has been done to us on purpose. So we have this mixture of less moral character, mixed with less intelligence, less practical knowledge, feelings of meaninglessness, and growing frustration. Some people will inevitably turn this frustration into violence. Its just how people are when they feel like that. Especially hungry people. We need to begin to change this mixture. We need to start learning about practical ways to purify water, grow food, generate power, and take care of medical needs. We need to share as much as this information is possible.
I know some of you really hate talk radio, just skip the first part if that is the case. This man has some good advise.
Part 1:
Part 2.
Part 3.
Important News:
Yes, in a round about way I'm telling you to read some books. We have to be as educated as possible. Maybe even learn mandarin. Oh it would be funny if it wasn't true. To further that goal, Eric at market skeptics gives us an idea of what the dollar faces in '09:
Top Ten List
I've thought about what is happening in Gaza, and the best article I've found on it is this one:
Why Gaza?
The simplest thing I can compare it to, was what happened with the American Indian here in North America. One of my history instructors a very smart man, Mr. Beeman explained it like this. So you have two different cultures that feel like they are entitled to use of the same land. A settler moves in and starts ranching cattle. One day, an indian hunting party wanders through their hunting grounds and finds a big nice fat cow, they kill it and eat it, then move on. The rancher goes on a round-up and finds that one of his prize expensive animals has been un-lawfully slaughtered. He knows who did it, it was those "dang injuns". So the next time he sees one he takes a shot at him, and drops him dead. He leaves the indian there dead as a message, "don't mess with me or my cattle". A few weeks pass and the cousin of said dead indian wanders through, and finds his kin dead, and left disrespectfully. He wants revenge, this man he loved dearly, and he can't understand why some pink faced devil, would kill a man that never did any harm. So he gathers a war party, and in the dead of night they attack the ranch. The man is killed the women and children are taken as prisoners, and the home place is burnt to the ground. A few days pass, and then the neighbor of the rancher finds an atrocious scene, the indian's massacred the Smiths!!! He beats back to the nearest town and rounds up a posse, to get some justice. We can't have savage heathen Indians wiping out good christian families that never did anyone any harm. The posse rides to the nearest Indian camp and butchers everyone they can find. The next Indian camp over becomes alarmed, and angry so they start raiding settlements left and right. At this the whole territory goes into a panic, and the governor is asked to do something about this madness. So he rounds up the militias, and they go out looking to kill every indian they find. The only good Indian being a dead Indian. The cycle of violence builds and builds until one side is effectively eliminated as a viable population. All of it could be avoided by communication, however there were barriers to this from the get go, and as people were killed the bad blood only grew. Unwillingness to even try and talk becomes more and more prevalent. Neither side trusts the other, and neither side has the other's best interests at heart. That is what is happening in Gaza. In a world with WMDs you would think such a simple lesson would be figured by now. Sadly, this isn't the case. Pray for these people, for their sake as well as our own. The suffering over there hurts us all.
The future can be very frightening indeed. We need to learn from the past as much as we can, so we don't keep doing the same foolish stuff over and over. We are going to need guts. I know you have them. There is a positive way to resolve every conflict, crisis, and collapse. We simply have to be mindful of our inner thoughts and feelings. The keys are with in us all. Its a beautiful day here, I'm going to walk down to broadway and play some skee-ball =). I hope this information helps you draw your own conclusions. Your own research is always the best.
Let us so live that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry.~~~Twain
An offended brother is harder to be won back than a stronghold city, and his contentions are like the bars of a castle.
~My Love Truly,
Joshua F.
Thursday, January 1, 2009
The First of '09
I hope every one had a wonderful new year. It always feels good to have a fresh start. Onward to the News.
The Bank of America has consumed Merrill Lynch and Wells Fargo. The bank of America is an Italian institution but that is besides the point. Wells Fargo bought Wachovia just before hand. The Banking system is consolidating at a rapid pace, what are the implications? Certainly less options, which means more control.
Bank of America
This article By Robert Higgs has sparked alot of chatter on-line. The jist of it being the implications of the MASSIVE increase in excess banking reserves. Robert foresees hyperinflation, which is logical one would think. More Money = decreased value. Let's just say, if there was a "natural balance" to the "system" then its way out of wack.
The Fed versus the Banks: Who Will Blink First?
Money is a very amorphous concept, there is no solid definition on what it is. I have always thought of it as representing a unit of human labor. However that is an extremely limited way to look at it. So are we going to see hyperinflation or what? Its hard to tell, but to help, this article presents a good counter point:
Rebut to Hyperinflation
So the future, I wish I had a crystal ball at this point. The future is very uncertain. Some are claiming hyperinflation, others hyperdeflation, others new cars for everyone and new jobs...The more I read, the more apparent it becomes that the situation is worse than we can imagine. There are so many layers to it. I honestly don't know what is going to happen.
What hyperinflation looks like.
People have much of faith in Obama, but to blindly trust anybody in such a position is naive. I really don't like the fact that Obama's chief of staff Rahm Israel Emanuel is heavily affiliated with the Israeli government. Especially with Israel being very belligerent as of late. The following article goes a long way in provoking necessary questions.
Union Leader
The Japanese Economy is crashing, this has implications for the planet. They are one of the largest economies on the block. I like the fact that this guy points out the bail-outs as being quasi-communist. hahahaaha ohhhh
This morning I was told that I am being way too paranoid, and I need to trust the "system" will work out... Maybe you have too...I can't trust the system, the system is against human nature. The system is broken. Its like a snowball rolling down hill, it just gets bigger and bigger, and faster, and faster, and uglier, and uglier. To think the people up top have our best interests in mind is ludicrous. To depend on the government to rescue us, is accepting a victim mentality. I refuse to choose to be a victim, that's right, it is a choice. I don't need to be rescued, I will rescue myself, thank you very much. We are not weaklings, we are not stupid, and we don't need them in order to think. Even if everything was hunky-dory, and everything was going to continue as usual, it does no harm to be more self sufficient and prepared for anything. In order to be properly prepared we have to expect the worst (murphy's law allways applys). We don't have to be at their mercy, that's what they want. They want to bring us to our knees, so we will be grateful for more control. I'm really not sure how far this goes, It stinks to high heaven. The average American only reads one book per year, this is mental illness.
Most people don't even know what Monsanto is doing to us. If you don't, find some time to view this film:
Oh yes, I have a number of personal bones to pick......
Whats important?
The upside, the upside is important. Within this chaos is a better world at the end. We owe that to the coming generations. More and more people are waking up every day. Some people just won't, and that's fine. This is an amazing world and a strange and wonderful universe. I can't think of a better place or time to be. Without adversity we couldn't grow. Optimism and the power of thought are our best tools at this juncture. The creativity we possess boggles the mind. In it we will find our solutions.
It is curious that physical courage should be so common in the world and moral courage so rare.
She openeth her mouth with wisdom, and on her tongue is the law of kindness.
With much Love~
Joshua F.
The Bank of America has consumed Merrill Lynch and Wells Fargo. The bank of America is an Italian institution but that is besides the point. Wells Fargo bought Wachovia just before hand. The Banking system is consolidating at a rapid pace, what are the implications? Certainly less options, which means more control.
Bank of America
This article By Robert Higgs has sparked alot of chatter on-line. The jist of it being the implications of the MASSIVE increase in excess banking reserves. Robert foresees hyperinflation, which is logical one would think. More Money = decreased value. Let's just say, if there was a "natural balance" to the "system" then its way out of wack.
The Fed versus the Banks: Who Will Blink First?
Money is a very amorphous concept, there is no solid definition on what it is. I have always thought of it as representing a unit of human labor. However that is an extremely limited way to look at it. So are we going to see hyperinflation or what? Its hard to tell, but to help, this article presents a good counter point:
Rebut to Hyperinflation
So the future, I wish I had a crystal ball at this point. The future is very uncertain. Some are claiming hyperinflation, others hyperdeflation, others new cars for everyone and new jobs...The more I read, the more apparent it becomes that the situation is worse than we can imagine. There are so many layers to it. I honestly don't know what is going to happen.
What hyperinflation looks like.
People have much of faith in Obama, but to blindly trust anybody in such a position is naive. I really don't like the fact that Obama's chief of staff Rahm Israel Emanuel is heavily affiliated with the Israeli government. Especially with Israel being very belligerent as of late. The following article goes a long way in provoking necessary questions.
Union Leader
The Japanese Economy is crashing, this has implications for the planet. They are one of the largest economies on the block. I like the fact that this guy points out the bail-outs as being quasi-communist. hahahaaha ohhhh
This morning I was told that I am being way too paranoid, and I need to trust the "system" will work out... Maybe you have too...I can't trust the system, the system is against human nature. The system is broken. Its like a snowball rolling down hill, it just gets bigger and bigger, and faster, and faster, and uglier, and uglier. To think the people up top have our best interests in mind is ludicrous. To depend on the government to rescue us, is accepting a victim mentality. I refuse to choose to be a victim, that's right, it is a choice. I don't need to be rescued, I will rescue myself, thank you very much. We are not weaklings, we are not stupid, and we don't need them in order to think. Even if everything was hunky-dory, and everything was going to continue as usual, it does no harm to be more self sufficient and prepared for anything. In order to be properly prepared we have to expect the worst (murphy's law allways applys). We don't have to be at their mercy, that's what they want. They want to bring us to our knees, so we will be grateful for more control. I'm really not sure how far this goes, It stinks to high heaven. The average American only reads one book per year, this is mental illness.
Most people don't even know what Monsanto is doing to us. If you don't, find some time to view this film:
Oh yes, I have a number of personal bones to pick......
Whats important?
The upside, the upside is important. Within this chaos is a better world at the end. We owe that to the coming generations. More and more people are waking up every day. Some people just won't, and that's fine. This is an amazing world and a strange and wonderful universe. I can't think of a better place or time to be. Without adversity we couldn't grow. Optimism and the power of thought are our best tools at this juncture. The creativity we possess boggles the mind. In it we will find our solutions.
It is curious that physical courage should be so common in the world and moral courage so rare.
She openeth her mouth with wisdom, and on her tongue is the law of kindness.
With much Love~
Joshua F.
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