---I hope your all enjoying life out there. Its worth it. I have some interesting news today. Not all of it has directly to do with the economy, however the economy takes part in half of every deal right? I found another helpful graph to help us identify this problem. If we can identify it, we can loose the fear that comes from the unknown.
Things will get worse before they get better. Its funny, much of the news on television is loaded with optimism pretty much based on out right lies. This is exactly what happened before the "Great Depression" but with radios.
The News:
Economists see jobless surge, deeper housing hole
Ohhh Save us Obama!
Engines of Recovery Flame Out as Economy Seeks Obama-Fed Rescue
I find this next bit troubling. I don't disagree that citizenship requires responsibility but making it "universal" aka compulsory, eliminates the basic notion of Freewill that made this country Great.
It should be noted that the young people are the most easily indoctrinated. Also take note of Rahm's blatant use of double speak. Double speak is very very dangerous. It begs the question, What will be the penalty for choosing not to comply? As we are "Free People" right?
This is another troublesome factoid I have come across. Since 1996, there have been more than 278 confirmed incursions by Mexican military into our nation. As events grow more unstable you better believe this will happen more.
Mexican military incursions pose border risks
Eric over at market skeptics just posted a really good read about how Wal-mart fits into this giant puzzle. Oh yes Wal-mart is cleaning up right now.
Wal-Mart's Success and Impending Demise
The following is a Great short film about our monetary system, and why things are the way they are. Oh yes there is irony. Money.... Watch and Learn:
I hope you feel more informed. On a side note military historian Robert Wilcox, released a book last month about General Patton being assassinated. I'm only posting this because I know that Man's spirit is very close to some of your hearts. Why? The book indicates the major reason being that about 12,000 American pows being held in German camps, we're captured by the red army, as they rolled through east Germany. They were then shipped off to the gulag. Patton was willing to do anything to get our guys back, even start a war with Russia. So to maintain the fragile peace in post war Europe, he was killed. Those pows were left to rot, and were never heard from again. It is a dismal thought. The people up top don't value individuals, they never have and they never will. People are looked at as capital, and that's the optimistic view.
We need to begin to remember who we really are. We need to take personal responsibility to the next level. When you see somebody litter, don't think "there should be a law" go over and talk with that person, go over and pick it up. There are too many laws already. Depending on the government for maintaining control over more aspects of our lives is backwards. I have Faith in us Human Beings, an incredible faith. I love the Republic, we need to take time every day to reflect on our souls. Being a zombie, who only cares about the game and the next case of beer isn't living. The choice is ours.
Most people are bothered by those passages of Scripture they do not understand, but the passages that bother me are those I do understand.~~~Twain
A false balance is an abomination to the LORD, but a just weight is His delight.
Joshua F.
Really informative video and insight on the topic. I am a fan.
ReplyDeleteWell done sir. In case of a zombie attack I would certainly want to be by your side. Bravo.