Things seem to get worse by the day, a group of governors are asking for 1 TRILLION bucks to keep the states together. None of them are Arnold Schwarzenegger either. Our currency is quickly becoming meaningless. The bailouts won't stop until everything crashes down around us.
U.S. governors seek $1 trillion federal assistance
What economist Martin Feldstein says:
Worse off in a Year
Sadly, he is a part of the problem. The worse things get, the more money they want to throw at the problem. Can you hear a flushing sound?
Mr. Schiff my favorite talking head:
I found this next article interesting, CSX and the "luxury hotel".
Green Brier
Green Brier is a massive bunker, it was intended as a hide out for our government during a nuclear holocaust. I'm sure they have better ones now.
History of Green Brier
Arab countries have decided to stop selling oil for US dollars. The end of this year being their deadline. As pointed out at the bottom of the following article, if dollars can't buy oil what good are they?
Eric with the article and analysis
Alex Jones Interviews Two time Nobel-prize winner and former chief economist of the World Bank, Joseph Stiglitz back in September:
Its very strange, I have this feeling that something big is going to happen soon. I'm not sure what it is, like a big exhale. It makes it hard to for me to concentrate. These people up top are running us off of a cliff and nobody seems to notice. The coming weeks will be very interesting indeed. Keep preparing guys, we're still ahead of the curve. Start talking to other people about this, the more people that know now the less shock there will be in the future. We are all in control of our own destiny, don't believe otherwise...I just want to know where the heck is my bail-out check? ahahahaa. Have a wonderful day.
Suppose you were an idiot and suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself.~~~Twain
Remove far from me vanity and lies; give me neither poverty nor riches; feed me only food sufficient for me,
With much Love~
Joshua F.
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