Monday, March 30, 2009

Dodged a bullet.

Hello good people of Earth.

The language containing the draft initiative was sucked out of the GIVE act in the senate. No mandatory volunteerism yet, we can thank our lucky stars. The funny thing is that they aren't stopping, so now we have a new Bill introduced to push this forced labor program forward.

HR 1444

"Whether a workable, fair, and reasonable mandatory service requirement for all able young people could be developed"

It doesn't sound bad on the face, especially with words like "could" and "reasonable". The fact of the matter is they will make "could" a very real "will". We both know this is their agenda. Once this starts, we are on a slippery slope of mandatory service for not just the kids but everyone as a requirement for citizenship. If they wanted to encourage "volunteerism" why not offer incentives to do so, or quit beating around the bush and just tell us that they want cheap labor out of us. Maybe if we the people had good enough reason to volunteer more would. I volunteer at the foodbank because I wish to better the community I live in. Instead of trying to coral free citizens maybe they should take some of the billions they are chucking around and spend some of it blasting that idea on Mtv. That would be far better at affecting the youth than passing more laws.

It just doesn't make sense. If people want to volunteer there are tons of ways, we don't need the government to hold our hands. Even if you can't find an organization you like to help out, be creative and do your own thing. Picking up trash helps, like nobody's business. I really hate the term "totalitarian tip-toe" but it certainly applies here.


General Motors still hasn't either been nationalized or aloud to go bankrupt. They really are stretching this out as long as they can. Either way you look at it, its a really terrible situation. That fact of the matter being that the auto industry is one of the few manufacturing industries the US has left. We can't be a consumer society forever. As of right now, it looks like bankruptcy is going to take place soon. Which means, nobody knows maybe a week or two. Something has got to give.

GM Says Bankruptcy Is ‘More Probable,’ Still Not ‘Preferred’


The currency issue is definitely being kicked around. China and Argentina agreed to a currency swap to the tune of 10billion worth of their yuan and peso. They are doing this to avoid trading with US dollars. This doesn't bode well for the dollar.

Argentina, China sign tentative currency swap deal

It seems like our good red friend China is leading the pack of wild wolves on the dollar's demise. We can say they have never been stupid. They are aware that the fed has had the digital presses running day and night.

Russia, China cooperate on new currency proposals

Russia is pushing for a return to at least a partial gold standard. Its been interesting for me,learning about what money truly is. We could base it on a capital item like tractors if we wanted. Though that would hardly be practical, especially with the state of our auto-industry. I suppose it comes back to what J.P. Morgan said, "Gold is money, nothing else". It seems that most of the world still agrees.

UK. Telegraph
Russia backs return to Gold Standard to solve financial crisis

In Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, they have a currency called ningi:

Ningi, a triangular rubber coin six thousand eight hundred miles along each side, It is valued at the rate of eight Ningis to one Triganic Pu, but thanks to the Ningi's immense size (almost twice as wide as the Earth's equatorial radius), it is more-or-less impossible to collect enough to own one pu.

It makes about as much sense as what we're doing now. We should switch to Ningis!


Any 3 million ways, I'll keep you all appraised. Remember that if you change the way you think, you change the world you live in. That fact that we have global bankers fighting to rob us at every turn means that sooner or later things will change for the better. If you want to make these billionaire jerks hurt, then quit using your credit card. Don't buy things to make you happy. Have a Free-day where you use your willey mind to acquire what you need via barter and trade. You'll be surprised. In time you may only have to sulley your hands with green paper in order to cough up your taxes. I would call that living the dream. Or who knows, maybe even fix the tax system while we're at it. Its not impossible, just not easy. Though we both know that if it were easy it wouldn't be much of a neat challenge. Challenges are what makes this quick existence we call life worth it.

We have all the light we need, we just need to put it in practice.~~Albert Pike

Rejoicing in the habitable part of his earth; and my delights were with the sons of men.

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