Saturday, April 18, 2009

Traveling Indigo

Hello everyone, its been a while. My brother came up and we spent a week kicking around. I have been thinking about a few new ideas, I'll let you know as soon as I have formulated a plan.

The News:

So GM still hasn't gone bankrupt, but they are still thinking about it. This is a huge waste of money and time. Though in a world where huge wastes of money are common and massive its not very mentionable.

Washington Post:
GM Chief Concedes Bankruptcy Is Possible


California's Un-employment at new record levels.

This number isn't going to go down anytime soon. The fact the stock market is going up should have a few of you wondering. Its an illusionary bounce, it is simply all the new money that was invented back in October filtering in. Don't be surprised if the Dow goes back up to 10,000, it won't last...We are rotting from the inside out and trying to slap more make-up on the old girl. I would recommend staying out of the stock market at all costs. If you must invest then invest in agriculture, or useful/ hard assets.


The food shortage that is striking the globe will soon come to our shores. I implore everyone one reading this to have at least a month of food supply on hand. China is on a food buying rampage as we speak. China has literally bought half of all US soybean exports.

Farm Futures:
China Keeps Buying U.S. Soybeans

Global food shortage forces prices up

Many people still do not understand that this is all ready touching our lives. Un-employment + food price increases = hunger = crime. The foodbank here is just barely keeping up.

Food Bank Projects Running Out Of Food


There is also an ammunition shortage. For those of you who haven't tried to purchase ammunition lately, its getting really difficult and expensive to find. Most pistol cartridges above .22 are simply un-findalbe even on-line. The .223(5.56mm), and the .308(7.62mm) rifle cartridges are getting mighty pricey. I simply can't get rubber buck, or slug shot shells anymore. If you can find ammo, I recommend you buy it, and hang onto it. I thought it was a local incidence, though this is a massive nationwide shortage. It is the sub-conscious preparation of the people. If you do not own a weapon, buy one and learn how to use it. The television has brainwashed and castrated many in our society. Firearms are tools, they are no different than a hammer, or a chainsaw, or the Bible. You choose to use them and how you use them, or you don't. The only reason we remain half-way free is because we are the biggest armed camp of people on the planet.

My Web Times:
OUT of AMMO: Nationwide ammo shortage present here


Bank failure Friday claimed a few more victims. We are up to 25 in this year of our Lord, Twenty O-nine.

The List


Keep on rocking in the free world. I will resume posting everyday. Things are speeding up. The break I took was necessary for my sanity, however ignoring these problems will not change anything. We are being robbed, and our government has been hi-jacked by Bankers. They are literally taking OUR money, and loaning it back to us at ludicrous interest with credit cards. The debt slavery is morally repugnant, and we do not have to live like this. Every human being is born with rights given not by governments but by our Lord and Creator. We must stop killing each other. How hard is it to convince a group of people to go kill another group of people? We are all the same, no better, no worse. We are one. Love will prevail. Remember that. Your thoughts and prayers have incredible power. There is a creature in the dark, and sooner or later we will have to call its name and have no fear.

Lily Allen illustrates our problem nicely, Enjoy:

Even a child is known by his doings, whether his work be pure, and whether it be right.

Faith begins where Reason sinks exhausted.~~~Albert Pike

With Love,

Joshua F.

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