Thursday, May 28, 2009

The edger.

Hey folks,

You may have heard that the Korean war is back on, at least on paper. Most people don't realize the war was never "ended". The armistice was just a cease fire, that was signed under the threat of nuclear war.

Also, Syngman Rhee the president of South Korea at the time, never signed it. The cease fire was only between the US and North Korea. This is an other ghost of WW2 come back to haunt us.

I won't go into the history of it all. However this is really insane. Or better put, this is not sane. We only have around 30,000 troops in S. Kor, which is no where near enough for any sort of conventional conflict.

The North Korean's still call the war, "The Fatherland Liberation War". As you may or may not know they see the US as an occupation force in the south. To them it has never really ended.

We will just have to see. The world is kind of on the edge now any how. Anything that happens will certainly be used to snip out some of our liberty.


On the Oft ignored side of things, the UN will start flooding the nation of Afghanistan with drugs. I'm not kidding, the ethics of this are abominable.

UN wants 'flood of drugs' in Afghanistan to devalue opium

So...they will stop opium production, by umm making it cheaper. Brilliant.


California's State according to the Australian media.


I found this next article really disturbing, your credit card companies know you better than you know you... and they are using their knowledge to milk as much as they can out of you using child-like psychology.

NyTimes: Greed in action against the soul.
What Does Your Credit-Card Company Know About You?


There is so much more. We are being sucked into neo-serfdom...As the singularity approaches, we all need to ask ourselves the Tough questions... I won't be angry with any of you if you decide to live forever. You may think I'm kidding. I'm not. This thing is coming, it is the promise of this Power that is driving the money Elite to break us. We can't stop this short of full scale nuclear annihilation.

What is the Singularity? If you do not know, you have to. Here are some videos about it.


Preparing for the Singularity

The Digital Messiah

Becoming Transhuman

Its not only possible that in 20 years we could down-load your consciousness into a computer and then kill your body, its bloody likely. We could fit all of man-kind onto a computer in a closet somewhere. We can't mess around any more. Its time to decide.


Just some Images and thoughts of our world:

Freedom is our Nature

Then said I, Lord, how long? And he answered, Until the cities be wasted without inhabitant, and the houses without man, and the land be utterly desolate,
And the LORD have removed men far away, and there be a great forsaking in the midst of the land.

With Love,

Joshua F.

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