Saturday, May 16, 2009

The first rough explanation

You asked me to help you with your faith. I have to tell you what I know. I'm not sure how to explain it, though this will be my very best attempt. What I say may seem contradictory, its not. Read it and ponder it in your heart. Its difficult to know where to start.

Most of us kick the can of being down the road of life, until this can hits the wall of death and can't be kicked any further. Lets have a look at this can, shall we?

There was a theologian that lived about 150 years ago named Kierkegaard, he's the guy that said, "Nature is mute". This is a truth. Jasmine is just a stack of atoms, your the one that gives beauty to it. It doesn't have a sign on it telling you what it means. You decide. Kierkegaard's big kick was the authentic vs. the inauthentic life. It boils down to just one thing. The in-authentic life is one waiting for the world to give them meaning. The world is meaningless. So all the in-authentic life can do is up-grade its inauthentic life with distractions. The Authentic life knows the truth, and gives the world, its meaning.

As you know the battle is between lucifer and Our Lord. This is a very personal experience. See, one day I kind of had a flip out. I briefly told you about it. So I skipped out into the woods for a few days. What I was feeling didn't make sense. The questions, Who am I? What am I? Why am I here? Were drilling me to the very edge. So I prayed for a very long time. This is what I came to.

I am all that is Man, the Good, the bad, and the Ugly. I have the potential to be the nastiest cruelest bastard on the face of this Earth, I have the potential to be the kindest, most amazing soul to ever walk up right under the sun. I am a walking contradiction. I decide. Once I realized this, I realized that I was a slave simply because I didn't know. I was oppressed. How? I found in that moment of eternity the "I am" inside of me. I remembered what I am. I remembered that we are Sacred. Every choice I make affects people, places, and things, I cannot begin to understand... forever. The "I am" inside of us is Divine. Why was I oppressed? Because I had allowed myself to become separated from the I am. I'm not sure when. How did I get separated? I was tricked. I was tricked by false god.

What is it? Call it what you like. It is that part of you that curses another for life, because they cut you off in traffic, or were simply breathing. The bible refers to this thing as lucifer. Lucifer desires the "I am" (this amazingly divine indescribable power inside of us) to serve it. It desires control over us. It desires to make the "I am" as ugly as it is. The "I am" desires to grow in Love, in mysteries, and experience knowledge into wisdom. lucifer desires we stay where we are so that we can be controlled by it. It desires we serve it and nothing else. Carlos Jung called it "thanatos".

"Reality" is not what you think it is. When you open your eyes, what you see is your relationship with God. It really is an indescribable blessing. I have no words for it. The universe you live in is for you. In large part you are making this up, literally. You decide. You draw all the lines. You can look at it as a self teaching mirror if you wish. If you were not here, then this reality would not exist. The nature of this lucifer is inside of us. What is inside of us manifests into reality. Lol, which means were in bad trouble. You and I could both operate the gas chambers with a smile on a bad day. So lucifer has manifested into our reality, and it does this in many clever ways. It is too insanely intelligent to even begin to understand. Its best trick really was to convince us it does not exist. Many are the Distractions meant to spiritually hinder us. These include (but are not limited to by any means) the following: meth, pornography, fear, liquor, television, video games, money, even food, and actually pretty much anything. Anything it can separate you with, anything that it can control you with, anything that it can steal you with. It will even invent things to tempt you. The distractions are all meant to separate us from God the "I am". Once we were separated we are at its mercy. We got kicked out, and we did it to ourselves.

So what has happened? This mean vicious tricky thing has taken control of our world. We let it, some how its convinced us that we need it. We Divine beings have literally been crammed into a luciferian rat maze. Its not supposed to be this way. The world serves false god. The world has no idea what we truly are because no one wants the responsibility of the truth. The truth being, that this is yours. We are One. We are infinite potentiality exploring itself. The very nature of control is luciferian, it desires control, so we need lots and lots of laws. See, if everyone knew that the "I am" is in everyone else. If Everyone knew that we are Sacred. Then no one could want to strike a child, no one could want to steal, no one could want to mutilate others with a bomb, and leave widows weeping over dead infants.. Why would they? The truth is that they are doing it to themselves. They are doing it to God. They are defiling themselves. This is what Lucifer wants. It desires I am serve it, it desires control, it desires to make I am as ugly as it is.

Oh yes false god is shiny, and so brilliant, and so easy. It will decide, you don't have to decide anything, simply serve it. Its EVERYWHERE. lol, what do you think about a credit card? Do we need it? Why? Should the spirit be governed by a thing? It is a manifestation of false god, some serve it and nothing else. It is to control us. We don't need it. We just think we do. false god is vicious, if it can't tempt you then it will get tough with you. It likes to do things the friendly way. Right? It likes you, remember? The people in charge of our planet are manifesting false god.

People wonder why they are so unhappy. Look at it. false god is with them all the time. The television promotes un-natural life arcs. **Be promiscuous its fun***then kill your babies its normal***eat mcdonalds its good***don't get too fat here is diet pills***its so easy***here is an i-pod it makes reality better*** ignore YOUR world***the sadness you are experiencing is mental illness****you need medication***its so easy***Some people give themselves to it entirely, and it mutilates them, stunts them, and cripples them. It will make anyone a zombie, a monster.

I have thought about false god alot. It is almost like a spoiled brat, it lives in a pit of ice hear me out. So your on your spiritual walk, and you come across false god, eating ice cream, in a ditch. He tells you its good, "you should try some". So you have a seat and try is good...mmmm. tastes great. So you eat more and more, and every time you say, "I better get going". false god breaks out a new flavor, "Have you tried cookies and cream yet? Myes its way better than chocolate chip." So you eat and eat and eat. After a while, you get so fat you can't continue your can't even walk anymore, and now that brats gotchya.

The wonderful thing though, is that we have authority over it. It is in our universe. The truth is that we have authority over all reality. Nothing is hidden, you get what you ask for, that is the nature of evolution, of God. When Christ said we could move mountains, he wasn't kidding. Miracles do happen. Faith is the password. As I thought about it further, I could see why its called lucifer, without it, we wouldn't know the difference. The tree of knowledge remember? The Bible is important because it has manifested in our reality as such. It is about you and I personally.

Once back in contact with the "I am", then we are free. The first choice I made as a free creature, was to give my soul to Our Lord the highest God. I will not serve false god anymore. I will not be a slave. My will is God's will, together we grow. He is my tomorrow, and I am his today. As the focus comes back, I could see that lucifer is also with-in the ultimate I am. What does that mean? Can lucifer itself be saved? The world is very far out of balance. A false balance is an abomination to Our Lord. This is why we are here. We are here to bring balance. We are here to resolve this. We will make the world a better place. We will bring the World balance.

What does a person need? I asked myself this, and I need three things. 1. I need a safe place to sleep. 2. Good food to eat. 3. if Good Lord blesses me with a wife and children then enough resources to raise the children to be better people than we are. Everyone can have these three things. Every soul deserves these three things. Now we just have to deal with the devil himself. This isn't our first spin on the merry-go-round. We have to do this or accept the consequences of letting the devil drive. The consequences are not good. If this continues, we won't be a shadow of a shadow....children born into imperfect bodies will be the least of our worries. We will have to fight. We will become. We will grow. We will bring balance back to the world. Serving false god isn't an option no matter how difficult that "appears" to make things. This wasn't supposed to be easy. We have to integrate the Love with the Hatred. Without the connection to God, we can't integrate. We have to leave this lucifer thing behind. Frankly I'm sick of it anyway =). The apparent contradiction must be resolved.

Its strange, that day I was hit by that car. I was asking God for a deeper understanding for a few days, lol even if it meant getting hit by a car. I had that in mind distinctly. Soon after I asked for it I got it, first..when a mustang hit another car which spun-out right on to the sidewalk on which I was standing. Hah I dodged that one, that was spooky enough. Then the very next day as I while I was crossing 14th street an old lady ran stop sign and bounced my flesh suit off the hood of her car. When she put the brakes on the inertia landed me right back on to my feet. When that occurred I was asking God to be with me, and I realized that that was kind of foolish.

Now I just tell God that I am with Him, and I do Love him. The consequences of being distracted by false god are so great, it really is insane. Now we just have to get on with the mission and bring people back to connection with God, to the Truth. Show false god for what it is. Our people perish through lack of knowledge. The invisible prison door is literally swinging shut as I type this. People need to be reminded that they Decide, most don't even know that they have a choice anymore. The separation is so complete it seems most are simply civil to others out of fear of the consequences of man. They really have no idea. They are lost. They don't even know what they have lost. So many lies have been rammed down our collective throats since birth its mind boggling. Its amazing that anyone can find their center anymore. They need to know that they Decide. Hah you decide or false god decides for you. This is why everyone, every single soul is of extream value. The beautiful heart and the open hand are worth any and all costs. The stakes are too high. Thats how it is.

Just a few examples of our prison door. If your not aware yet please get that way. For your listening knowledge.

This is a lecture given a few years ago. Codex is very real and it will be used to knock off about 3 billion souls. No one knows because no one is supposed to.

Codex Alimentarius

RFid chips, this technology is moving faster than anyone can imagine.


Depleted Uranium, damaged chromosomes are something really bad.

Depleted Uranium and its affects

You see, in order for us human beings to be controlled in every aspect, there has to be less human beings. There is far more to the plan. I will put as much of it together as I can. Genetically modified food, mercury in corn syrup, medicated water, contaminated vaccines, sterilization, bisphenol A, heavy metal spraying, ect, ect.

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