Thursday, January 1, 2009

The First of '09

I hope every one had a wonderful new year. It always feels good to have a fresh start. Onward to the News.

The Bank of America has consumed Merrill Lynch and Wells Fargo. The bank of America is an Italian institution but that is besides the point. Wells Fargo bought Wachovia just before hand. The Banking system is consolidating at a rapid pace, what are the implications? Certainly less options, which means more control.

Bank of America

This article By Robert Higgs has sparked alot of chatter on-line. The jist of it being the implications of the MASSIVE increase in excess banking reserves. Robert foresees hyperinflation, which is logical one would think. More Money = decreased value. Let's just say, if there was a "natural balance" to the "system" then its way out of wack.

The Fed versus the Banks: Who Will Blink First?

Money is a very amorphous concept, there is no solid definition on what it is. I have always thought of it as representing a unit of human labor. However that is an extremely limited way to look at it. So are we going to see hyperinflation or what? Its hard to tell, but to help, this article presents a good counter point:

Rebut to Hyperinflation

So the future, I wish I had a crystal ball at this point. The future is very uncertain. Some are claiming hyperinflation, others hyperdeflation, others new cars for everyone and new jobs...The more I read, the more apparent it becomes that the situation is worse than we can imagine. There are so many layers to it. I honestly don't know what is going to happen.

What hyperinflation looks like.

People have much of faith in Obama, but to blindly trust anybody in such a position is naive. I really don't like the fact that Obama's chief of staff Rahm Israel Emanuel is heavily affiliated with the Israeli government. Especially with Israel being very belligerent as of late. The following article goes a long way in provoking necessary questions.

Union Leader

The Japanese Economy is crashing, this has implications for the planet. They are one of the largest economies on the block. I like the fact that this guy points out the bail-outs as being quasi-communist. hahahaaha ohhhh

This morning I was told that I am being way too paranoid, and I need to trust the "system" will work out... Maybe you have too...I can't trust the system, the system is against human nature. The system is broken. Its like a snowball rolling down hill, it just gets bigger and bigger, and faster, and faster, and uglier, and uglier. To think the people up top have our best interests in mind is ludicrous. To depend on the government to rescue us, is accepting a victim mentality. I refuse to choose to be a victim, that's right, it is a choice. I don't need to be rescued, I will rescue myself, thank you very much. We are not weaklings, we are not stupid, and we don't need them in order to think. Even if everything was hunky-dory, and everything was going to continue as usual, it does no harm to be more self sufficient and prepared for anything. In order to be properly prepared we have to expect the worst (murphy's law allways applys). We don't have to be at their mercy, that's what they want. They want to bring us to our knees, so we will be grateful for more control. I'm really not sure how far this goes, It stinks to high heaven. The average American only reads one book per year, this is mental illness.
Most people don't even know what Monsanto is doing to us. If you don't, find some time to view this film:

Oh yes, I have a number of personal bones to pick......

Whats important?

The upside, the upside is important. Within this chaos is a better world at the end. We owe that to the coming generations. More and more people are waking up every day. Some people just won't, and that's fine. This is an amazing world and a strange and wonderful universe. I can't think of a better place or time to be. Without adversity we couldn't grow. Optimism and the power of thought are our best tools at this juncture. The creativity we possess boggles the mind. In it we will find our solutions.

It is curious that physical courage should be so common in the world and moral courage so rare.

She openeth her mouth with wisdom, and on her tongue is the law of kindness.

With much Love~
Joshua F.

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