Monday, January 19, 2009

Friend, your foldin moneys come un-stowed

Hey guys, the weather is still amazing here. I'm gearing up for schoolin on wedensday. So tomorrow I'm going to get my ears lowered, and spend some decompression time at the beach. I'm excited. Any 5 million ways on to-----

The News.

Tomorrow our Messiah Obama will take office. The cult of personality surrounding this guy is unreal. Obama-mania grips the nation, and there is every imaginable merchandise associated with him that you can imagine.

Obama on E-bay

Obama can save us, says America as polls

I don't see how the entire government working in unity and acting perfectly can stop what is happening.

Two U.S. banks fail, first casualties in 2009

TOO big to fail, too shit to buy

The amount of jobs being lost is staggering. That won't cause a currency collapse. What is going to cause it, is going to be foreign countries no longer buying our debt. South Korea has decided to begin selling off US treasury bills.

‘Time to Sell’ Treasuries, Biggest Korean Fund Says

When China begins to sell US T-bills, and drops its dollar peg. Hyperinflation will begin. Once it starts over there its going to be exported here like a giant Tsunami wave.

Hyperinflation in China will be a monumental event

If that is not bad enough as you are aware 44 states in the Union are broke. California has stopped paying disability. This has already affected my life, the food bank I help out is literally swamped all the time now.

Disabled, Blind People to Lose Disability Payments

Other events include:

Royal Bank of Scotland shares have plunged 67%

The Baltic Dry index still has no bottom

Ruble Drops crisis Low on 6th Devaluation This Year

If that wasn't bad enough, more of our Basic rights are in the process of being eroded.

Another Erosion of the Fourth Amendment

Don't sign up for the following, if you want to help people you don't need the government to do it. This is backwards. Hopefully, this will remain "voluntary".

Starbucks offers free coffee to those who join Obama volunteer corps

This next bill really bugs me. If it passes every citizen will have to get a license to own a firearm, and pay a yearly fee on that firearm. If you move and don't file a change of address with the D.A. within 60days, you could face up to 5 years in prison.

Blair Holt's Firearm Licensing and Record of Sale Act of 2009 (H.R.45)

The link seems to move around so if its broken, search it on thomas yourself. I'll keep checking it. I can't believe this. They are taking the control of our personal lives to the next level. This is still the United States right?

In case you missed it. Bush's fair thee well address, I'm so glad he keeps us focused erm inspired.

Thats it for tonight folks. I'll continue to keep you all posted. Tomorrow will prove to be an extremely interesting day. Keep getting ready, I think we can expect a bank "holiday" pretty soon, so keep some cash on hand. A day after Roosevelt became president, he declared a bank holiday. I know the article says, "None of Mr. Obama’s advisers are suggesting a bank holiday". It will be much better to be prepared, as things are much more out of whack now than when FDR took office.

Truth is more of a stranger than fiction~~~Twain

He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down and without walls.

With Love~

Joshua F.

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