Friday, June 5, 2009

Interest in interest


News of Note:

The Dollar demise:

The Australian:
Malaysia, China consider ending use of dollar for trade

They certainly will. The strange sense of denial surrounding the dollar as an invincible reserve currency is just sad.

U.S. dollar 'seriously overvalued'

Quote, "China has again begun to ride the dollar down,"

We don't make anything anymore. Our real economy is crippled. The whole flipping thing is a lie.

USA Today:
1 of every 6 dollars of Americans' income is government check or voucher

This is ludicrous. Can you smell socialism yet?

Market Watch:
Consumer debt plunges by $15.7 billion in April

Less credit? Oh my! Debt is credit. Credit is debt. We need debt. We need you to be in debt.


Bank Failure Friday:

The List

We are now up to 37 just this year.

FDIC gives up on Silverton Bank

Silverton Bank was one of the few "banker's banks" in the country. The Fdic couldn't find a buyer, so now it will cease to be... This is a sign, and a very very bad one.

Quote, "Altogether, Silverton conducted business with about 1,400 community banks in 44 states."

The writing is on the wall.

The State of Alabama is failing. It has begun in the county of Alabama.

Alabama County Set to Halt Services, Shut Buildings Over Budget

Free Republic:
41 US States Face Bankruptcy In 2009

During the last great depression States were not going bankrupt. We don't have much time. It really won't take much to kill this illusion that everything is fine. Once we go over the edge, there won't be any coming back.

This little video goes along way in explaining the bond market. It is the very back-bone of "the market". It sheds light on the last Civil war, and what happened to Argentina in '89. This is a huge part of our current situation. History my friend:

And it shall come to pass in the day that the LORD shall give thee rest from thy sorrow, and from thy fear, and from the hard bondage wherein thou wast made to serve,

With Love,

Joshua F.

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