Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Tumble weeds

Hey Folks,

Update of the Onslaught on the Middle Class

Jobless rates in U.S. cities zoom higher in April

Wall Street Journal:
Private employers cut 532,000 jobs in May

World Bank President Robert Zoellick Warns Stimulus ‘Sugar High’ Won’t Stem Unemployment

They say the consumer confidence index is up. Thats a bunch of bologna. Obviously they are not aware of people loosing their jobs, and or going bankrupt. When you don't have any currency, you aren't going to go on any shopping sprees.

Rising interest rates could threaten recovery

Quote "Who’s going to buy all this paper? And if demand dries up, how much higher will interest rates have to go to attract new buyers?

See, the Treasury & Fed are caught in a real ugly position. They want to keep interest rates down as far as possible to free up credit. However NO one wants to buy any treasuries that make next to nothing. Answer, the FED will have to keep buying more treasuries. The system will continue to eat itself. When this thing comes down its going to come down with a vengeance. We can assume its purposeful.

Keep preparing yourself.


Abhorrent and Abominable...

U.S. Will Pay $2.6 Million to Train Chinese Prostitutes to Drink Responsibly on the Job

^I'd laugh if this wasn't so wretched. Your taxes at work, keeping the hookers in China sober!

Hurricane Katrina victims still in Trailers

Make you sick?

Marine Recruiter used 14 year old girl to entice recruits

What kind of world is this?


Our Vice President confronted with some tough questions:


The Ruski view on US:

American capitalism gone with a whimper

Quote, "First, the population was dumbed down through a politicized and substandard education system based on pop culture, rather then the classics. Americans know more about their favorite TV dramas then the drama in DC that directly affects their lives."

Except you, and I. Its good to know your not alone. I'm happy to announce that House Resolution 1207, now has 182 co-sponsors. Lets hope at least one good thing gets rammed through congress this year. We NEED answers.

How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!

With Love,

Joshua F.

1 comment:

  1. I know this may not be the most appropriated place to insert this but I felt like it was interesting and maybe you would like to know- next spring video games are going to be different... forever:

    The XBox one really made me think, this just isn't the future of gaming, this is the future of society. There are already self automated check out stands at the grocery store, soon, we'll be talking to animated personalities at McDonalds and Blockbuster. And not in 20 years- in two. It's crazy to think that factories with human workers will probably have computer bosses that know their names and faces and when they are screwing off and when they are hung over and when they are stealing something based solely on their facial expression, because, after all, computers could be much more discerning than humans, you could call in sick and the computer would just run a voice scan to see if you are being honest. The world of tomorrow is terrifying....
