Thursday, June 11, 2009


News, I wish it was the good ship lolly-pop.

Indicators of the Onslaught:

U.S. Foreclosure Filings Top 300,000 as Bank Seizures Loom

This a big wonderful country, the crash is slow and painful. I recommend Kenny Roger's music.

Americans' wealth drops $1.3 trillion

Thats right 1,300,000,000,000

Investor's Business Daily:
$1,000,000,000,000 In 8 Months

Quote, "Congress was considering legislation that would authorize the debt ceiling of the U.S. to exceed $1 trillion for the first time in history. "

Its very strange how this is unfolding you and I both learn more everyday. Remember the Baltic Dry Index plunge? This is still in play, its just taken longer to wind down than I ever thought. Shortages are coming.

Market Skeptics:
California Leads Nation to Bond Default Abyss

Good News!
HR 1207 is heading for the Floor!

Breaking News: Ron Paul’s HR1207 Gets House Majority Co-sponsorship

Heaven's to Betsey! The Fed is actually hiring lobbyists to fight this.

Wall Street Journal:
Fed to Hire Lobbyist as Overhaul Push Looms

I'm sure this won't stop here, these crooks are vicious. I feel that they'll do what ever it takes to keep control and secrecy over our money supply. Its like the ring of power, literally.


The Pandemic:

They called level 6. We knew this was going to happen eventually. This scale is specifically used to adjust our fear level.

The implications of level 6 are what we need to be wary of.

Readying Americans for Dangerous, Mandatory Vaccinations


The people of the world have eyes on the US, specifically us its citizens. We are the vanguard for what is left of the free people of the World. However far we fall, however much control and tyranny we accept, they know it will be their lot as well. Freedom, real Freedom is our responsibility to the world and to those yet to come.

That which hath been is now; and that which is to be hath already been; and God requireth that which is past.

With Love,

Joshua F.

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